Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you were capable of a topical civil discussion, then you wouldn't be divorced 🤔

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +2 / -2

DEMONSTRATION, noun; "the provider within form" represents the form of the one's right to existence within the life of the many; is the only ONE of all the forms represented here, to become the provider of the other, allowing all forms to exist in its creation; is the spiritual contract of responsibility.

STRETCH, verb; "the creator of form" represents the pull of spiritual form toward the creation of form, creating the freedom to return to the creation of form as the only form of the ONE.

BOUNDARY, noun; "the form within the provider, the provider

Pandas4Trump 4 points ago +5 / -1

To suggest words are controlling is similar to saying "I'm afraid." Such a statement has no meaning (movement) behind it; therefore it has no meaning (movement).

The words of others are not controlling; they are communicating and informing us. The words of others are the inspiration for us to choose to move in a specific way or we can choose to move in a way that defies that inspiration and seeks something else.

We are those that give meaning to things; they define what they are to us. Nature is simply expressing

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

To be balanced (momentum of flow) one must resist the flow of energy; which means to resist the flow of energy one must allow the energy to flow (balance) as a balance (momentum of flow).

Balance is the cause of choice; ignoring balance as the effected choice represents being flushed as form by flow towards death aka diminishing effect to resist cause.

What matter is how momentum of flow is applied to a balance; which is an ongoing process (momentum of flow)

Momentum represents the balance for the responding choice within momentum aka the formed matter with the temporary choice

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

a) the basics is not a choice

b) it is the only choice

c) you have no choice

d) you are a slave to your own thoughts (submitting to suggestions)

e) you are a slave to your own mind (to a mind you do not own)

f) you are a slave to your own life (your choices)

g) you are a slave to your own destiny (to a destiny you do not own)

h) you are a slave to your own ego (to an ego you do not own)

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

One cannot be responsible for one's choices without choosing to be responsible

Yep; hence govern (control) and ment (form mens; mind) by suggestion in exchange for consent by voting for representatives aka choice shirking responsibility onto suggested choice of others.

I guess the real question is, what's the point of having a representative government if it's just a rubber stamp for the rest of us to do as we please?

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Therefore, we are free to choose what we want and need, but we are never free to choose what we want over what we need.

As the tree grows, it is only free to grow within its nature; and it is not free to grow outside its nature.

The choices we make are in balance, and the choices we make are within our nature.

If you want to be free, you must be in balance, and you must be within your nature.

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

(im)balance is the cause

Cause implies there is a force, and force implies momentum. What matter is how momentum of flow is applied to a balance; which is an ongoing process (momentum of flow) that represents the resistance to the flow (balance) of energy; and what matter is balance/imbalance to the process of balance/imbalance.

To remain balanced (momentum of flow) one must give up the resistance to the flow (balance) of energy; which means allowing the energy to flow (balance) as a balance (momentum of flow).

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

c) if one would have a choice to evaluate ALL existence (representative government), one needs to evaluate all suggestions (suggested values) that are presented as alternatives. One cannot have a choice without evaluation; hence one needs to be choice in order to be responsible for one's choices. One cannot be responsible for one's choices without choosing to be responsible. One cannot choose to be responsible for one's choices without having a choice.

d) there is NO "government" for any people; there is only a government of one's own choices. All people need to be responsible for their own choices. Each one needs

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nature operates on real (perceived) inspiration by those attached to it, and it is not limited by suggested words; to operate on suggested information.

One does not need to know; one needs to know what one chooses to believe; one needs to respond to real balance; one needs to respond to real inspiration.

The word "nature" represents a suggested meaning (idol) for the balance within movement; which when consented to by choice (believing and not believing); allows those who suggested the word "nature" to define; redefine; corrupt or withhold at will the meaning of the idol "

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Choice/choice in ignorance of balance (to bind anew) creates choice/choice in ignorance of balance. The essence of the religion (to bind anew) is not the original bond, but the will to submit to others.

The original bond under natural law represents offer/consent. As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) we each represent choice (consent) within balance (offer). To bind anew implies choice consenting to suggested choices of others aka to submit to the will of others.

In short: original bond represents balance/choice; religion (to bind anew) represents choice

Pandas4Trump 1 point ago +2 / -1

Want is from "to want" (not want); true is from "true" (false); good is from "good" (bad); and balance is from "balance" (imbalance).

To balance:

need/want (if/then) = need (balance) over want (imbalance)

good/bad (if/then) = good (balance) over bad (imbalance)

Truth/false (if/then) = truth (balance) over false (imbalance)

Balance (need/want/good/true/false) is the reason

Pandas4Trump 2 points ago +3 / -1

I am worried about the implications of recent "trends" in the treatment of scientific topics by science journalists. The new topic seems to be the treatment of "scientific knowledge" by science journalists, especially those writing for popular publications.

It seems that the assumption is that knowledge is self-evident and must be accepted without question. The treatment of the topic of the power of scientific knowledge to alter our lives is especially worrying because it seems to me that, by putting a more positive spin on the value of knowledge, the mainstream media is ignoring the possibility that scientific knowledge can be twisted to serve political or commercial interests.

by pkvi
Pandas4Trump 2 points ago +3 / -1

Thank you for posting appropriately and with class. I don't agree, but seeing this here is refreshing and a good omen

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Interesting how this thread didn't get brigaded to hell. Whatever powers that be forgot about this place

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

I haven't even decided between Hindu and Filipino shills yet. Go back to your containment board stormfaggot

Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Swing and a miss. Silly Stormfaggot. I have a life. I can't live on dot win and poal.co. like you

Pandas4Trump -1 points ago +1 / -2

? Yawn. Is that the best you got Stormie lawyer? Did it feel good sticking up for the devil?

Pandas4Trump 1 point ago +2 / -1

Damn it Stormfaggot, I'm busy. Are you telling me there is a brigade against you and I missed it? I haven't gone to any LoLCow forums. You're all orangic beef.

by Alduin
Pandas4Trump -2 points ago +1 / -3


by Alduin
Pandas4Trump -2 points ago +2 / -4


by Alduin
Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +3 / -3

Stop reading your manifestos and being a spamachu stormfaggot. Read other people. Someone new preferably who isn't a cunt

by Alduin
Pandas4Trump 0 points ago +2 / -2

No one cares about what spamachu stormfaggots write. Leave

by Alduin
Pandas4Trump -1 points ago +1 / -2


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