I would suggest that rather than thinking of it as a "scam", as in some type of fraud or theft in violation of the law or of regulations, it should rather thought of as a fascist psychological operation.
To break that description down, it should first be recognized that the government and corporations clearly know what each other is doing. Here's a guy saying it out loud. Think the DOJ couldn't figure that out themselves? Think corporations know that it isn't secret? Of course not. They're in it together, which is the definition of fascism.
The psyop is that everybody else who has some sort of objection to the situation can just go on with their lives believing that "something is being done". As a general rule of psychological manipulation, They can persist in any activity as long as everyone thinks "something is being done".
F.A.Q. Holidays - Church of Satan
Q: What holidays do Satanists celebrate?
A: Since Satanism is a self-centered religion, the highest holiday of the year would be the Satanist’s own birthday....
A couple of related points from our occulted history:
The name "Ireland" similarly originates from "Aryan". For example, the Aran Isles are in the mouth of Galway Bay.
Maui the island is named after Maui the Navigator, the "culture hero" who explored and settled the South Pacific. He was not some fat Polynesian but an Aryan from Persia. There is to this day a segment of the Maori population in New Zealand who have blond or reddish hair and light-colored eyes.
As I stated several times, everyone is entirely free to believe anything they wish. Anything. They do it anyway and congratulate themselves on their superiority, so who am I to try to convince them differently? A fool's errand.
For anyone observing this little interchange, you will note that their is a certain level of consciousness that needs to "prove themselves right" to others, most particularly in needing others to endorse those "authorities" they have chosen to accept. Calling their authorities, say, dumbfuck disinfo agents is a threat to their own ego, you see?
The underlying reason is that their ego requires external validation. The Gnostics called this the "drowsy" form of consciousness, although it has been called many other names. Such consciousnesses have no internal authority of their own on which to rely.
And for anyone who wishes to learn about human consciousness for themselves, I also suggest that you listen very closely to Clif High, at least as much as you can take. Thereafter, make not just a determination about Clif High, but also about what sort of consciousness can convince itself there is great value in his nonsense.
Really reflect on the fact that certain people find such material entirely factual and to contain great insight. That's a problem far beyond what dipshits say on Twitter. I hate to end with a black pill like that, but that is the situation of the world in which we find ourselves.
Or maybe we just have a shill running a patrol for another disinfo agent, right? No need to overcomplicate if we don't need to.
If anyone chooses to believe any of that, s/he should be very clear on exactly what they're believing. The closest you can get is probably summed up in this article:
27-Year-Old Webot Predicted Trump's Election Win, UFO War? What We Know (Times Now 11/18/2024)
YouTuber Keemstar on Sunday claimed that a webot software, developed in 1997, once predicted President-elect Donald Trump's election win in 2016, the Republican featuring on the Joe Rogan podcast and also a UFO and alien war. So far, two of the bot's three predictions have turned to be true. Times Now couldn't verify the influencer's claims or the bot's working.
"In 2009 Webot predicted after Trump appears on Joe Rogan ‘s podcast (made no sense in 2009 ) But exactly 39 days later there will be an Alien UFO war in the sky. 39 days later is Dec 3rd 2024," Keemstar said on X
If anyone cares to accept Keemstar's word that all the way back in 2009, Clif High predicted all this but neglected to write any of it down any place we could access it, they're free to do so. We have to take Keemstar's word because there is no evidence of any of this available.
Even lacking that, Clif High has no problem whatsoever taking credit for it without making all this clear which, now that I make it clear, tells anyone actually trying to find their way to the truth a lot of what they need to know about Clif High and the value of anything he has to say.
Everyone is free to consider this type of thing "awesome" if they so desire and, if so, good luck.
Thanks for doing the math. After seeing the result, instead of "very unusual", I should have went with "extraordinarily unlikely". Sheesh!
Actually, had this been the first time I'd ever encountered the Parkers, it really would have been a head-scratcher. Like, "Jesus, are those Simulation Theory jabronis right after all?"
Thanks for the support!
If someone in the family says they're gonna take you to visit distant relatives and you start driving up to an "Eyes Wide Shut" manor house, just say you gotta stop to get some smokes real quick and jump out the car door.
Totally agree about poor old Muammar. I think he really started to figure out just WTF was going on and was foolish/brave enough to try to tell other people what he knew.
I personally am always reminded of a tale Mark Passio tells. As a priest in the Church of Satan, he got an inside look at what they were up to and revolted. On the way out, he said, "I;m going to expose you, tell the world what you're doing."
They said, "Go ahead, they won't believe you. We could tell them ourselves and they wouldn't believe us either." Mark has been exposing them for however many years now, and it turns out the Satanists were 100% correct.
Evil people doing evil stuff is one thing. You can learn about it, expose it, etc. But coming to understand how the human psyche really works--which Passio says is the #1 subject of study for the Dark Luciferians--is quite another.
