I don’t know everything, I don’t pretend to.
There’s a lot of folks in here that have been in this game a long time, as well.
If there’s any newbs in here that need some questions answered, this would be the post for it. Us oldheads can shoot some links over. If you’re an experienced researcher, but have the desire to discuss a particular topic, I’m also all-ears.
I plan on making a detailed writing sometime in the near-future about my experiences in the conspiracysphere.
The most important conclusion I’ve come to, and early on, is that a vast majority outside these spaces have absolutely no interest in learning how the sausage is made.
best way to protect savings for tge upcoming crash? physical precious metals not an option
Life Insurance, believe it or not. The Ultrawealthy don't fuck with the market. They put their money in Life Insurance like Index Universal Life policies. When you put your savings into it, your money grows based on an index like the S&P 500. But if the market crashes, you don't lose any money. Once the market recovers you start where you left off and keep growing while everyone else is spending years trying to recover what they had.
It's also a completely liquid savings account. You can take money out any time. You can also borrow against the Death Benefit and you never have to pay it back. This is great for retirement.
This only works if you are young enough or you have a nice fat chunk of money and you need to be healthy (Life insurance!) to qualify.
If you're too old and not healthy. Then look at annuities with guaranteed income for life.
The ultrawealthy put their newborns on an IUL. This is the way the wealthy pass their wealth from one generation to next. Life insurance death benefits are tax free. This way the family doesn't have to liquidate the estate to pay estate taxes. They don't need to shut down and liquidate the business or sell the real estate....etc. All thanks to life insurance. Creditors also can't get to the life insurance proceeds. The family is free and clear with millions and the fully intact estate to boot. But whats killer are all the living benefits you get. Look up Premium Financing. Look up infinite banking.
thats really interesting. i will definitely look it up. hope its not an elite family exclusive deal though!
because the scenario i have in mind is not only the stock market crash, but something bigger, something more coordinated.
I think the dollar will implode due to a liquidity crisis, meaning only people with physical cash, gold and maybe tbills will "survive" and scoop up all the other hard assets for a penny. Or they will hack some central bank, fed, bis, blame it on AI, china or iran. All the numbers on the screen of everyone will be erased.
In both cases the solution will be to reset the economy with cbdc and gov willl give out this free cbdc so the newly formed giga slave class doesnt rebel.
in those cases, im not sure the insurance company would be honoring the deal you know? maybe for a ultrawealthy family but for anyone else idk. thoughts?
You’re likely correct. When it does go to CBDC it will likely be tied to the mark of the beast at some point via a chip in the hand or forehead. Can google the Microsoft patent or look up videos to see that has already been created. Can also see real life example of it being used via chipgirl on TikTok (not 100% sure she’s still around, that was a while ago). With that being the case… living pretty far from a future smart city with tangible goods, like minded people, and a means to protect your property is your best investment imo.
I have two of these policies and they have been amazing. Only reason I’ve ever been able to afford down payments on my current and previous homes. This, 100% for your kids or if you’re in your 20s. Not so much if you’re in your 30s. Don’t expect to get rich off this though… Fixed rate growth is only about 4%ish, but it’s safer than Wall Street.
Your guess is good as mine.
I think the best way to protect anything that’s truly yours is with guns.
And they almost always go up in value, unless it’s a super rare calibered collector item. That market varies.
Get a few for you, and some for close friends and family. Form a posse. If the looters and killers come, unleash your inner rooftop Korean.
Tangible goods. The means to survive, protect, and build. This means food, weapons, tools, land, friends and family, experience, etc. The world is heading towards a complete crash at some point. Bible tells us that our days wages will basically get us our daily bread during the tribulation (which we will be here for for 3 1/2 years). Don’t be locked into that. Try and have some stuff stocked away with a long shelf life.