ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, but like I said, that would require several tool changes, which would incur error into the final results, usually compounding the error (anyone that's polished too much material away in the beginning stages knows this, especially when dealing with extremely tight tolerances/precision). You can't polish stone (or any material) with just one grit. Getting them as smooth as these vases are requires one tool to remove material in bulk, then numerous grits of progressing fineness to polish it, all of which is a tool change. And, again, this is even ignoring the fact that the people that created these had access to modern computers, computer design software, and sophisticated multi axis machinery, which competes with what we have today. The accuracy with which these things were created can't be done by hand.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you'd bother to watch the video, he (Ben with UnchartedX) explains that it would be impossible to create these things on lathes, even modern ones. He's made several videos on this subject so far, because of how astonishing it is.

You can't lathe granite, as it is incredibly hard and has occlusions in it which will break under a lathe. Softer rocks, maybe, but not granite, or the other harder rocks that were used to make these pieces. Furthermore, all of these vases have handles, and even the curves between and part of the handles are insanely accurate (within a few microns of accuracy). There's also been further analysis of the 3D scans of some of these vases (this project only started a few months ago, by the way, and these are only the first few vases they've scanned), showing that all of the measurements and curvatures are mathematically related, often in relation to mathematical and geometric constants, even among the smallest curves in the handles, where the radii are less than 1mm. They're so accurate they can't be made by hand, and the only way we can make them today is with the best computer driven machines with multi axis capabilities, utilizing computer driven software. Even then, most modern machines introduce more error into their work than is seen in these vases, just from a simple tool change, which would be required to replicate these vases.

Truly, these vases could only be produced in a computer, with design software, and manufactured with highly precise sophisticated machines, which we have trouble replicating today...and there's tens of thousands of these vases. I've worked with rock before, for years, by hand, with hammers, chisels, saws, polishers, and other machinery. If anyone thinks these vases can be made by hand, they're deluded.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good video. Lots of Biblical and historical connections and details, making connections to lots of stuff, including Mossad, Epstein, the U.S. government, aid to Israel, etc.

The narrator still makes the "not all jews" argument, and even though he admits that Leon Trotsky (changed his name from Levy Bronstein) invented the term "racist" as a form of control, the narrator still uses "hate speech", "racist", and "antisemitic" to describe a picture of what Trotsky, Lenin, and all the other Bolshevik jews did to the ethnically White Russians.

With regard to the "not all jews" argument, the website Christogenea makes a really good argument that jews are descendants of Esau, who race mixed (which was forbidden by God) with Canaanites, a people cursed by God, a people who God commanded us to kill, down to the last man, woman, and child, otherwise they would remain a thorn in our side for all time. Esau's children became the Edomites, who took over Judea at the time of Christ, both politically and religiously. It was these Edomites that Jesus spoke out against, and these Edomites which crucified Jesus. Modern jews act identically to these Edomites. They hate Jesus and blaspheme against God, writing the Talmud to legalese their way out of God's edicts, often interpreting scripture to mean the exact antithesis to what God commanded, they're the most vociferous anti-Christians, they're money lenders (bankers), they subvert institutions and take control from within, corrupt them and turn them to evil, and they worship Saturn (the 6 pointed star on the Israeli flag is the star of Remphan/Saturn/Satan). Jesus called them children of the devil, who is the father of lies, and they do as their father. The most central tenet of globalist (mostly jewish) philosophy is to lie; lying is the easiest way to identify them. They also continue the old Canaanite/Babylonian Saturn cult practices, which involves things like child sacrifice and sexual degeneracy (aka abortion, hedonism, LGBTQ, transgenderism, porn, pedophilia, all things pushed by jews, both currently and historically, like in Weimar Germany). For those that don't know, Saturn worship goes under many names, including Moloch, Baal, Remphan, Chiun, and Kiyyun, as well as most likely being the derivation for Satan. Bohemian grove, which is attended by politicians of the left and right, worships Moloch. Pizzagate turned up identical stuff in both D.C. and Hollywood, with blatant Satan worship, pedophilia, child kidnapping, rape, torture, murder, and cannibalism. One of the main reasons jews have been kicked out of so many places is they were caught kidnapping, raping, torturing, murdering, and eating children. Even the jews not directly participating in it helped to cover it up. In essence, they're a cursed people.

Still, this is a good video for people to watch. Veterans will probably learn something, and it's a good primer for Saturn/Satan worship in government, banking, media, Hollywood, freemasonry, Israel, and jews, and it's easier for normies to swallow because it makes the "not all jews" argument.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

You mean jews would just lie on the internet? I'm shocked!

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

If zinc has helped me get better, it's been so negligible I haven't noticed. I've tried multiple different brands to no avail. Some people respond better than others to supplementation, and need different things.

In any case, zinc hasn't helped me recently, either. Even regular cold/flu medicine which helps to combat symptoms isn't as effective, either. Like I said, this crap is weird.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just got sick, again, with a nasty chest cold this week, after getting over a nasty chest cold last month. Both have resulted in a relentless dry cough, which becomes quite painful and takes a long time to go away.

