milab77 1 point ago +2 / -1

Where I am, the kids go to the library once a week at their school and check out a book they find there, yes. This is normal. This was done when I was a kid and it is done at every school I know of. I am surprised that there are schools where they do not do this. If they don't do this, why even have a school library?

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you get a chance read The Body Electric by, I think it's Bender. He's a bone doctor and researcher-- he developed a way to help bad breaks heal with electric signals which is widely used today. The problem is not the thermal effects or the radiation itself- the problem is that the body uses a lot of electrical signalling internally, and a lot of the effects relate to frequency and resonance more than just intensity, and it is not well understood. Since it is not well understood and a lot of money is at stake, it is even less well understood-- business agendas come into play, and the science becomes an economic battlefield.

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drag Queens are men who take on the role of the objectified object of desire. The point of Drag Queens is that they objectify themselves. Why is it important to teach this to children? If you believe that self-objectification is laudable, that's fine, but don't expect everyone to share your values! And don't try to force their children to share your values! Why not have story hours with tradespeople or story hours with artists? The whole point is to push a lewd, objectifying view of humans onto children.

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

And when you obviously know you're lying, what's the point in arguing? Only as a performance for third parties. If it were about acceptance and inclusion, there would be TRANS Story hours. Drag Queens are not a genos, they are not a protected class of citizens, it is a PERFORMANCE MODE. You people are spewing all this nonsense and acting self-righteous but you just look like fools, because there is no sense in which any of it actually makes sense, you're just playing psychological games for your little smirking posse of child diddlers

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

You people are crazy. What is a Drag Queen? We know that transgender people are NOT Drag Queens. What is a Drag Queen? What kind of entertainment do they offer? You guys act like complete idiot children. I have been to Wigstock, I have been to innumerable drag queen cabarets, it's something you're exposed to if you live in NYC. Every single Drag Queen act I have EVER seen has been thematically lewd. The entire theme of Drag Queens is to act out a sexually lewd, suggestive, double-entendre spewing character. Why does everyone pretend that they do not know this? I'll tell you why, it's because you people are completely tendentious, dishonest, gaslighting pricks, that's why!

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's already happened. I talked to an old friend on Facebook yesterday and I am pretty sure I was talking to AI instead of the friend. You know how you just know your friend's style.

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

The worst thing in the article was, someone said, I think Judge A-T, that pimps were targeting the daughters of judges and law enforcement. SICK!

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a crazy out there take, but I enjoy those. There is an old Russia-China rivalry that I'm sure the CIA is trying hard to reignite, whether or not there's any truth in the idea that Putin is being exploited by Xi in a one-way fashion is beyond my ken but it does seem that they have formed a mutually beneficial partnership for the time being from this dark closet at least.

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're one to talk, didn't you invade Neustria in 716?!?!??!

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never heard about the USSR invading West Germany in 1953. That's strange because it's the kind of thing you think people would mention.

by DrLeaks
milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

I, for one, thought it was a well researched and sourced article (the substack, not the OP's main link.) https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and-their

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone pissed Elsa off! Seriously, Clif High prepped us for this years ago. Said that as the pole shift approaches there will be these kind of "cold explosions." So I'm seeing it in this context. But at this point I keep an open mind that ANYTHING can be propaganda (at this point, even what your buddy tells you is probably propaganda) So if it were weather war, (and I do think we can expect to see more weather warfare) it could either be Russia and China attacking North Americans, or the USA's own bankers, military etc, attacking North Americans. One scenario is that they know pole shift is coming, and are culling the herd to prepare. I've been reading about "The Cybernetics Group" which was a societal mind-control operation started in the 40's. It was part of the impetus for the creation of the digital computer. Basically, with enough data and good enough models, they should be able to do things like (change this year's car colors) and (affect an election result) or whatever. I think around 2000 and 2012 they handed over more power to the AI at the center of this project, which is why things have been getting weirder and weirder. The Cybernetics Group is acknowledged to have created, for example, the modern soyboy, by creating Dr. Spocks' Baby and Child Care. So in any case, it bears keeping in the back of the mind that these peoples' tactics are sometimes hard to read. They may be, here's a hypothetical example, feminizing the Army just because women are more likely to commit genocide, while they teach in schools that women are 100% proven to be less likely to commit genocide. So if you were trying to figure that one out from within the con narrative, you'd have a hell of a time. So maybe it's a cold explosion to traumatize 4% of the children in a particular way, or to raise the price of fuel yet more, or whatever. These people are so tricky, the main thing to do is pray, choose a guiding set of principles and stick with them, and pray some more.

milab77 0 points ago +1 / -1

Take for example, white supremacy. All you have to do is mention white supremacy, which I don't even know what it means but it's supposed to be bad, near the word Republican enough times, and the bad stuff from "white supremacist" eventually rubs off onto "Republican" even though the terms are unrelated.

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

What does "enforcement of election integrity policy" mean? For all I know it means they can wrap you in spider silk and turn you into jelly

by DrLeaks
milab77 4 points ago +4 / -0

I love it. They're letting the people tell the truth a little bit. Must be the hammer is set to come down soon! They usually let people talk about the truth a little and then they bring the hammer down, that's to teach people not to talk about the truth

milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's just like thinking all Italians are in the Mafia. Clearly the vast majority of Jews are victims of their own elites just like every other group. Most Italians have no idea what the Mafia is up to and don't benefit from it. Same thing, lots of Jews don't even know there is a Jewish mafia and don't get anything from it. Just like the German people as a whole didn't support Hitler, but they ended up reaping the consequences for his usurpation. In fact I recently found out that Prussia, which was blamed for WWII and banned from existence, actually tried to stop the Nazi takeover in Germany just before their Berlin government was couped by the Nazis. Similarly your average Canadian is not complicit in and does not help plan the crimes of the British Royal Family. I have spent my whole life speaking out against the crimes of the CIA and I deny that they act for me or represent my interests in any way. It's the exact same thing. This is obvious.

by pkvi
milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well of course abuse is also a recruitiment channel into the Borg. The ones who take to it prize the visible symbols of membership and seldom give up the life. They hate the ones who escape.

by pkvi
milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know if you've read it, but Carrol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope is quite the doorstopper oldschool redpill, anyhow he points out that banks can print tons of money without inflation IF and ONLY if it is used to purchase vast amounts of treasure, resources, etc. which are then DESTROYED. I may have it wrong and I don't quite understand it. But there's some way in which capital destruction (war) balances out fiat currencies. It's like a blood sacrifice on a high conceptual level. Anyhow I'll have to get that book out and reread it to try and remember what that was all about.

milab77 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dude is getting gangstalked! Normies will think he's crazy, unfortunately

by DrLeaks
milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember when they put this woman on TV, and she got this dreamy look in her eyes and started talking about how sexy rape is, and then they shut down the interview real quick. That was only about 4 years ago, I guess everyone forgot and they'll trot her back out

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

You'd expect to see symptoms like this after the mass vax, wouldn't you

milab77 5 points ago +5 / -0

They're basically working their way toward outlawing the opposition party

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