VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly, maybe tptb originally intended a war, but western civilization has been so utterly domesticated, people are in a fantasy dream state, it's like the dystopian virtual reality scenario was implemented multiple generations ago, even in parts of the U.S. we pretend are full of patriots in the grass hissing "don't tread on me" what is actually there are a bunch of obese guys who don't know how to coordinate effectively with others on a team, let alone under pressure, they imagine scenarios of waiting it out in a basement with cans of beans and spam until someone else does all the fighting, and they imagine being able to defend their home versus the U.S. military or a huge mob, like they watched Ruby Ridge and Waco and thought "yeah the military and alphabets are way more advanced now than back then but I could still totally win unlike those people" tptb are not concerned, they fake concern here and there to feed into these delusions, "look guys it's scared haha" it is not scared, at all

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Notre Dame about to change in sudden and unexpected ways

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's entirely possible, maybe they genuinely tried to make the mrna "safe and effective" but totally failed and simply didn't care because their goal was more so related to "vaccine passports" anyway but then too many athletes and kids started dying of suddenly and the whole thing fell apart

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

This kinda goes all the way back to the Romans (iirc), the Romans conquered but didn't genocide, they allowed the pharisees and their people to remain where they were and carry on with their religious and cultural practices but under Roman control, the jews as a collective people have maintained that relationship with white civilizations ever since, so it has been a looong time being used to the same thing, ie being absorbed into a white host civilization and trying to get the upper hand over time, even after given Israel, their own exclusive civilization funded and protected by western nations to make historical amends, the jews there still don't really seem to have a natural inclination to build their own independence, it's like they don't really want it, which is kind of bewildering to basically every other culture, since basically every other culture wants as much independence (self sustainability) as possible

VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

He was a eugenics nutcase but he also had solid answers to help the German people rise out of poverty, most people are not aware of how bad the poverty in German had become, people were desperate and Hitler's crazy ass had strong economic answers, so they turned a blind eye to his evil nutcase beliefs, which by the way were also extremely popular among leftists in the U.S., most people don't know that either, Hitler was inspired by leftist eugenicists in the U.S. Anyway point being that if Germany had been economically healthy then the people would have probably ignored Hitler, but because they were so desperate they accepted his evil in exchange for economic salvation.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly lol, the muppets used Trump to polarize the hell out of the country, tds is fuckin real, and meanwhile by making Trump out to be this 4d chess meme god who was going to single handedly defeat the entire nwo, tptb got nearly everyone on the right under sycophantic hypnosis so no matter how much he lets them down they are holding onto him for dear life, trump could literally take a shit on the constitution on live tv and maga drones would spin it as a 4d qanon chess move, this has ALL been according to plan, TRUST THE PLAN lmao

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

Q people are the basement dwelling autist larpers of the right, they are just like their autist leftist counterparts, one side hypes themselves into thinking surely Trump is done for this time and the other side hypes themselves into thinking surely Trump will save us all this time, anyone who was ever expecting autist larpers to save the country has committed treason against basic logical sense, so called patriots in this pampered pussy nation just always need it to be someone else's fault and someone else's responsibility, so yall pretend that you totally would've had a revolution if only it hadn't been for Q, no you would not have, that's your own damn larp to make yourself feel better

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

How far can they push those headlines though, still waiting for an entire sports team to die suddenly of natural causes like sudden adult death syndrome from getting too happy after winning a game

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The whole western world is about to implode, don't sell out your convictions for nothing

by pkvi
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's already too late, enjoy life how you can while you can, don't waste a single day

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because tptb are screaming in the faces of maga that trump is controlled opposition and watching in awe as the spell still isn't broken, more emboldened than ever in their belief that the human spirit isn't real and every human brain is just a hackable machine

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see them here and there, but there were tons of pregnant women during the lockdowns, every day saw at least one so imagine how many nobody saw because they weren't leaving home, at least in my area I think a lot of people are currently raising that round of kids, what's to be seen is how many survive if they're all getting jabbed with mrna

