by DrLeaks
Fightingback 5 points ago +5 / -0

If somebody was not sure this guy is some sort of asset, well, now you know

by DrLeaks
Fightingback 1 point ago +1 / -0

Until all of them are switched off and nobody can move around any longer

Fightingback 2 points ago +2 / -0

Taxation is theft and people and business go out of their way not to get robbed. Oh, but the problem is them protecting themselves, not the fact that they are being robbed...

Fightingback 9 points ago +10 / -1

That picture glows so much that I could turn off the lights in my office

Fightingback 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just like all governments and political parties.

Fightingback 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good found footage movie. Is it the "Blail witch ploject"?

Fightingback 9 points ago +9 / -0

Our six million employees are in danger

Fightingback 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good on the pharmacist!!! I hope the doctors learn from him. Nevertheless, the whole scene seemed a bit staged, did it not?

Fightingback 7 points ago +7 / -0

The shirt has the chip, not her arm

Fightingback 1 point ago +1 / -0

If everyone demanded to be paid their salary in cash and refused to put it in a bank after that, the world would change in no time.

Fightingback 2 points ago +2 / -0

All the sources I have read point to finding something that was not there before for objects that have been observed for a very short time. Trying to pretend that something is "not normal" when, in the time scale of the solar system, we have just observed equivalently as long as a snapshot, and making sensationalistic news about that is just retarded or has ill intent.

Fightingback 9 points ago +9 / -0

No. They are not "our guys" they join the narrative to get control of the narrative

Fightingback 3 points ago +4 / -1

Well, If I were Canadian I would be developing a homicidal urge to kill the Canadian Psychiatric Association members. I guess that counts as a mental disease. Sels-fulfilled prophesy?

Fightingback 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is a pretty skewed generalization. If we compare religion to the also unsubstantiated belief in the state, the belief in the state if far more prejudicial and universal. Organized religion is a form of state control but at least is based on some sense of morality. The belief in the state is just based on brainwashing and the monopoly of force

Fightingback 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mind control cannot be absolute. The mass is a dangerous animal, hard to put in motion and hard to contain once it is moving. Unfortunately, only 10 % of the population, which constitutes the intelectual elite, start the movements and, one said movements become mainstream, very much like fashions work, all the normies and NPC's will embrace them. That is the moment to get out of the way, not to try to steer the mass, as they are a dangerous animal.

By the way, once the new movement becomes mainstream, the normies and NPC's will swear on their mother's grave that they were in since the beginning. Their main problem is that they lie to themselves too much, which renders them unable to distinguish reality from their imagination.

Fightingback 1 point ago +2 / -1

And the conspiracy is...? It is a fucking war. Mafiosos (governments) using their population as cannon fodder for disputes they could solve in a boxing match and get over with it.

Fightingback 1 point ago +1 / -0

Taking the scapegoats out for a walk after the real culprits fucked up big time

by pkvi
Fightingback 7 points ago +7 / -0

It does make sense. They want to kill people with two versions of the spike protein instead of only one

Fightingback 0 points ago +1 / -1

How convenient that a Q source promotes the innocence of Füllmilch, clearly a scammer since the beginning. I just needed to give a look to his demeanour to know that,

"Believe the plan" "The saviour is coming"

Nobody can save you but you and the people you can count on

by pkvi
Fightingback 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wars were never, ever, sort-of-kinda justified. War is the tools for elite mafias to fight among them and the "peasants" should never take part in those fights. At least, a long time ago, the elites would go to fight them themselves (with their conscripts of volunteers). Modern wars are just business.

I wonder why, if leader A has a problem with leader B, do not they go and fight one another? It would be the less costly solution for the maximum result, would it not. That is, if the reasons for wars were real.

The only reason for war is war itself, for war is a racket and it will always be as long as the we "peasants" continue to finance them and take part in them

Fightingback 3 points ago +3 / -0

It all looked fishy since the beginning. The problem is the west devolving into authoritarian globalist states and they pretended to use their legal systems to defeat them? Give me a break! Just an utter scam and a waste of time to even watch for five minutes

Now it is just internet drama, to keep the masses entertained

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