VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nah, hundreds of years ago people had WAY more time to just think, there were no alarm clocks, people were aligned with their natural circadian rhythm, the vast majority of work was simple labor, whether it was a man chopping wood or a woman washing the linens, human life was far more natural for our species, most people today in the first world have absolutely no clue how unnaturally complicated and hectic their lives are, it's the complete opposite of laziness being the problem, most people have hardly any time to just EXIST and not have to spend mental energy on anything for a while, when they do get those couple hours to just sit and relax, they are too mentally exhausted for some wondrous philosophical journey full of wit and prose, their brains are fucking melted and they just stare mindlessly at dumb shit on a screen, all the best discussions and respectful debates I ever had were with coworkers at labor jobs

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Idk but I think a lot of these types experience a psychological chain reaction that goes like this:

They genuinely believe that people who don't buy into trans ideology are just a bunch of violent rightwing extremists with guns, they perceive it like a villain group in an anime or something

They genuinely believe that this particular villain group rules everything and doesn't allow them to roleplay as the opposite sex and is put there killing trannies left and right

They genuinely believe that there has been some long genuine effort by trannies to gain widespread social acceptance, as opposed to ruining womens sports, raping women in prison and being obsessed with grooming young children right up to including bodily mutilation

They then conclude that the only way to defeat the villain group is to become the villain group, and they see this as some super deep thing, like the edgiest of edgelords to ever exist

Then the next thing you know they're out in public in the midst of this full blown psychosis where they see themselves as some super philosophically deep antihero fighting against the evil nazi anime villain group

Like it's fucking nuts but if you study them long enough there's an actual pattern to it

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a large part of what they wanted to prove though, that under the 'right' circumstances white men would devolve into the same useless eaters, ant people and helpless victims as everyone else, a huge factor in all of this has been an effort to prove that white men are not special, that they too can be conditioned to act like whiny cows, taking no responsibility and just blaming everyone else for everything while being led by the nostrils to their own downfall, most white men have become their very own version of didndunuffin while they blame literally everyone else on earth (jews, chinese, women, mexicans, older people, younger people, etc)

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The process is too emotional, which ironically the same scripture also warn against, how deceptive and treacherous "the heart" can be, but you've got people who truly don't feel any remorse for doing "bad" things and many feel quite justified, righteously justified even, and you've got people who feel terrible/guilty about things that the scriptures are pretty cool with, if repentance is a combination of remorse and confession then it's just way too emotional and subjective, chaotic and prone to irrationality, simply telling the truth regardless of emotions is a far more straight and narrow approach, more reliable and ultimately more sane, the "confession" part people can control, emotional factors like feeling guilt, remorse, sadness, fear, etc is all just roll of the dice on your limbic system development, emotions are physiological mechanisms not spiritual ones

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

In every situation like this there are people who know it's just a party and people who take everything very seriously, it's amusing unto itself but a significant majority of Trump's popularity came from autistic memelords on 4chan, you'll notice way less pepe frogs and pede references in pro trump communities ever since the party has been over

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most women don't like men who pretend to be women, there's a subtle but visceral response, and if you really study female behavior in the real world, when a woman goes silent in response to a question it's because she feels she is being threatened, and being the physically weaker of the sexes women tend to pause and assess a situation when they feel threatened, that's also how you can tell if a woman is only pretending to feel threatened, I really get the impression that most men who post here rarely interact with women in real life, it's like most are getting their concept of "reality" from memes and rage bait, not much different from the people who form "reality" based on liberal 'comedy' talk shows and CNN headlines

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Similarly minded people coming together socially on the internet was a historical event, not an ongoing perpetual thing. It happened and it passed. At this point the people who pay attention still pay attention. The people who know, know. The people who don't want to know, still don't. The people who don't pay attention, still don't. Nothing really changed. But it was a cool experience for a few years 'meeting' everybody and having some fun. But you can only discuss the same handful of topics so much before it gets pointless.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tbh at this point I'm genuinely wondering if it was all a massive psyop, like everyone got saline shots and when several different locations were like hey this is saline we got a handful of headlines going "whoops some places got saline by accident but anyway moving on" and they're playing both sides of the controversy including the people claiming to find all the blood clots and everything with the menstrual cycles etc just to kick up a bunch of placebo and hysteria reactions, meanwhile it was all saline the whole time, remember all the animals in the pre human trials died, the idea of then going straight to humans with no successful animal trials is why it was so insane and why most of us braced for a lot of people to die within months, it's beyond absurd to think that all the animals died but then big pharma got it right on their first human try, so what's left that makes sense, it was all saline the whole time

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think we're still waiting on widespread self awareness, which I mean, good luck I guess. If 10 kids are brutalized or killed to make a fancy accessory for the killers and abusers to sell, is it ethical to buy the fancy accessory? Does buying the fancy accessory make someone guilty of supporting the killing and abuse? Is ignorance an excuse in this modern world with such readily available information? Truth is TPTB love it when we blame them for everything and act like helpless innocent victims ourselves. We're still functional little cogs in their death and suffering machine. The next step in enlightenment is reeeeeally uncomfortable and collectively we're not ready. We probably won't see it in our lifetimes.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tbh looks a lot like a deep sea creature, a lot of stuff at the darkest depths of the ocean looks extremely abstract and weird like that and viruses are essentially liquid/water environment creatures, so there's probably some fun theory to play around with there

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was a really obvious troll guys, he sets up his story with the lab being AT the clinic, a clinic that is just for women and in the midwest, and he looks at pap smears which women get done maybe once a year when they are old enough to be getting tested for cervical cancer, but he's also somehow seen enough pap smears to get statistics by the thousands, but also has to use a huge degree of estimation (200-300) not actual data, then he ends with just wholesale making up funny shit like "K9+" lmao, how did this troll even work

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have yet to meet a real life person who watches stuff like this, it's an almost universally weird display, the princess puff sleeve outfits and a shirt covered in chains as the print, the mixture of ones that are overt loonies and ones that act like robots, the overall weird ugly background setting like it's supposed to be a poorly done kitchen in ikea, and the lack of any remotely interesting discussion content, seriously I wouldn't be surprised if viewer numbers are artificially inflated in the same way bots are used online, and the viewer numbers are still piss poor, like seriously who the hell watches this stuff, maybe it's sometimes played in nursing home lobbies or something?

