Kimball_Kinnison 4 points ago +4 / -0

Once I was driving with a girlfriend on a little scenic trip on a curvy coastal two-lane road and was overwhelmed with the feeling that we should turn around. I couldn’t shake or explain the feeling. I told her, and she immediately agreed.

She then told me a story about being in a junkyard and suddenly feeling she needed to move. She did, and then a large amount of scrap steel fell off a crane and landed where she had been standing. After that she always respected those “irrational” feelings.

Later I checked the local news to see if there had been a landslide or an accident near where we were, but apparently nothing like that happened.

Kimball_Kinnison 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first comment makes the case that since it was the Biden-Harris campaign, her getting the money i just a matter of some paperwork. but the rest of the piece makes a strong argument that weird things are going on behind the scenes, including Biden body doubles.

Kimball_Kinnison 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hamas was voted into power by people in Gaza, but now it's essentially a one-party dictatorship. Any anti-Hamas Palestinians are indeed in an awkward position, but I'm not sure how many there are. When protestors demand Israel stop fighting but don't demand that Hamas release the hostages, they are effectively pro-Hamas.

Kimball_Kinnison -1 points ago +2 / -3

They're Islamic fundamentalist radical terrorists. They don't just hate Israel and Jews, they hate Christians and the West.

Kimball_Kinnison 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even bright people, maybe even especially bright people, can be led astray by ideology.

Kimball_Kinnison 5 points ago +5 / -0

This was the conspiracy in the Robocop movie. One problem with it is that many of the people implementing it actually live in those cities. Yes, they are “progressive” Democrats who are soft on crime for ideological reasons, but they have armed guards, live in nice neighborhoods if not gated communities, etc.

Kimball_Kinnison 3 points ago +3 / -0

Programmers can put rules and limits on AI. It's already known that they do that. E.g. you can ask ChatGPT to write a song in praise of Biden, but not Trump.

Kimball_Kinnison 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are bots called u/saferbot and u/safestbot. (Hopefully, capitalization doesn't matter.) I'm told that if you block them, they can't see you.

Kimball_Kinnison 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ironically, the charges of “brigading” usually start in the woke sub AgainstHateSubreddits (? a.ka. AHS), which gets away with brigading because they’re aligned with the admins.

Kimball_Kinnison 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm real and there under another handle. I know at least one other IRL person who has an account there. I'm not sure how many Reddit users are bots, but many are certainly shills (paid or unpaid) for Democrats and woke bullshit.

Kimball_Kinnison 1 point ago +1 / -0


Since the 1960s, the West has moved ever-leftwards. 'Equality' and ‘feelings’ are central to the New Religion that rejects all traditional values. Yet beneath the institutionally dominant ‘Left’ stews a growing and restless ‘Right’. How has this fractured situation come about? What will the future hold?

In The Past is a Future Country, the authors trace it back to the Industrial Revolution. Darwinian selection massively weakened, meaning that, for the first time in history, the selfish, sick and stupid could survive and reproduce, undermining our religious, group-oriented culture. Now the West is scourged by an epidemic of narcissists, competing to signal their individuality and moral superiority. But their ‘fight for equality’ is really a fight for self-promotion. Reflecting this runaway individualism, Westerners increasingly don’t have children, save for those who are genetically resistant to this onslaught ― the staunchly conservative and religious: the eventual inheritors of the earth.

But there is a dark storm brewing in the demographic data that the authors have analysed. There is a burgeoning growth in the population of exceptionally unintelligent and antisocial people that social welfare systems cannot sustain for much longer. The developed world will pass away, and the global population that depends on it will crash, in the greatest Malthusian Collapse of all time. Yet all is not lost. The authors show how a resistant class of intelligent, religious conservatives will band together to preserve enclaves of civilization that may survive most of the coming apocalypse, and from its ashes rebuild a new world: A Neo-Byzantium.

Kimball_Kinnison -1 points ago +1 / -2

You don't think confirmed proof of major election fraud is important?

Kimball_Kinnison 0 points ago +1 / -1

I did a reverse image search, and as I said there wasn’t much. I’d be happy to read any links about it you can find.

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