Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Send her to Antarctica

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Climate change.

Immigration is the biggest climate impacter on this planet. Think about that statement.

They're selling climate change is man made. Immigration is that cause. For every person moving countries they're producing far more emissions, they need more services. More housing, more products, and cause more consumption, and generate more waste.

What went wrong. You broke the woke Internet. Look a dv for suggesting the same science we're being brainwashed with.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2


by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

That's the problem. There is no accurate science on it. None whatsoever.

There is only an obnoxious narrative.

Science cannot tell me in any accuracy what will occur and to what extent. How long it lasts and if it's simply a period on our planet documented numerously in the last 1000 years. It can only produce conjecture. If the temperature keeps rising, crops won't be able to grow enough to feed the populations supported. If the temperature keeps rising the Ice melts and it causes extreme flooding and weather.

The temperature isn't enough to cause global crop failure. Not yet. It isn't enough to cause Sea level rise. It doesn't work like that anyway. Our tectonics become more affected. If significant eruptions occur we can get a nuclear winter. Dust blocking out our Sun. Temperatures plummet overnight. Prior to cascading flooding. It needs an impact. The younger dryas event. Greenland crater.

What is our Sun doing, what is our alignment doing. What apart from mass consumption, being sold as use more electricity, has caused climate change.

Climate Change had been documented in the last 1000 years frequently. Periods of both hot and cold spells lasting lengthy periods. This weather currently is not a new phenomenon. It presumes it, and it is to sell a narrative. That narrative is forcing consumption. Buy renewables. More electricity. It cares about nothing else. No other accuracy.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 3 points ago +5 / -2

But they've happened before. I can think of times they've happened in the last 100 years. Summer of Sam, the Dustbowl. Probably more.

Today these idiots have real time thermometers at every airport, it gives a global temperature they've never had before.

British summer has been its finest. We've had no heatwaves. We had some sunny weather for like a week. But there Britain's telling us it's the hottest year ever. Nope. Go away.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Haha. No. But your vote means shit.

So this guy Labor in the UK. He had the majority. Everybody and their dog hated the Tories as the interest rates spiked. The 6th who has assumed power after failure, and resignations. What's he do, nothing. He promises a bunch of stuff, and delivers nothing, just opposition that he sooner flops on. As he starts making insanely woke policies. He praises the ULEZ zone. But instead of even demanding an election or that the election is held when it always has been. He just sits there getting paid to oppose, but not really wanting much else, except what he's told. As a result. All those Tories, who would have switched party, and everybody else nationally on the fence, are suddenly voting Lib dems and Greens. All it does is, laughable.

Labor still a favourite and would have steamrolled opposition, but those seats are spreading. The Tories by election time will remain a strong opposition party as all these other party seats gain ministers. Hell I don't even mind Sunak. At this point I don't like the manipulation by the Tories. Anyhow as a result what really changes. If it even changes. If it even gets there. Because it is going to get a lot worse first.

What about the London Mayor. Similar tactics. He was put there to put in the ULEZ zone. He was given an extra year in office. Then they wheeled out clowns to oppose him. It was so rigged. They had all these clowns running, spliting the vote so the person already in that position kept a majority. Rigged as in no campaigning, and an extra year of office. But they wheeled out a circus, clowns, to oppose. The vote split between them. As the majority remained favourite. It was purposeful.

In America the odds they'll change admin in escalation. Ukraine. America's Geopolitical position are almost redundant. Unless it's sounding the bugle. An election that historically stunk. But sure keep hoping.

What about France, Holland, Italy, Canada.

Tell me how your vote means anything. Sure believe it does and by all means cast it. But it really doesn't. It gains a politician. They take the money and do what they're told. If they don't there's another scandal.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

There will be. Because there are only so many scenarios there won't. It seems those odds have increased. But regardless, any larger probability still favours an election.

When an election isn't upheld, it's because of disaster or crisis or war, directly affecting it.

A nation in war at home cannot vote, depending on how it's fighting. But if it's fighting abroad, it often makes no difference to an elective process, but many nation's often don't tend to change admins during warfare of any kind. It changes politicians, envoys, intelligence appointed for security, diplomacy, and war. It could potentially mean retreat.

Crisis potentially delays an elective process. Extreme disaster, significantly affecting the population preventing votes, or a disease, pandemic. Until votes can be held.

Bets, aren't worth betting at this point. But any risks increase.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Hahaha. Naive. They serve the agenda unwittingly or not. If they get their own ideas. They're crushed. Most of their own ideas are empowering themselves, sometimes it's for the people they represent, at a cost to others.

The agenda eats people like him, if he's not in on it, he's funded how and why. Probably to get a youth vote or bridge between pundits. At the end of the day what will the caucuses do? They'll favour the current Admin massively overtipped currently. Biden is like 2/1. Trump used to lead, crushed by indictments is now at 12/1-14/1. He's at 300-500/1. The drama isn't over yet. There is no trust in government either. There are far more geopolitics occurring prior.

But he's a spoof. Shoved out to cheerlead, the party in, gains. Perhaps they switch parties, only kids and ethnics and the undecided do that.