Here's some coverage from Activist Post, quoting from al-Mayadeen, further referencing Israeli media:
Israel Drops ‘Earthquake Bombs’ In Syria While Situation On The Ground Worsens, Chaos Looms (12/16/2024)
Israeli media reporting on the bombing described the aggression as a “Hiroshima in Tartus” due to the intensity of the attacks.
Meta-comment: Fairly plain, is it not? It's not like this was done far away and in secret. It's in the open and word has gotten all around. It's pointless to argue specifics with Individuals. They will either get what's going on or they will not get what's going on. This is for those that get what's going on.
Take a good look at the people in the world around you, and how very few are with you in being able to figure this out for themselves. All the others believe that somehow--magically, basically--they would "know it" if that's what was actually happening.
Now take a good look at yourself. Did you really understand that was how the human mind actually worked? That virtually everyone else had such a hard time figuring out what was going on, even with something so blatant and outrageous? Nor is anyone in "authority" anywhere in the world--who must surely be aware of the same thing--ready to acknowledge it openly because of one or another form of shitstorm that would be released thereby.
Whatever you think the problems of the world are, I humbly suggest they run very much deeper and are more intractable than you ever thought.
The same Pergamon Museum also contains the Ishtar Gate from Babylon. Intriguingly, there's no explanation as to why it has that name. The inscription does not mention Ishtar at all, but instead dedicates it to Marduk.
Just a little something for those who like to try to put two and two together.
Thank you very much! Always appreciate the support!
I do think about substack from time to time. Very lazy and I've never gotten around to it. When I do, though, I feel I'll have a comfortable backlog of material... lol
I think this is basically it. There was no stopping the juggernaut of the vax-mania, so the strategic option was to get out in front and try to sabotage it. Or should we say reverse sabotage?
Everyone has forgotten about the Johnson + Johnson vaxx. The MSM flipped their wigs when supposedly seven (yes, you read that right) people died from it. Far more, of course, were suffering and dropping dead from other vaxxs, but J+J gets pulled.
I suspect it was saline solution or 7-Up or something. So the Warp Speed/J+J plan failed. Imagine Trump trying to explain this to people. Look below for comments from supposed "conspiracy theorists" even denying the possibility.
Thank you very much for the support! I try to do my best and the encouragement really means more than you think.
It takes some effort but I can't write in any style other than my own. I always wonder, though, if people are reading it thinking, "Jeez, I wish this jackhole would just get to the point."... lol
Thanks again for your kind words. Many more writeups in the pipeline. It's crazy.
Thanks for the update and the fantastic news. I'm very glad to hear that it worked out for you and that you're keeping the knowledge flowing forward. Make America Healthy Again seems to be the catchphrase of the season!
All blessings to your family and forthcoming addition. I've really only recently come to the understanding of what a wonder a child really is: hope for the future and unlimited possibility. Seems like as a society we should be more aware of that, right?
I feel certain your child will grow up in a better world than we live in now, as long as we keep working at it. Stay strong and take care!
Thanks for your support!
I forgot to mention one thing: don't be afraid to freely alter the questions in your mind on the fly. If you can come up with a "better" question, in whatever sense of the word that may be, then you have most definitely made progress. Indeed, if a disinformation operation can just get you asking the wrong questions, that's all they need.
Best of luck in your endeavors!
If I had to say there was one fundamental methodology--if you could call it that--it's that you have to have your own questions in mind then seek answers wherever and whenever you can. I would say this simple rule works strongly in two ways.
Secondarily, it shields you from a lot of disinformation. If disinfo can do nothing else, it will confuse you, distract you, and waste your time. Their basic technique is to be your good friend and take you on a wonderful and exciting ride through their narrative. And "being taken for a ride" really describes it.
If, instead, you already have questions in mind, you will either get their version of the answer or no answer. You can make a lot out of even getting no answer. If they're some expert and you think they should know and don't, likely they're not an expert but a fool or a disinfo agent.
Primarily, though, even when your questions can't be answered right away, your "radar" will be on, virtually unavoidably. You'll pick up the importance of things as they fly by, including things you were aware of before but just never recognized the significance of.
For example, I was getting ready to write up a post about Roswell. Nothing to do with witches, just problems with the chronology. Yesterday when I was looking at Stanton Friedman, I noticed his first wife's name was Porter (from the witch trials) and I identified her as his handler. A connection, but not to the event itself.
Today, researching for that Roswell post (in old paperback books, oddly enough, which I just happened to have on hand), I casually noticed the guy that loaded the "wreckage" on the bomber for transport to Carswell was Sgt. Porter. "Oh no, could it be?" Yeah, like opening the floodgates.
See, I know I've heard before Brazell lived next door to the Proctors. That's the most prominent name from the witch trials! But my consciousness had never put two and two together, in the right frame of mind, the right context.