Lots of weird stuff about this crud.

(1) I haven't been sick in 5ish years, and now I've been sick twice in two months.

(2) I never, ever get chest colds. Back when I did get sick, it was only ever a cold of the nasal area, which usually turned into a sinus infection after a week, which took another week or two to get better from (I've been susceptible to sinus infections ever since I worked in a horrible job site without a dust mask many many years ago).

(3) I rarely developed a cough when I got sick, and if I did it was mild and only lasted a day or two.

(4) Taking high doses of vitamin D3 and C doesn't help, even though it's helped tremendously on all previous infections when began doing it, in reducing symptoms and getting better quicker.

(5) It's reduced my appetite, which never happens to me when I get sick. Nothing feels appetizing and eating seems to make the symptoms worse.

(6) It's made me really weak. I have almost no energy, I'm really sore like I just did a marathon, and I can barely move. This stuff has knocked me on my ass, unlike any other cold I've experienced.

Several of my family members have gotten this, whatever this is, over the last month. I definitely give credence to the possibility that the fuckers in power are releasing more genetically engineered bioweapons on the public, whether by air or water. There's already tons of precedence for this and they're straight up evil anyway.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Makes me wonder if that story about the woman astronaut going crazy, drilling holes, and shitting up the place is true.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not what I asked you. I asked for specific parts of the Bible that say the earth is flat. I'm open to being proven wrong. Please post the relevant parts.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would you mind posting the exact lines from the Bible that say the earth is flat?

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't say that the only people who think the earth is flat are jews, or that they were the first. I only pointed out that the Talmud teaches the earth is flat. There is a very strong correlation between flat earth and shills who use it to discredit legitimate conspiracy theories, or conspiracies in general, and IDF/zionist shills who shit up boards all over the internet. I personally have no problem with flat earth as a conspiracy theory, by itself, I just disagree with it, as there are too many holes in the theory.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

The bible doesn't describe the earth as flat. At most, it says "4 corners of the earth", which has different translations:


ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Don't forget the helicopter shot of the school, showing the grieving parents walk around the school, but when they zoom out it's a crowd walking in a circle around the school like a bunch of background actors.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

At this point I have to assume you're completely stupid or a shill.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I been telling you, the blood is not on the page, it is in (under) the page: that is how it get mixed with a white color.

I've already told you, repeatedly, that's not how blood looks when it soaks through paper. I've seen it for myself, numerous times, and you can see it in photographs of actual blood on paper. Stop gaslighting. You're not fooling anyone. Here's actual pictures of what blood looks like when it soaks into paper (since you're so intellectually lazy/dishonest to do a 5 second internet search):





If you for some reason mix milk and blood, you can get a substance of a pink color.

LOL. No. Here are some pictures of what blood looks like in milk:


It doesn't produce "pink". It produces a lighter red coloration that is unique to blood.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not go around taking pictures of blood.

I didn't ask you to take pictures of blood, I asked you to look up pictures of blood, from medical sources, or if you're really wanting a grim punch in the face, gore videos.

I know that once you mix red and white, you will get pink

Are you retarded? Blood isn't paint. I've been trying to tell you, repeatedly, that blood has very distinctive coloration, even when it's really thin. It never turns pink. I tell you to look up pictures of blood to prove this, but you'd rather agree with obvious propaganda from known liars...in a conspiracy theory forum of all places.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you approach the world as thinking you already know everything you should, you destroy your own curiosity and capacity for learning.

There's good evidence that modern day jews are Edomites, descendants of Esau, who bred with Canaanites, in defiance of his father Isaac and God himself. Canaanites are a cursed people by God. The Biblical warnings of prophecy and from God say that if the Israelites left any Canaanites alive, they would perpetually hound us in our own nations, which is what modern jews are doing to White people. There's also really good evidence that White people are the true Israelites. Check out the website Christogenea for complete breakdowns of Biblical scripture and proofs. Also check out these 2 links for more proof:



The people that Jesus was at odds with in his lifetime on earth were the Edomites. They had taken over the religious leadership positions, including the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin. This takeover became especially rampant when King Herod, an Edomite, was appointed as king of Judea by Rome, and began appointing his own people into positions of power. This behavior mirrors modern day jews, who infiltrate and corrupt. Jesus specifically called these people children of the devil, who is the father of lies, and they do as their father. Modern jews are also prominent liars, who often position themselves in defiance of god, in behavior, language, and belief. Jesus was killed by these people.

Modern day jews are the primary pushers of atheism and satanism. Modern day jews are also heavily involved in continuing ancient Babylonian/Canaanite religious cults, worship of deities like Baal, Moloch, and Remphan, who are all just derivatives of Saturn. The Pizzagate investigation proved how prolific this Saturn/satan worship was in D.C. and Hollywood, prominent circles of jewish dominance. The 6 pointed star now associated with jews, and on the Israeli flag, isn't the star of David. It's the star of Remphan. It could easily be argued that the "mark of the beast" is the star of Remphan, with 6 points, 6 lines, and a hexagram in the middle. This is personal speculation, though. Modern day jews are also inordinately obsessed with the number 6, through their numerology "magic" called Kabbalah. Modern jews don't follow the Torah, they follow the Talmud, which is essentially just jewish legalese bullshit meant to completely subvert God's commandments and will, often to make it mean the exact opposite of what is said.

