I wouldn’t know. I can see how it might be deceptively edited, but there is no narration and minimal subtext. It’s actual footage from the times.
The only things in the US we know and are told about and remember:
1.The Berlin wall fell
2.Yeltsin was an alcoholic
3.Putin took power
—- This goes into the Russian vets returning from Afghanistan, how the oligarchs came to be by buying stock certificates en masse from poor people…How the US came in and fucked with the Russians and exploited them when they first started feeling out capitalism… Tanks firing on parliament…
I think it was entertaining and since it’s actual stock footage, has some historical value.
Hi, SPLC! I think you’re literally the worst scum on the planet, and I hope you all realize one day that all of your anxiety and depression meds that you take daily in order to survive are due to the lifestyle of pretending to care about poorsies and hating them in your heart, and your demonic desires to help them murder their young in the womb.
Oceangate- “gate,” euphemistic suffix since “watergate” already in the title of company
CEO’s wife- her great grandparents allegedly died on TITANIC
The name of the vessel was Titan- The largest moon of Saturn is called what?
Oceangate is based in Everett Washington. The two largest employers in Everett are Boeing and The US Navy. And the best they could do with all the engineering brains in that town was this flimsy craft!? One last thing…
Everett was founded with an $800,000 (21MM in 2021 adj for inflation) direct grant from John D. Rockefeller.
Hang in there, bud, you’ll come back from this in a big way— I’m sure you had backups. Gab, Telegram, bitchute— heck, you probably have enough videos to just perma-livestream a channel that repeats on a loop every 2-3 hours…
Only a matter of time before one of those big-balled conspiracy-world kings like Alex Jones or Owen Benjamin or someone platforms you to their audience.
You gotta cut it with water.