Due respect to Garand Thumb, of whom I am a fan, and I appreciate his efforts, but this is quite irresponsible. I get that he's excited to discover something about the assassination attempt using his own skills and experience, but that sort of thing leads him and everyone who subscribes away from the truth.
The funny thing is, his skills and experience would be applicable but he goes down the wrong path so they're misapplied. For example, he should note that the report of the first three rounds differs substantially from the next five and then try to explain that. He completely missed it.
The main point is the rifle: the "authorities" are extremely cagey about it. AKAIK, the totality that has been admitted can only be traced back as far as this text from Fox News:
FBI leads investigation into attempted assassination of former President Trump (see entry for 7/15 "Family of would-be Trump assassin cooperating with FBI, laptop being analyzed at Quantico")
Law enforcement sources tell Fox news that the rifle Crooks used at Trump’s rally on Saturday was a DPMS AR-15 that uses ammunition with a 5.56 mm diameter.
Ah, the classic "sources", no names, no organizations, no direct quotes, no existence. By now anyone reading this should know for a fact that the truth is anything except what was stated. Also, note how easy it was to inject this "fact" into the information sphere. At least they didn't say he was hurling box cutters.
The thing is, everything Garand Thumb says is true. It's true, but it all works to advance the official narrative in a subconscious way. Sure, it refutes the cockamamie theory that TMC was an ultra-sniper, but that's about it. Everyone ends up more firmly looking the wrong way because they've now "seen a recreation of the shooting", and will discuss that endlessly.
The psychological effects of such things cannot be understated. You can examine this article regarding the courtroom counterpart known as "forensic animation":
9 High-Profile Cases Where Evidence Animation Influenced the Outcome
Off the top of my head, it's probably not coincidental that four of the nine cases examined were phony social engineering ops: OJ, Depp, Rittenhouse and Trayvon Martin. That's how these bullshit psychodramas were sold.
In one case that may have been legitimate, I find this quote as chilling as it is confirmatory of my point:
“They watched my client execute his wife,” said Joe D’Andreas, Serge’s defense attorney. “When the animation ran for the few minutes that it ran, there was silence, absolute silence. It was eerie. You thought you saw a murder.”
I'm shocked such "evidence" is allowed in any courtroom, but YouTube has no problem (unless it's something bad about SH, right?). The subconscious and unrecognized cost with GT's video is that it inadvertently acts as a mental firewall in front of the truth.
Yes, that's why "They" allow it. They'd do it themselves if They felt They needed to.
I'm surprised you mentioned the Bush connection to Percy. I only ran across that very recently myself.
Are you aware of the further connections to the Smithsonian and the Battles of Lexington and Concord? I've never written it up, nor has anyone else, but "Their" hands are all over the War of Independence. Makes it look like another initiative that got away from Them that's been taking two and half centuries to reel back in.
Just as a historical note, Gerald Ford went from the House of Representatives to President in less than a year thanks to the 25th Amendment, which was not that old at the time.
On October 10, 1973, Nixon's VP Spiro Agnew resigned. On December 12, Ford was sworn in as VP. Nixon resigned August 9, 1974, and Ford automatically became President.
I see this as yet another act of tremendous desperation.
The thing is, some number of people actually voted for Joe Biden and a bigger number voted against Trump. Then if you closed your eyes and wished upon a star, maybe somehow that rounded up to 81 million. First order understanding: it was on the edge of plausibility to believe that. Second order understanding: it was on the edge of plausibility to believe a sizable fraction of the population had that first order understanding.
But with this, it doesn't matter how much They rig it. Harris is universally detestable, repellent on a gut level. I've never personally heard a single person speak in defense of her. First order understanding: almost no one would believe she could win against Trump. Second order understanding: almost no one would believe anyone else really believes that.
So They can rig it all They want, but the key is that people have to believe it believe others do too. What happens when no one believes it, and knows that no one else does either?
Seriously, how long before a mysterious man in a grey suit comes on TV and says, "That never happened, and I was never here."
Really, the appalling thing would then be that most people would "know" there had never been any mysterious men.
Since they're inventing the story as they go and therefore leave out any individual facts they may have to later "modify", they've never specified where the Butler Township officer poked his head above the roof line.
If that actually happened (and I think it did), the only clue to where the cops might have been is in the video that shows TMC crawling left-to-right up the dangerous slope of the roof. Just for a second in that video you can see a cop moving left-to-right looking up at the roof, presumably trying to see WTF that guy is doing up there.