Revelation calls them the Synagogue of Satan, those who call themselves jews but aren't, which is fitting of modern day jews, since they're Edomites, not true Israelites.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Post an actual picture of pink blood. You're the one making the assertion. Prove it. I have tons and tons of personal experience, which is backed up by some truly grisly gore videos I've seen.

The only colors you'll find of blood anywhere close to pink are lighter shades of red, which are quite unique to blood, where the thickness of blood varies, and the thinner parts dry a lighter shade. However, it never, ever produces the pink color seen in the OP.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

You've been here for 3 years and you don't know about jewish lies? Screw off. To be this naive would require willful ignorance.

Jews have lied about their ancestry, their Biblical connections, about WW2, the Holocaust, the Nazis, slavery, coin clipping, banking, Weimar Germany, LGBTQ, civil rights, feminism, porn, taking over Western governments, poisoning wells, Kabbalah and their fascination with the number 6, their role in Communist Russia, their role in Communist China, their role in the ethnic cleansing of tens of millions of White Christians in Russia, the Holodomor, the USS liberty attack, their role in the funding, arming, training, and running of ISIS, the same for their role in Hamas, the same for their role in trying to oust Assad in Syria, stealing oil from southern Syria by slant drilling from northern Israel, their true views on Christ, Christianity, and Christians, their writings in the Talmud, their role in globalism, their role in diversity, their role in anti-White racism, their role in open borders and mass non-white immigrations, the Kalergi plan, their role in NGOs funneling non-whites to White countries non stop, their lies to start the Iraq war, their lies to start the 2nd Iraq war, their lies in Afghanistan, their lies about protecting the poppy fields, their role in the opioid epidemic immediately after Afghanistan, their lies about ethnically cleansing Palestinians, their lies about Palestinian "terror", their lies about their reprisals against Palestinians, their lies about their true intentions for Israel and the Palestinians, their "fellow white people" lies all over social media, their role in pedophilia, their role in genital mutilation, their role in the spread of vampire myths, their role in funding both sides of wars...

This is just stuff I could think of off the top of my head. And you pretend to be ignorant to all of it, while claiming to be a genuine, regular user here? Screw off.

People can hold such extreme positions if they like, but hopefully as they get older, they get more reasonable, and grow out of their fanatic world view.

Knowing about confirmed conspiracy theories, historical, political, and wartime, makes the modern world make more sense. Only a truly apathetic or evil person could ever become comfortable with this world we're living in. Which are you?

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wrong again. Blood never, ever produces a pink hue when absorbed into paper. There are pictures online of what blood looks like when it is absorbed into paper. At most, the blood turns lighter shades of red depending on the thickness, but the shades of red are unique to blood, and are nowhere near the colors seen in this picture. Stop trying to gaslight everyone.

as proven by the picture from OP.

That's what we're debating dumbass. Stop shilling for faked images and scenes from known liars and propagandists.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

His position is the best position to take. So many jews are liars, and so many things jews say are lies, that it would be insanely foolish and intentionally, willfully self destructive to believe them. It's better to approach them from the position that they're known liars, that they lie, and to never, ever trust them.

Also, you didn't answer my question. Are you new to conspiracy theories?

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wrong. Blood on paper, never, ever turns pink, unless possibly the bleeding victim was just injected with gallons of pink dye. At most, blood will become a light red, but never the pink you see in this image. The color of blood is very unique, and nearly impossible to duplicate without actually using blood.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

How does knowing jews lie make someone a fanatic? How does not trusting known liars make someone a fanatic?

Are you completely new to conspiracy theories? Jewish lies have been discussed to death on forums like this, for many, many years.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used to get tons of bloody noses, before I got my nose cauterized, twice. I would get 2-3 every day, for years, that often lasted 20-30 minutes. I've accidentally bled on lots of different stuff.

I can say, definitively, that the "blood" in this image is fake. The "blood" on the book is fake. Blood doesn't soak through paper like that, and it doesn't produce that color. The "blood" on the floor is also fake. Blood doesn't smear like that or have that color, when wet or dry.

Blood has a very specific viscosity and color (dark, dark red when wet), even on paper, and interacts with water and liquids quite uniquely. Blood also clots in unique ways. When blood dries, it turns somewhat brownish. Once you know how blood looks and acts, it's really easy to spot fakes.

Don't believe me? Bleed on some tile flooring, and some paper towels or a book. See what happens.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're responding to a known shill that likes to shit up the c/conspiracy forum. He blatantly admitted to hating the place and its users, and then tried to deny it afterward. I got into a lengthy argument with him a few weeks (months?) ago. He might also be a AI chatbot, because of how weird his text is.

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