PeneDeMichelleObama 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh please please !

Jamie Diamond AND Larry Fink. Those MAGA faggots will have to do their " 5D chess " chant soooo hard.

PeneDeMichelleObama 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is what you think happened

No. You're wrong again .

because you're fucking stupid.

... and again

hey dude shoot me in the ear

and yet again.

At least you are consistent, Fed fag.

PeneDeMichelleObama 1 point ago +2 / -1

only so much tomato sauce in a single sachet

PeneDeMichelleObama -1 points ago +3 / -4

it is fake as fuck. you're not being able to see it as a comment on you , not related to anything to do with reality.

PeneDeMichelleObama 0 points ago +2 / -2

innocent bystander died.

Trump injury was 136% WWF fake. everyone who matters already knows this

PeneDeMichelleObama 6 points ago +7 / -1

Who does this read like? Perhaps a regular commentator here, on this board that glows like kryptonite.

I wonder to whom he was referring? I'm baffled.

PeneDeMichelleObama 2 points ago +2 / -0

so glad that someone posted this substack here these articles. they're awesome . they might be a bit hard to read for some people - it's not easy going - but this is an incredible set of three articles.

PeneDeMichelleObama 1 point ago +2 / -1

you have not explained how open source is "Jewish controlled" . BTW you are a moron.

PeneDeMichelleObama 1 point ago +1 / -0

the article is largely discussing the high probability that New York City covid numbers were completely and utterly faked.

Are we to believe that what happened in NYC in the spring of 2020 was so much worse than what happened on “9/11” that it caused 21 times more excess deaths among NYC residents (1,176[4] to 24,719) – all without any event capable of causing such unprecedented carnage?

this is the article: https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/does-new-york-city-2020-make-any

PeneDeMichelleObama 1 point ago +1 / -0

review the PDF first or use a special extension

there are a few of them PDF prettifier or something like that

when printing the background image can become black and it can be black on black or white on white or fucked up in some other way. so you always want a human to look at it first before you export a webpage to a PDF.

PeneDeMichelleObama 7 points ago +8 / -1

yeah I think that other than you and a few other people most of us westerners do not realize just what condition China is in.

in addition to all the monstrous goat fuck that we are having stuffed down our throats in this completely crazy year, there is - if we had any more bandwidth - also the very real possibility of China completely fucking itself.

popcorn time.

PeneDeMichelleObama 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh, let me save the FBI some electricity:

  • well this has not been approved of by the mainstream media ...
  • ... so it can't be true ...
  • and if you even think about it then you are a bad person who hates puppies.
  • do not think about pizzagate
  • let me change the subject to something else:

<something something> Flat Earth <something >

PeneDeMichelleObama 0 points ago +1 / -1

So ... translating here ... you're not (?) going to justify your "he was a Trump supporter" claim, ever?

At least we agree on one thing: your words are of no worth, no value.

PeneDeMichelleObama -1 points ago +1 / -2

The guy's substack is https://theponzipapers.substack.com/

  1. it's a great read with lots of great info
  2. disgusting shills , like the OP, hate info more than anything else. so when dealing with a shill, one thing they really hate is more information , like, for example their target's substack
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