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

More like science itself is dead, really. Scientists used to have no problem with admitting when they didn't know the answer. They were focused on trying to find answers but when they didn't know, they didn't know, and it was chill. Now it's mostly just agenda, money and ego.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd imagine that just like any other hair color it's not unique to one bloodline, people focus on the hair color when the actual standout feature was that they were literally giants, skeletal remains of these giants have been found, it's not just a myth, there were literally giants in ancient times, but people focus on the hair color like that's the interesting part

VanillaBean 3 points ago +4 / -1

Well the jews are definitely not prepared to deal with the ire of black people, so that would be pretty wild to behold if it happens on a larger scale, black people don't cower and apologize and cancel themselves when someone calls them a bigot, the bad ruling class jews are very spoiled going after the ultra tame white people

by pkvi
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

What do you think would have happened differently if the Q larp had never been a thing, serious question

VanillaBean 2 points ago +4 / -2

Elon likes dystopian futuristic sci-fi story settings and wants real life to be like those movies and video games, whatever he's doing is an attempt to move in that direction, he's an autist with an edgy fantasy world in his head and just so happens to have a lot of money, it's not so different from the low income autist who became obsessed with dungeons and dragons and wishes he could live in a high fantasy setting and dresses up as a fat wizard elf, this is just how the autist brain works, awkward but harmless until one of them gets billions of dollars

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The whole concept of aliens doesn't make sense without some kind of spiritual fate/destiny/system angle to go along with it, because at this point the most logical theory of aliens wanting our planets resources, well if they were going to seize them they would've done so by now, we should've all been wiped out by now if that were the case, so if there are aliens in the mix then they have some specific interest in humanity, which most of the time is hard to imagine, I mean really how are we as a species special or valuable from a purely practical perspective, so it would have to be for some other reason, that isn't purely physical pragmatism, which really only leaves 2 possibilities left on the table, either something spiritual ie supernatural in its nature, or we're some kind of experiment, but if we're an experiment it certainly feels stale at this point, what exactly are they waiting to see happen, not ruling it out completely but again it's just getting stale because we've already consistently shown the nature of our species, for better and for worse, everything has been on rinse & repeat mode for a long time now, historically

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tbh the only significant change I've seen in the general population is that nobody wants to talk about it anymore, even the really snotty rabid karen types just want to pretend like the whole thing never happened, I think the Atlantic was just testing the waters to see how people would react if they did acknowledge their own horse shit, and unsurprisingly the people who knew what was up from the beginning are still furious, so it's back to stonewalling

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's one of those things where the definition of jew changes to suit the agenda at hand at any given time, both the people who identify as jews do it and the people who don't like jews do it, big never ending smoke and mirrors performance

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk the others just look like normal women to me, couple are definitely more attractive than the others though, but only the man went all out with the heavy makeup, personally not a fan of really heavy makeup but I think these pageants tend to expect it, but more than anything I bet the other women felt like they might as well not even bother since they knew straight away he would be chosen no matter what

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was the internet becoming commonplace in the home that did it, actually, on one hand a true miracle of technology that allowed people to greatly expand their view and knowledge of the world, but on the other hand most of what there was to learn and discover was quite negative, people used to grow up feeling like their hometown was the entire world, so if you grew up in a good place the world felt like a good place, then it became the norm in the first world (via the internet) to grow up with the stark understanding that your hometown was a tiny dot on a huge planet and that most of the world is frankly fucking awful, and more people learned more and more about all the bad shit happening in their own country as well, the human brain was never designed to process all this, not for thousands of years, so yeah we had that first generation that was psychologically shellshocked and the next couple generations haven't processed it very well either, you've got 6th graders making nihilistic suicide memes like it's their generation's sense of humor ffs

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't get the animosity towards the modern phone. It's basically a huge library in a small portable form. How is it intrinsically better to spend hours reading at a library vs while sitting elsewhere like at home or while drinking coffee at the diner, or did people also have a weird hatred for spending hours reading in a library, just like with anything else honestly like why is having a map on a phone bad but a map in paper form good, etc

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