Assuming that cop met up with another at the far side of the roof (the side facing the venue) and that's where he got boosted up, then all anyone in the 2nd floor window would have seen is the cop's head poking up briefly. It's impossible to tell, but you may not be able to see the far edge of the roof at all given the intervening peak. Also note that TMC would not have turned, but would be looking over the peak and down the far side of the deadly sloping roof.
And just a quick note about the Secret Service saying that local law enforcement was responsible for securing the AGR building and whatever else. There were other departments involved, but as for Butler Township specifically, the population is just over 13k and there are only 20 people total in the municipal police force. So 10% of their police were trying to get a look up on the roof.
This is what we are supposed to see, part of staging of him as the patsy.
Are we really supposed to believe he was just wandering about, thinking, "I hope that ladder I got from Home Depot this morning is big enough. I suppose I should have got out here a few days ago and rangefound how high these roofs are."
In this interview, Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe talks about the confrontation, but never mentions radios at all:
Armed Butler Township officer encountered Trump rally shooter on roof, sheriff says (CBS News 7/15/2024)
Does anyone really believe it never crossed the sheriff's mind whether either of the two cops got on the radio? Of course not. That's more ridiculous than taking thirty years to figure out you were raped.
BTW, the sheriff being compromised implies that there's an active coverup underway by such persons as could influence a sheriff.
This aspect mirrors the JFK assassination plot, in the way that Jack Ruby had to eliminate the loose end of LHO.
That is, what if the real Secret Service sniper failed to kill the patsy, or somehow failed to shoot at all? There is no way such a thing could be left to chance. They chose to take the (nonexistent) heat for failing to give the USSS snipers the green light, which is nothing compared to having to explain another team suddenly opening up on the patsy.
One difference from LHO is that in that case, they ensured his death by faking his assassination. No loose end there.
The cop that went to look on the rooftop was from Butler Township Police Department, now being run by Lt. Matthew Pearson. Former Chief John Hays retired just last month. Seems odd that he didn't postpone for a month to meet the once and future President, doesn't it?
Note that two others are answering questions about local law enforcement: Butler Township manager Tom Knights and Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe.
As for Slupe, he already looks suspect. The latest revelation is that both Township Police officers radioed in after the one dropped off the roof, but in this interview with Slupe, he never mentions the technology of radio even exists:
Armed Butler Township officer encountered Trump rally shooter on roof, sheriff says (CBS News 7/15/2024)
Note that coverups are accomplished by covering up, that is by making sure accurate and relevant information is not available. So far, there are only a handful of items we can pull from this clip:
Corey's location. They will want to obscure or alter the exact locations of TMC, Trump, and Corey, because I suspect that if the truth were known, Corey is well out of line for a shooter that supposedly missed a head shot by a fraction of an inch.
Corey was close to the left edge. I suspect the shooter was behind the bunting of the left side, or he may have been at the extreme left edge inside the bleachers. There's no way yet of determining which. That brings up the next point.
Most of the blood is a few feet back from the left side. It would suggest Corey spotted the real shooter, the real shooter spotted him, he blew Corey's brains out, and Corey fell backwards, instantly brain dead (although technically still breathing). Because his body was completely limp, he got all tangled up in the bleachers.
When they carry Corey out, he just so happens to have a blood-soaked towel completely obscuring his entire head. Specifically, that's not a compress someone was trying to hold over his head wound. I propose that someone--the assassin himself for all we know--made sure that was draped over his head so no one can see the exact nature of his wounds as they would be inconsistent with the eventual "official narrative".
As far as this event being a fake, take a look at the black guy in the white button-down shirt near the end. That dude is completely in shock, freaked out, never saw anything like it before in his life, literally does not know what to do next.
The fact that Cheatle is the head of the Secret Service brings up an important philosophical question, of applicability to everyone.
That is, without necessarily being evil or blackmailed or a member of the Cabal or what have you, you have to wonder how far you could have gone in life if you'd just been willing to say anything, anything at all, no matter how preposterous.
Total misunderstanding. He only bought them to set them free, then invited them to crash at his pad in the Caribbean. Then he said, "I don't have Netflix, so you can play golf or swim at the beach, or maybe just cut sugar cane all day." Same deal even for their children.
What a hero!