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

People were stealing long before self checkout lmao

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The divide is really between the desperately delusional and those with pragmatic clarity. Look at any dumpster fire thread about voting for a perfect example. You know the people who act like voting can fix things are just as far gone as the men who insist they are women. But the people who know better typically aren't even in those threads. They're in the prepping threads instead.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm convinced they're going to put mrna shit in the livestock without the people's knowledge or consent, if they haven't already, and there simply won't be enough natural meat to go around, prices will be at a premium, most people won't be able to afford it, most people already can't afford land to hunt, and there won't be a way for the common person to confirm if the meat they do get is genetically natural or not

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are we really up in here pretending that a vast majority of vaxxed men won't lie to unvaxxed women in order to get laid, even conspiracy theorists have somehow reversed their understanding of the 2 genders, this species is toast

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's really weird to me is that I've known and worked with several very obese people and their relevant behavioral habits weren't actually different from everyone else's, it wasn't like they refused to move around as much as everyone else and their meals weren't unusually large nor ridiculous things compared to what everyone else was eating, the only way it made sense to me was if they were binge eating secretly when alone? Because I'm not talking about people being a bit chubby but rather full blown morbid obesity.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The relationship that always gets mysteriously left out in these explanatory theories is the relationship men have with each other. That was the first line of defense that fell and it fell hard. Men are supposed to police each other, hold each other accountable, hold each other to high standards. Men didn't used to tolerate other men being disrespectful (let alone abusive or predatory) towards women or children. This was the first social norm to be taken down, so that instead western men would build camaraderie around their moral failures. Mind your own business, everyone is guilty anyway. This is what started the domino effect. More and more women became deeply unhappy and stressed in their marriages, less and less women felt safe or secure. This allowed the steps that followed in tptb destroying the family. Things will never get fixed unless western men can take responsibility again, but too many are still seduced by the narrative that "then one day, for no reason at all, women were willing to consider the government as an alternative spouse".

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eggs are traditionally an economical staple food for dense nutrition which the working poor rely on, and eggs are also used in a LOT of baking recipes which plays into wheat flour being their economical staple for pure energy purposes. This is a test for a reaction from the working poor. Much of what they do is a 'testing of the water' with different demographics to see what can cause widespread backlash vs what different people have become hopelessly apathetic about. They need to know these things in order to engineer controlled chaos. I can almost guarantee that a group of black cops filming themselves sadistically murdering an innocent black man is also a controlled test to see how different demographics react, especially as far as testing which group triggers the masses more: cops or white people.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk what's so hard to understand about this. If I hate 2 douchebags I'm certainly not going to discourage douchebag A from beating the shit out of douchebag B. That doesn't mean I suddenly like douchebag A. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay but just keeping it is 100% real here, is a civilization that will passively allow big pharma to cut little kids genitals off a civilization worth saving? Because personally I really don't think so. I used to think most people were just scared to take a stand first, and that if just a few brave men stood up first then most people would stand up with them. That's what the history books implied, that was the pervasive notion about humanity spanning all manner of fictional stories as well (movies and such). But even that doesn't work anymore. People will just stand there and watch while an old lady gets brutalized by police for not wearing a piece of useless yet hazardous cloth on her face. Compare to only a few generations ago how the men of a town would do a citizens arrest on cops trying to evict an old widow from her home. Collectively we are so fallen from grace it's just time to pull the plug. Nihilism used to be nonsensical and pathetic but now it's the only alternative to some lone wolf clown world shit.

VanillaBean 10 points ago +10 / -0

Also we were all accidentally right about the mrna injections being bad news, it wasn't that we spotted the several very obvious red flags, just broken clock shit.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn't matter at all because by the time they're going after people for naughty internet posts best believe they'll be going after people for totally fabricated internet posts, it'll be no different from how they type up a manifesto overnight for their latest heavily groomed schizo. There is no reason to fear the "rules" being created by people who have zero regard for "rules" anyway. They will eventually come for anyone and everyone who doesn't overtly submit whether there are naughty internet posts or not. Truly no reason to give a fuck.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Boils down to frequent misdiagnosis, anything that produces sensory processing symptoms or even just symptoms that only seem to be sensory processing related (but actually aren't) can be misdiagnosed as autism, it's the same situation with ADHD, it's more often a misdiagnosis than an accurate one, so when a significant portion of autistics aren't actually autistic but were misdiagnosed then naturally that really muddies the waters when it comes to experimental treatments, ie Karen thinks a dewormer helped or even cured her son's autism because her son was never autistic in the first place just misdiagnosed

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think there's a sliver of sanity in the madness but ironically that sliver of sanity is what we're actually up against, our lives are so wayward and unnatural now in the modern world compared to thousands of years living in ways natural to our species, many people are fucking tired, don't underestimate just how many want to return to a much more natural and simple life, which is what will be perceived as the offer with a total collapse and "reset", the idea of returning to a simple and natural way of life, the many forms of violence and horror will come as a surprise, in truth they are not insane, they are driven by a natural sanity, but they are stupid and they will be deceived

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