cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

Particularlly one conducted by a "University" that absolutely depends on staying on the good side of Government, in order to get those sweet Federal Grants.

cant_even 1 point ago +2 / -1

...but if you're gonna postulate that, you have to show there was 'caloric infrastructure' (as in, a food supply-chain) to power the slaves' muscles.

cant_even 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't relax, English-speakers: When any 5-eyes country announces "research" like this, you can bet all the others are in on it also.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

SouthPark "Chef" had the cure...

cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone have an idea on how to download this?

cant_even 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hogg has always rubbed me the wrong way: Here's a golden oldie from that "R" website...

Oh; the "David Hogg" that got into Harvard with a 1270 SAT? I always thought that stunk to high heaven. Look at his subsequent tweets; he writes like a strung-out high schooler. "hist", "boarder"?

Hogg is a plant. Maybe even a Manchurian Candidate. Consider this:

David Hogg will be unliked by his peers for being a controlling, fascist wannabe. They'll dislike being in class with him because he'll be an exceptional brown-noser and will stir the pot by making everything a social justice issue. He'll have poor grades because he's just not that smart.

Poor grades, loner, social outcast. Throw in some 'depression meds' and you have a future school shooting. Only the timing is in question, but you can bet it'll be at an 'effective' moment.

cant_even 5 points ago +5 / -0

In some 'vibrant cultures' and "castle-doctrine states" blocking someone's car is known to be prelude to a carjack or kidnapping.

Some states in the US define the blocking of cars (preventing escape from situations) as "illegal detention" or 'unlawful arrest' and allow use of deadly force in resistance; just like kidnapping and rape.

cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0


JooTube censored the closed-captioning where in the verse where he sang about "his gun"!

cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh, goody; off to stockpile incandescent bulbs this week.

How long until the "LED wonder-lights" are 'smart' and "connected"?

by DrLeaks
cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm getting out front and pro-actively donating my total allocation of up-coming "covid vaccinations" to the needy and 'under-served'.

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was ALWAYS 'going to be using fake data'.

Here's the real basis of 'AI': From Dune by Frank Herbert.

Mr. Herbert called it.

That's the exact reason why "AI" is already a lost cause. The same old 'men using the machines' as were in charge before.

The pattern for use of "AI" in public policy, and the mass human-programming it'll bring about, is already established by those men:

Perpetual bias- and counter-bias-tweaking resulting in Party-line GIGO that "miraculously confirms" the Current Narrative^®.

by pkvi
cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

As long as the fiction of "market values" and 'ratings agencies' continues, the masses of asses will remain inert. They'll continue marching toward the kill floor.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

"dengue fever"

That's been in Del Rio TX for decades.

by pkvi
cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

I submit it's:

  1. Global data-vacuuming.
  2. Beaming the Western Globohomo agenda plus [Pods&Bugs!] propaganda to every designated shitting-street in the Global South.
  3. Inescapable tracking and one-click impoverishment/'un-person-hood' for "troublemakers".
cant_even 5 points ago +5 / -0

Vehicles have never been easier to disable remotely. Some models are legends due to their "steal-ability".

They also disable themselves through idioitic design choices whereby fundamental physical functions are "made smart" to the point where faults that were physically impossible previously can now 'happen', due to a combination of faulty sensors and shit software.

cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

archive link...

the "Information Superhighway" version of the "Internet" that was sold as a digital panacea to a credulous public in the 1990s, that is—is now officially dead.

by pkvi
cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you catch the name: "Regulated Liability Network"?

Guess which direction gets all the "Regulation", and which direction gets all the 'Liability'.

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