yesyes123 1 point ago +1 / -0

so u can just sexually assault ur kid multiple times in public, and as long as the media doesnt make a big deal out of it, ur invulnerable, got it.

Could anyone imagine doing that? How insane is this, demon in human skin

yesyes123 3 points ago +3 / -0

I did the calculations on this once it's simple, you can do it too, if I wasn't lazy I'd post it but it's something like this:

  1. Earth is sphere, get volume.

  2. Get volume of atmosphere 50 miles out or X miles out to whatever tier of atmosphere you want to examine. Subtract them, this gives u volume of whatever atmosphere tier u want to look at.

  3. Get numbers of CO2 released by humans every year, and subtract the amount that goes back into the trees and oceans (which btw is a lot, if not all is just absorbed back into the oceans).

  4. After calculations, it's something like 100-1000+ years before the CO2 in our atmosphere doubles. (which doesn't fucking matter anyway). (depending on what numbers you use this can also be infinite time before doubling if using reasonable ocean replenishment rate ).

  5. Also realize water vapor fluctuations are from like 0.2%-4% of atmospheric makeup, which is waaaaaaaaay more potent for warming/cooling effects.

  6. Also realize the distance the earth is from the sun, and the shit that the sun is doing, is far more potent than literal "nano"-amounts of gases in comparison to the distance fluctations in the sun-earth distance.

  7. This is the simplest shit ever how are people still falling for global warming. It took me like 2 hours to do this back in highschool.

yesyes123 2 points ago +2 / -0

where did that study get its funding from? kek

yesyes123 1 point ago +1 / -0

seems likely,

also the body double thats always golfing is very obvious, there's one that only looks 90% like him lol

yesyes123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ahh shit, here we go again

yesyes123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually sum the declared population from every city (where possible). That's it. Everything else is noise.

Everyone is just too lazy to do this. No extrapolation unless there is no population data for a city.

yesyes123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cool stuff any more stuff on this?

yesyes123 2 points ago +2 / -0

diddy has the look of a psychopath whose done unspeakable things

yesyes123 5 points ago +6 / -1

Degeneres = degen = to destroy, lack production. Human life is on earth to pro-create, not de-generate. The term "Degen" is strictly antithetical to why humanity exists.

yesyes123 0 points ago +1 / -1

"...Like Biden, wait let me not compare myself to a pedophile, though i do buy coke from his son once in a while. Hunter did the whole pile I just did a couple bumps then he bought a couple kids and threw em in the trunk. Wait fuck, I'm so not down with this stuff, and that's how I killed myself when the Clinton's showed up."

yesyes123 1 point ago +1 / -0

A wise person I know said basically,

when they want to usher in a new kind of system (CBDC/digital ID), they have to first destroy the current one. They have to make the current choice look like trash, and so they can use that as an excuse for the sheep to follow the path to the new pasture.

Just like what you said, "ohhh look over here how nice it is, you don't want to be rolling around in that filthy mud, do you?"

yesyes123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Random guy who is not police or ss, on a roof, with a rifle, points it at cop. Cop should instant shoot him and radio to everyone to stop the event immediately.

  • If this video is true (Police climbs onto roof before shooting), that's fucking insane. LOL
yesyes123 2 points ago +5 / -3

The shooter is Sam Hyde He finally didn't get away with it

yesyes123 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dislike how they hardcoded AI to respond like a faggot to everything

yesyes123 6 points ago +6 / -0

sodom and gomorrah. Biblically speaking, defined as a place that became so degenerate that the universe convulsed and it then no longer existed.

yesyes123 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah it was pretty sure, would be funny if it was 2024 tho lmao

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