It's not so much a methodology as something of an illustration of the old adage that "luck is when opportunity meets preparation". In this sense, I luck into everything. So yes, the next post is going to be all about Roswell and witches... lol
What's lacking is a correct understanding of what has come to be called the "NPC". Everyone now seems to equate it with something like "stupid and brainwashed" or "soulless" or whatever vague notion they subconsciously decide to accept.
No one really bothers to study it. In the present article, the vital point really is to show "how right he was all along", not to investigate and theorize as to the nature of the phenomenon.
The "NPC" phenomenon is but one informal name for a particular state or level of human consciousness, described many times by many names as far back as the Gnostics and the Book of Ecclesiastes. My educated guess is that about 80% of the population are NPCs.
Functionally, NPCs receive their Reality from those they have accepted as "authorities". Parents, teachers, priests, politicians, intellectuals, Rachel Maddow, whoever. This "Reality" is strong enough to overcome all evidence and argumentation.
So what we have with Leftists is that they are crazy because they are NPCs and they have been told crazy things. If you've ever argued with them, it's pointless and now you see precisely why. Are you on "The View"? No.
There are similarly NPCs on the Right, but they have been told far fewer crazy things lately. That's precisely the reason why there appears to be a "Woke Right". Lacking bad input, even NPCs do a pretty good job of figuring out what's going on.
The anomalous evidence, which this theory handily explains, is that there are certain areas where people on the Woke Right still believe crazy things. Shining example is Christian Zionism. Where would they get the insane idea that we all have to support Israel? Not by research and reasoning, but in church, where the authority stands right up front and does all the talking.
Another piece of anomalous evidence is Bill Maher. He mostly says batshit Leftist crap but he also says many things that make complete sense. Why? He's not an NPC, but the next level up. He came to absorb the Leftists patterns around him, but his elevated consciousness struggles--sometimes winning, sometimes losing--with matching up the Reality given by authority with that which he sees around him.
Haha, long rant! I should write a book.
Nobody wants to hear about chess of any higher D than they wish to believe in, but it looks like that's what we have here. Trump negotiated the withdrawal and there was no violence for more than a year, and was supposed to have ended with US troops just waving goodbye and getting on a plane. I believe he also made arrangements to leave behind the money and the gear.
First, no matter what your reason, you can't possibly admit such a thing publicly. That's wayyy too hot for TV. I'm sure some people reading these words are already feeling incredible outrage at the very thought that this is what was done. That's exactly what I'm talking about.
But why do such a thing? Well, even as the US military withdrew, "They" were still at work in Afghanistan and would try to reassert control over a weak and disorganized state. Trump knew that they would have to defend themselves. They were insurgents, after all, not counter-insurgents.
"Their" efforts began immediately with ISIS attacks. Neither normies nor conspiracy theorists try to account for why terrorists would attack other terrorists, particularly given that ISIS are fake terrorists. It's already too complex and troublesome to explain.
So the effort continues, to try to silently prop up and stabilize Afghanistan. Failing that, the whole decades-long cycle will begin again. Ordo ab chao.
Totally unrelated to Thanksgiving or frequency warfare, I just heard a clip of Dick Gregory, from something I believe was called the State of the Black Union, claiming that chemtrails specifically containing manganese were sprayed over black neighborhoods causing black people to fight with and be more violent towards one another.
Sounded nuts and maybe it was, but he cited some town in Australia near an old manganese mine where the murder rate was 200x the average or something like that.
No, I've never heard of a single piece of evidence that's turned up.
You'll hear people speculate--and speculation is all it is--that Jesus was being trained in this or that or several schools of various types, everything from the Essenes to the Hindus to the Egyptian mysteries. TBH, that sounds about right to me, but then again for all I know he was taken up in a flying saucer and educated by the Anunnaki on a space station. You never want to let speculation cut you off from discovering the truth.
On the flip side, and I think these are very important points, all those long crucial missing years speak strongly to two things:
(1) That the New Testament was not made up out of nothing. Why would anyone make up a story with the whole middle of it missing? And anyone that claims the NT is fake never brings up their own explanation for this.
(2) Those years really were important and have been purposely hidden from us. The NT has all this carefully chronicled information about his childhood, then all this carefully chronicled information about his final three years. You'd think someone would have written a short book saying, "Then this guy just took off one day with sandals and a backpack, off to the south is all anyone knows, and then he never even wrote home." Nope, it's exactly like someone just cut the pages of the middle chapters out of a book.
Maybe they're in the Vatican archives!
One common way that history is (re)written--although virtually unrecognized by the public and unquestioned by historians--is that "secret histories" are "discovered" long after they were purportedly written. And what do we find for Procopius himself?
So the Vatican only had a thousand years to dream something up? Sounds like it must be legit, but it's still something for everyone to keep in mind as you're trying to figure out just what the hell actually went on.