In the UK they have an entire party doing this, the Lib Dems. How anybody can vote for those snakes is beyond rational. But the cult of personality makes up their seats in local elections. The party is a buffer spreading the seats out, often causing a hung government, coalition government, it goes back and forth between the main two often causing a no decider. Battlegrounds contested so no majority can change anything else. Hung governments don't represent anybody but the agenda. Look at coalition governments. Worse. But what do they really cause. Opposition. So there's never a majority. The status quo keep their illusion of government operating.

It's much worse than that the world over. They take the money are happy and content to keep taking the money offering nothing else, apart from this other personality that really acts on what interests. The money.

When we're talking a two horse race here next year. What is he actually doing and for who?

Who really cares. But you're being naive.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +6 / -2

Yawn. It's all rigged. They're all crooks.

Nobody has "your" interests. Only their own. It's making you pay more for their's. Their's are explicitly the government's. It'll tax you more because that's all it does.

As far as the next candidate goes. What a joke. Why does another Democrat think they'll gain the caucuses over the current admin? He's promoting Democrats to dumber Democrats who think if they vote Democrat they'll get something different. No wait. He's promoting Democrats to Republicans, who think if they vote Democrat they'll get somebody else other than the current Admin? What?

Who cares what he says he's a spoof

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

Escooters have the same issue and they're banned almost everywhere as a result. Mobile phones.

EVs are the Planet's biggest boondoggle. One of the most wasteful products made and in existence. They have, no, lifetime. A complete service con. More services turning on a product, that can easily be switched off. The amount of energy they consume is a planetary joke. The amount of products and services needed in production and use, going into a product with no lifetime.

The reason they're being promoted is because they kick-start productivity. They add astronomical profit, and investment, and generate far more services.

They will not affect the weather. They won't affect pollution either. How are these thing made, what is their lifetime. Nothing has changed in the production, in fact they need more components, and the lifetime has decreased. Do EVs retain more or less heat? Is it colder driving an EV. Doesn't it require far more consumption. Far more charge, constantly. Far more products. Are EVs compromised easier by extremes altering the environment? At what point has pollution gone anywhere? Waste, consumption causing waste, dust particles, heat?

The biggest Oxymoron ever. If y'all buy new cars the weather will change. Invest in your future and buy a brand new car today. If you don't you're not green. Stop fossil fuels, by driving a car made out of fossil fuels. You can't make this shit up. But there are people dumb enough.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It could mean AI. But he said biological non human. It was in that report where they made the pigeon bombs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pigeon .Joke.

6th gen is almost fully AI. The pilot wears a VR headset. Like presumably the current drone programs?

Come on fiction sells. You're getting way ahead of yourself. Sure I'd like it as well. But it ain't.

Think. At what point is there Wakanda? At what point is our airspace being breached by advanced beings. Why. The idea isn't to reveal yourself. If you are, it's because you want or need something. It historically isn't peace. It's control.

So it is why every statement contradicted the previous. They're detected on Radar. But they're Radar jamming. They're unmatched by our technology and capability, but we've captured them and are reverse engineering them.

It's a script prompting funding calling for clarity by another funded agency having control over current threats evolving. I.E, so on radar. It pings a UAP. They don't shit a brick reporting it to the press. They ring the hotline. It knows what it is. If it's hostile they can dispatch the space police.

Or convince me otherwise. Convince me how everything history religion science origin needs revisioning. How our governments are infiltrated.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The persuasion wizards herald dystopia. They ply the narrative, and the narrative causes. There are entire brigades of these types influencing social media.

All aliens have caused is dystopia. Roswell gave us the FAA, and even more taxes. A bunch of persuasion wizards sold fiction. Plying the narrative. Brainwashing the population it was going to the Moon.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. No. The Pentagon has denied Gursch's spurious claims. It means they have to drag the named parties into their closed hearings, what documents, which clearance, what warrants if contractors, and if they can compromise somebody else, perhaps.

Gursch at this point has made claims. None of them are substantiated or verified. He has assumed, hasn't seen, off supposed reports.

What there is from this was calls for better radar oversight and a dedicated chain of command, hotline, for reporting supposed UAPs.

6th gen is nearly on the battlefield. These are fighters and drone/drones 1 to 3 alongside the aircraft.

What there was, was a bunch of projection. America has already supposedly developed 6th gen, and is currently working on 7th gen.

Research it. You'll find your UAPs. Without the fiction writers

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The problem is it didn't reveal much. There was further Speculation. I forget the specifics. Enough to cause conjecture. There was something a little bit more noteworthy that wasn't in other releases.

But honestly, the narrative is as it always was. Anything else has no paper trail. If it was filed, it went whoosh.

Like that pilot, in the hearing, where is the report and radar readings of the jamming. But come on. It could as easily be, oohhhhh. Projection.

