Xchr0nos 10 points ago +10 / -0

Saying it's illegal to say it's the jews reaaaaaaalllllllly makes me think it just might be the jews

Xchr0nos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wonder what happens if I just..... leave this valve open all weekend.


Xchr0nos 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is vastly underestimated by the public at large, IMO. We have data on what all of these signals do to nature so I don't understand why folks think the human body would react any differently to it than any other species..

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +2 / -1

The ancients knew the cosmos long before Judaism was a thing, tf

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cannabis was so demonized for so long that I don't really blame people for being against it, I just wish they'd actually try it themselves or talk to a handful of decent doctors about it.

I can also see the POV that it keeps people complacent and lazy; there's definitely a validity to that but no more than alcohol and alcohol is literally poison.

Personally I smoke as needed. Usually half a j at 5AM before work and the other half at lunch. In the evenings I'm a bit more liberal with it but not so much that it interferes.

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +1 / -0

With a quick search you can find an FBI document, or at least FBI IIRC, documenting an agreement made with "interdimensional" beings by the US govt not long after Roswell. Same year, I think.

I put interdimensional in quotes because that's their words. And it could very well be a distraction, who knows. But it's interesting

Xchr0nos 2 points ago +2 / -0

The warm period we're in is unnatural. It's lasted longer than usual in the so-called record, with ice ages kinda being the common thing. You have warmer inter-glacial periods but they're short.

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try zinc as well. I take C and zinc and it helps with most everything, I get vitamin D naturally as I'm outside all the time so I don't take it.

Xchr0nos 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was on Sesame Street? Forgive me I just haven't been keeping up lately, kinda took a break from all the bs for a couple weeks

by DrLeaks
Xchr0nos 2 points ago +2 / -0

At least the doc quoted in that article seems to have some fucking common sense

Xchr0nos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems like the 18 year old took it on her own. For the baby though, most definitely

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +1 / -0

I freed myself years ago, at least in the sense that you're talking about.

There WILL be a resistance. Whether it'll be too late or not remains to be seen. I have little faith in humanity but I see hopeful signs here and there - more things I see in my local community than online. Folks are preparing. Have been for a while.

Fuck some 2 more weeks shit. I never bought into it. I've resigned myself to the fact that we're marching steadily towards communism or worse. However, I'll never be a slave to it.

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think a littler further back to Sumer. And maybe even farther than that. The 10 commandments probably go back farther as well. I honestly feel like following any religion - with good intentions anyway - is a good starting point even if you're not particularly religious. I'm spiritual but I don't partake in any organized religion though I do champion many of the underlying ideas behind them. The Golden Rule, etc. I simply try to live as wholesome as a life as possible, high frequency shit. Love is the highest frequency and most religions teach love above all.

It's a hard row to hoe, especially in this day and age. But the path is neverending and we're always learning and passing that knowledge on.

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Individual citizens refusing to pay taxes, etc, isn't going to do much good. Millions doing it, then we'd be getting somewhere - and I'm sure millions are at this point.

But that doesn't stop daddy government from doing whatever then fuck the want, at least for now. There's only one way to forcibly stop that and that's something that I feel getting closer - I think all of us do that pay attention - but it's not here yet. And you'll get called a fed for suggesting it so

by DrLeaks
Xchr0nos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lizzid people!

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you have kids? I'm not suggesting you should to try to fix anything. It just sounds like you don't feel like you have a purpose and that's what I really mean by the question. If no kids, then what is your purpose, what is the thing that brings you a modicum of sanity and relief?

If there's nothing - which I understand completely, I've been there - then I don't know what to tell you. You're the only one that can decide if life is worth it or not. I hope you find peace

Xchr0nos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, we never stopped either. I remember being pulled over during the 2 weeks bullshit and having to show cops a screenshot of a letter cause the contractor I usually sub for was too cheap to print them off.

We did temp checks when you first came on the job for like 3 days. After that, everyone was like fuck that and went back to normal.

Xchr0nos 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was a culling. For what, I have no idea - unless it ties in to 2030 somehow.

Xchr0nos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Starshield has entered the chat. I'm just talking shit though, I haven't look into it enough to know if it would be feasible to spread HAARP out amongst the thousands of Starlink satellites. Either way, though, the Starshield side of it is still unnerving.

Xchr0nos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Actually a solid doc. It says a lot but it's not blatant about the goals of TPTB. I enjoyed the fact that most of it is a discussion of the known health impacts of EMFs

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