I came across this post on Gab, with this picture

The Nashville shooter's shoes changed.

I decided to check the video myself. On this school surveillance video, at 1:32, you can clearly see the shooter wearing one type of shoes. On this police bodycam footage video, at 5:57, the shooter is clearly wearing a different pair of shoes.

Possible false flag.


As many of you probably know, egg prices have skyrocketed. The "official" reason is avian flu. But, more and more small time farmers are saying that's not the case, because their chickens just weren't laying eggs, for months. Many have also said that once they switched feeds, their chickens began laying eggs again.

Somewhere around 2012-2014, Land-O-Lakes and Cal-Maine Foods entered into a joint venture with Eggland's Best, and purchased Delta Egg Farm, the largest producers of chicken eggs in the U.S. Land-O-Lakes owns Purina, which in addition to making lots of pet food, also makes lots of chicken feed. Lots of farmers have narrowed down the feed problems to Purina, DuMOR, and Producer's Pride. DuMOR and Producer's Pride are also made by Purina. It's assumed that Purina is intentionally sabotaging the chicken feed for smaller chicken farmers so they can make bank via their own large scale chicken farms, resulting in less competition, less supply, and higher prices. Funnily enough, on Purina's website, I found a page dedicated to why chickens aren't laying eggs, and they blame everything but the feed. There's no date on the page, but through some internet sleuthing, I figured out that it was published on November 7th, 2017. If that's any indication, they've apparently been planning this for a while.

Here's a rather terse article that contains some social media posts from farmers confirming this (the only one I could find), and here's a video from Off Grid With Doug & Stacy, some homesteaders, about the subject. The video contains some interesting anecdotal evidence for why the avian flu story is probably bullshit, and contains another video within it of a small time farmer (starts at 7:58), where she explains the connections to all the companies, confirms the feed problem, and even contacted Purina about their feed, and got an interesting response.

On the Tractor Supply website, I also found numerous recent reviews for Purina, Producer's Pride, and DuMOR chicken feed, from people stating that their chickens stopped laying eggs.

So, if you aren't already, please avoid Cal-Maine foods, Land-O-Lakes, Purina, Producer's Pride, and DuMOR. They're not good people.


I'm pretty sure my dad died of complications from getting the vaccine. Granted, there are a lot of extenuating circumstances, but it makes sense. So, take this with a grain of salt.

I pleaded with him not to get it, because of everything I've read about the dangers of vaccines and the bullshit surrounding Covid, but he got it anyway, because my older brother convinced him. My brother is a pharmacist, and like almost every other doctor is guided by mainstream $cience, which just like the mainstream media, is fine with lying and telling half truths to push more money into the pockets of hospitals and Big pharma. Unfortunately, it seems most people are fine with acquiescing to authority figures, thinking they know better and would always act in everyone's best interest. It's also odd, because my dad and brother are both life long right wingers and knew that the Covid hysteria was way overblown. However, due to my dad's condition my brother urged him to get the vaccine.

My dad had a degenerative lung disease due to life long acid reflex, which had reduced his lung capacity so much that he needed a lung transplant. He had to take special medication and exercise daily to slow the degeneration, but it was still occurring, and by the end he was on oxygen all the time. He was in his late 60s and otherwise really healthy.

My dad got vaccinated in February, and the hospital (the best in the country for what my dad was going through) found a donor and he got the lung transplant in March. It went well, but afterward he never improved. He was bedridden in the ICU for almost 3 months straight, so long that his muscles completely atrophied, he couldn't even move. No one knew why my dad wasn't getting better, and towards the end, due to being bedridden so long, being injected with tons of medication for so long, and a few fuck ups on the hospital's end, my dad's health began to decline rapidly. He died May 6th.

Many of the reports of adverse reactions to these Covid vaccines are occurring a month or few after the injection, and involve problems with blood clotting and blood pressure, which is what was happening to my dad after the transplant. He was on multiple different medications to deal with these issues, but they weren't working, and even if he had survived, they gave him so much medication that they destroyed his kidneys, and he would've been on dialysis the rest of his life.

My step mom was done by that point, and declined an autopsy, even though the rest of the family wanted to know what happened. I understand her sentiment, though, and given the "well we didn't find anything" from other Covid vaccine autopsies, it might not have told us anything. The so called best experts in their field let my dad die under their watch, and they didn't have a fucking clue why. They were sure happy to milk my dad for all his worth though.

Seeing my dad, a Marine veteran of 30 years, a good and kind man, wasting away in bed, unable to talk due to the breathing machine he had to be on, not even able to write, barely able to squeeze his hand or tilt his neck, only able to mouth words, reduced to that, and not able to do a fucking thing to help him was difficult, to say the least. The irony is that my brother was worried that if my dad contracted Covid after getting the lung transplant, due to being on anti rejection meds, my dad would die, so he wanted him to get vaccinated before the lung transplant.

Try to convince your family and friends to not get the vaccine. I tried my damnedest, just short of kidnapping my dad and chaining him to the radiator, or going on a holy crusade to purge the filth of humanity, but I failed. I hope anyone reading this is more successful than I.


Thank you everyone for the kind words.


I'm pretty sure Youtube is auto deleting any comment on Youtube that links to this forum, or website.

I tried posting a comment to this video 5 times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2fD9ZS0Dbk

The link I was trying to post because it was relevant to the video: https://conspiracies.win/p/12iNGg4iLn/because-of-doxxing-rules-on-redd/

Every single time the comment was removed within 10 seconds.

It doesn't surprise me, but more evidence for the mountain of evidence of censorship.


I was talking to my dad the other night, and he mentioned that he was thinking of getting the Covid vaccine. My brother is a pharmacist, who got the vaccine, and was pushing my dad to get it, because he's high risk. I tried to tell my dad everything I could remember about the dangers of the Covid vaccines, mRNA vaccines, vaccine injuries, secret courts, and all the other bullshit related to Covid, essentially telling him not to get the vaccine, and other steps he can take to protect himself.

Anyway, I told him that this was a good community to read about stuff like this, that isn't talked about anywhere else, even on most right wing media and news. I tried to send him an email with a link to this community, twice, and both times I got a message saying:

"Message not delivered There was a problem delivering your message to (link to my dad's email address) See the technical details below, or try resending in a few minutes. The response from the remote server was: 554 5.7.1 Message has been rejected due to suspected spam content."

I've heard other people mention they've had problems sending emails with stuff that goes against the narrative before, but this is the first time it's happened to me, and I figured I'd let others here know, and see if it's happened to them. I still use Gmail, so that's probably who's preventing the email being sent. My dad uses Hughes. I did a quick search and other people have had this error message before, Google of course claiming it's not a problem on their end. I really need to switch email providers but have been dragging my feet.

If the error message is true, when the hell have email providers ever outright prevented spam emails from being sent to people? If anything, it's just put into a spam folder, not entirely prevented from being sent. The message is bullshit.