Asterix 1 point ago +2 / -1

10 yrs after the fact:

On 16 October 2012, then-Home Secretary Theresa May announced to the House of Commons that the extradition had been blocked, saying that:

Mr McKinnon is accused of serious crimes. But there is also no doubt that he is seriously ill ... He has Asperger's syndrome, and suffers from depressive illness. Mr McKinnon's extradition would give rise to such a high risk of him ending his life that a decision to extradite would be incompatible with Mr McKinnon's human rights.


Did he even see real prison for anything over 5 yrs. Did he ever show anything?

Part of project bluebeam imo

Asterix 1 point ago +2 / -1

My theory is the epstein and now this stuff is all being done to slowly normalize attraction to minors. The population idolize those people epstein hung out with and the people who idolize rappers are a different set of people.

'If they like it and do it then it's ok for me to like it and do it.'

Asterix 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. From September 2022 to November 2023, Mr. Jones produced nine songs on Mr. Combs' Love album.
  2. Mr. Jones lived with Mr. Combs for months at a time, spending holidays, birthdays, and missing major family events.
  3. Mr. Jones resided at Mr. Combs residence located in Los Angeles, California, New York City, and Miami, Florida. Mr. Jones also spent several weeks on a yacht rented by Mr. Combs in the US Virgin Islands.
  4. Throughout his time with Mr. Combs, Mr. Jones witnessed, experienced, and endured many things that went far beyond his role as a Producer on the Love album.
  5. The claims raised in this complaint have been corroborated through witness statements, video/audio recordings, and images that Mr. Jones has in his possession.
  6. Mr. Combs required Mr. Jones to record him constantly. On several occasions, Mr. Combs took Mr. Jones cellphone and began recording himself. As a result, Mr. Jones has secured HUNDREDS of hours of footage and audio recordings of Mr. Combs, his staff, and his guests engaging in serious illegal activity.
  7. Mr. Jones has secured irrefutable evidence of: a. The acquisition, use, and distribution of ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana, and mushrooms,

b. The displaying and distribution of unregistered illegal firearms, Case 1:24-cv-01457 Document 1 Filed 02/26/24 Page 7 of 73 8

c. Mr. Combs providing laced alcoholic beverages to minors and sex workers at his homes in California, New York, the U. S. Virgin Islands1, and Florida,

d. Mr. Combs Chief of Staff, Kristina Khorram (“KK”) instructing her staff to retrieve drugs so she can provide it to Mr. Combs for his consumption,

e. Christian Combs drugging and sexually assaulting a woman2 ,

f. Mr. Combs detailing how he planned to leverage his relationship with Bishop T.D. Jakes to soften the impact on his public image of Cassie Ventura’s lawsuit,

g. Yung Miami’s cousin, and or assistant sexually assaulting Mr. Jones,

h. Actor Cuba Gooding Jr. sexually harassing and assaulting Mr. Jones,

i. Rapper3 (REDACTED) on Mr. Combs yacht consorting with underaged girls, sex workers, and

j. R&B Singer4 (REDACTED) in Mr. Combs Los Angeles home consorting with underaged girls and sex workers

Asterix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ten years later, That Giliad guy axplaining truths ended up playing the role exactly what he was describing lol.


Asterix 4 points ago +4 / -0

OP from original thread link:

Here is how you can validate my claim.

Experiment nr. 1:

  1. Get a sample of those "white blood clots"
  2. Insert it into a dead rat or small animal.
  3. Bury it in a plastic container full of plant soil.
  4. Wait a month
  5. Dig it up wearing a full hazmat suit.

You will observe that the entire dead animal was used as food for that life form and that the life form has taken plant like roots into the soil.

Experiment nr 2:

  1. Get a sample of those "white blood clots"
  2. Keep it in an open jar full of sugar water + potato starch
  3. Expose it to UV light, sunlight.
  4. You will see it grow like crazy like a plant and turn purple, blue grey, become thick and look like a fucking dolphin in a jar

Ive seen PHD ten years freak out about this.

Asterix 1 point ago +3 / -2

There is a pre-planned, long-planned civil war II coming in late 2024 or 2025 if the bastards get their way.

I posted about this even before the active phase of Great Reset and before the virus was released. That's also one of the many ways I knew Jan 6th was a trap by them as soon as it was announced by Trump on Dec 19th 2020. That scam hoax trap was simply another part of all of this.

I have also already wrote in numerous occasions for several years that this will -only- happen after a split in the military

It's a pre-planned violent conflict in which the global elite scam artists who are doing the Great Reset will control both sides of the conflict with shills working for them to 'lead' both sides; and with a pre-planned outcome by them. They may even give patriots major early success in order to draw in and gather up more of them. Basically they will destroy any active patriotic opposition to the Great Reset so that the reset (overthrow of country and creation of totalitarian state) can be fully completed in the latter quarter of the decade without any other major organized opposition to it happening.

That's what they intend

The actions and words of the global elites involved in their Great Reset further confirm it all day by day as time goes on.

Be aware so that they will fail.

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