I don't know if you've read it, but Carrol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope is quite the doorstopper oldschool redpill, anyhow he points out that banks can print tons of money without inflation IF and ONLY if it is used to purchase vast amounts of treasure, resources, etc. which are then DESTROYED. I may have it wrong and I don't quite understand it. But there's some way in which capital destruction (war) balances out fiat currencies. It's like a blood sacrifice on a high conceptual level. Anyhow I'll have to get that book out and reread it to try and remember what that was all about.
Might as well burn your USD, if you have any.
I don't know if you've read it, but Carrol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope is quite the doorstopper oldschool redpill, anyhow he points out that banks can print tons of money without inflation IF and ONLY if it is used to purchase vast amounts of treasure, resources, etc. which are then DESTROYED. I may have it wrong and I don't quite understand it. But there's some way in which capital destruction (war) balances out fiat currencies. It's like a blood sacrifice on a high conceptual level. Anyhow I'll have to get that book out and reread it to try and remember what that was all about.