the media won’t shut the fuck up about either trump “attempt”. you are clearly not from this planet
this guy is a fucking tool
it’s terrifying. it indicates that they will bend to any and all false flags. they’re dangerous fucking people.
they lie about everything
i bet allot of them say they are, among other things
i’m with you on all of that except the “now in their pocket” part. he’s always been one of their point men, just like everyone else they run from both “sides” of the aisle
you’re incredibly lucky to get an extra serving of slop in the joint. it can take years to see a doctor and get diagnosed for anything, even in minimum security joints.
if you’re talking about fed/club med style joints for rich people then perhaps you should turn your anger towards the elite instead of turning the propaganda of the elite on your fellow citizens.
evil human beings that work in tandem and use false flag religion and sectarian propaganda to conceal their unity did 9/11. stop reducing everything to coloring books and crayons.
let’s consume more hollywood. who cares if it’s personified evil. right guys?
what if you’re just fucking insane and pot is not a fucking problem?
they are not powered.
his rants about double jeopardy (dummy) elections in places like nicaragua and angola during the early to mid 1980’s come highly recommended, especially to anyone that favors one candidate over the other in this current united states presidential election, which has literally been styled after the aforementioned elections
fema was cutting people (indiscriminately) off from basics like water and medical, the stuff that we are FORCED to pay them to provide in the wake of disasters. books were written about the situation. it’s never been dealt with legally or otherwise.
there should be war crimes levied against the people behind the disaster relief efforts during katrina. it’s basically what kicked off the world we live in now, where absolutely anything goes because everyone is too fucking stupid to know what deserves their attention and what doesn’t
stockwell is a great listen. his old interviews from alternative views and the like are a real window into where we once were (a relatively free press) and where we are now (a clown world in which people fully support billionaires who want them dead simply because their news is 24/7 false flags/cartoons).
that’s some fucking star trek type shit. trump should put him in charge of the space farce force
he said “you are the dead bear that i dumped in central park”?
rumble is an uninhabited joke. this is such a load of false flaggery/smoke screen bullshit
combination of stage fright and cardiovascular abnormalities
no it doesn’t.
shut up!
information does not imply brick
this is the most laughable and idiotic thing i’ve ever seen on this site, and that’s saying something!
it’s a complete and total rug pull to push extreme division. division is the name of the game rn.
the intent here is to make people feel ridiculous for compliance. they want anger.
i feel like what is being presented to me as AI and NEW is neither. it’s a red flag to me when people start talking about AI. like if someone just repeatedly referred to “red herring”.
it jumps out at you
you should post where you keep that binder online lol
your slaves have work the next morning. you have zoom meetings and tee times.
either that or you’re just misguided and poor.