Besides the current drones have that capability. No, not quite, prototypes. Then, perhaps not. But with radar jamming, and even beam weapons, emp, satellite killers, or potential counter missiles, shutting down electronics. Vertical thrust. They're even making them to be able to be launched by subs. They can fly, and potentially submerge, and re-entry, hitting hypersonic.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

But they think they're winning. After writing the counter offensive stalled. They're rejoicing Ukraine has liberated a village of rubble. It used to prewar, have a population of 840 people. It has meant every news outlet is now claiming Ukraine are winning. Apparently only two vehicles out of 10 managed to get to the center of this village, but it has been the most significant gain yet. It is located nowhere near any real defensive line. But managed to go around some forward positions. I really don't know much more. Except that Ukraine have liberated some rubble, and it is their most significant attack to date. It is a cause for propaganda. They will beat Russia.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes. The Sahara was fertile. Prior to all of 12k years ago. With far more pockets of life. There is supposedly debunked Herodotus saying between Egypt and Libya spanned a huge river, then the labyrinith. Debunked because what's left is nothing of the sort. However the explanation that the Sahara was eroded over time by herders, and migratory herds, is rather ignorant. But it has been given. Like Lebanon great forests recorded as building the Ark, gone, or the forests around the Rock City of Petra, gone. Although these perhaps are human activity, with seismic, not the Sahara. For Example Hippo and crocodile remains are found up and down the Rhine.

Or the Nile retreating by 100s of miles. No what happened was something else. Extreme.

The point is they didn't build their stuff in a desert. At all. Lush fertile land, a river thriving with life. The life of the gods and planet. What fully went wrong. Perhaps population but we are talking far more than documented. Chinese founding recording of multi millions. China isn't a desert. Egypt supposedly didn't have those figures because later Roman recording doesn't.

Yawn. The Pyramids outer stone was limestone. This was maintained to be a smooth white sheen, ontop a solid gold capstone. Inner is mostly granite. The outer stone was maintained by the Egyptians restoring it. That restoration stopped after the Greeks.

Who knows. But they got their ideas from somewhere. They didn't wake up as monkeys and then build pyramids.

The point I am driving at is prediluvian civilization. How advanced. Pyramid. Obviously.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Male trans Female still impossible. Yes topically assumed in the Scientific Journal. However, there are far more concerns. Even if it implants, can it survive. Can the child survive.

China did it with mice. Same shit, similar. They survived upto the point of birth. Both the disgusting males and their babies died. I think the mice were also hooked up to shit, like tubes, or had to have injections and stuff.

The artifical womb has been there for awhile, but it is inserted back into people with wombs. Having had the organ. It's damaged or diseased, removed and implanted, this press isn't the first. The same as ovaries etc.

Apparently there are guinea pigs, there never isn't with these types, but have been unsuccessful. Don't quote me. Africa, Asia, somewhere off the grid. Heard of volunteers, and it being unsuccessful.

Bets decade's away. The risk is absurd even if the implant is successful. What are the dangers in normal childbirth.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Electronic warfare. In that picture damage. A laser? Electronic pulse weapon, ground, aerial? It wasn't hacking.

Lasers, are the latest addition to drone warfare electronically disabling them.

They keep doing this. Are Turkey still supplying Ukraine its drones. They were. Then. It seems others, and Ukraine are making more of their own?

I can probably look up this info. But discussion.

If you're reading headlines today. It will state Russia has run the picture 20 times claiming it disabled 20 drones every day for a month, because although the Ukrainian counter offensive has stalled, it is winning. It just needs more drones with better shielding. At what point?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Deconstructing families is pro consumption, and increases taxation. If the family unit is broken down. It needs how many houses. It needs how many services per family member. It is then taxed more.

Home ownership in the West is some of the least on the planet. Meanwhile the cost of living is some of the highest.

Not to mention matrimony the least. Divorce adds services.

Now affecting birthrates. Among many other issues. The real reason behind adding huge increases of migration.

Mixed populations add more services, consumption, catering for increasing demographics.

Laughablely topically the causality has become the deconstruction of the middle class. As public services are stressed into increasing debt. Taxation and cost of living have hyperinflation.

It is because productivity has now outsourced.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes they did and it was shit. Shit because there was no big reveal.

JFK stuff added some more speculation. It was more interesting.

The UFO stuff was crap. It read of fantasies. If the Aliens did all of that, and you did nothing. Least of all prove them.

The fact is he declassified it. But there's this topic, saying they've got Aliens, in their basement, Aliens are helping the USA beat China, America has got UFOs. America is paying Aliens taxes.

It caused immediate calls for a bunch of ham enthusiasts, look at them in that hearing, to investigate the latest gossip. It as per usual said nothing else. It is top top top secret, sssshhhh, whisper it all later if you've got the clearance.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. The Whitehouse was destroyed when it attempt that much, but it wasn't the Fed then, rather a central bank indebted. https://www.history.com/news/the-british-burn-washington-d-c-200-years-ago. American presidents were assassinated. Wars have been fought. World wars. You've cited.

Ending the federal reserve, and replacing it with. Hahaha. Mad Max. America would be back in Civil War overnight. What's its debt, today?

It is why we've got the climate change. All those new services cause and force. Consumption and productivity. Investment. Taxation.

It's probably why we got the Aliens as well. Space tax. America is so indebted it's paying the Aliens. Or attempting too.

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