janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah and what's weird is I blocked that account but it didn't work, I still see their posts.

by DrLeaks
janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

So all the based people in NY got a two year paid vacation, on top of not taking poison? LOL

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Problem for me is I work in the trades and we are required to wear heavy steel toe boots at all times on site. They will literally kick you off the job if you don't have proper work boots.

janglepuss 9 points ago +9 / -0

True believer useful idiots will probably be thanked for their service and promptly lined up against the wall and shot. Take it from old uncle Yuri.

When they aren't rewarded with the great wealth and power they were expecting for their loyalty, their "conscience" will suddenly appear, and they will begin rallying against the new regime and it's various crimes against humanity. Well we can't have that kind of dangerous revolutionary rhetoric, now can we?

Studying the history of communism gives a lot of insight into human nature.

janglepuss 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't have a link but I think I know what they're referring to. It was actually kind of weak. Trump said American Jews hate him but Israeli Jews love him so American Jews should be more like Israeli Jews and love him.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought he was pretty clear on Rogan that his advice was to not take the shots. Been a while since I watched it though so I could be mistaken.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I do exercise, lift weights 5 days a week. I do need to do more cardio but I'm working on quitting smoking first so I can get back into it without feeling like I'm gonna die.

I also have been doing sober october and haven't had a drink since Sept 30. I'm thinking about just staying off the booze for an extended period, like maybe six months, just to see if I can do it. I've done these no-booze stretches a couple times before just to test myself.

I'm also kind of obsessive when it comes to my diet. I eat pretty healthy overall, I'd say I eat healthier than 95% of the population. I cook all my own meals from whole ingredients because I just can't bring myself to eat processed shit with all the soybean oil, extreme sodium levels, and unpronouncable additives and preservatives.

I do think some sort of activity would help as I tend to be a bit of a loner and a grump. People just kind of piss me off lol. I've been thinking about getting into mma but I've done it before and I can tell you for a fact that my cardio is nowhere near good enough for it at the moment. If I can stay off the booze long enough and quit smoking, and ease into cardio over the next six months I will probably give it a go.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow that's really interesting. I had never heard of "cardiac sensitization" before. I work in the trades and I have the same thing. Now I'm thinking that's almost definitely the cause. I can't find a lot of information on it from search engines. Can you give me some additional information? Is it permanent? Is there anything I can do to mitigate the symptoms? Anything I should take or perhaps anything I should avoid? Like foods, medications, etc? Is it treatable?

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

The number of articles about people "mysteriously" dying and how "no one can figure out why" is unreal. It can't be actual ignorance. It has to be intentional. What I don't get is why they acknowledge the deaths at all. It's insanely obvious what the cause is so you'd think they'd want to ignore the whole thing entirely. Is it just to throw it in our faces? Demoralize us even more? We truly live in a strange time. It's like there is no objective reality at all anymore.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why, is the Cato Institute supposed to be a libertarian organization? Consider that you don't have to pick an ideology and simply adhere to all of its supposed tenets. Each individual issue merits its own analysis. Also consider that people like this Adam Posen assclown have virtually no principles at all and their apparent alignment with any given movement or philosophy is just because invoking a given set of principles is just what is convenient for them in the moment. This fucker would be a communist tomorrow and a capitalist on Monday if it benefited him.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had absolutely no idea about this. I do enjoy telling people about building 7 though.

"Did you know a third tower collapsed at WTC on 9/11? It was never hit by a plane or anything else and BBC reported that it had collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did".

The stunned looks get me every time.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anthony Fauci himself is on video from years ago explaining how the potential harms from a vaccine could take over a decade to really become apparent. It's still way too early to just say "not as many people died from it as we thought".

janglepuss 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why would someone like Sir Francis Bacon not want credit for authoring all these works? Whoever actually authored them obviously put an insane amount of work and passion into them.

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, it's funny when you go from trying to wake people up, to just trying to save them from themselves in some way, to realizing it's pointless to try to help them, to finally thinking "these idiots really are useless eaters". Lol, I just don't want to get caught up in one of the many ways TPTB are going to use to kill them all.

janglepuss 4 points ago +4 / -0

The last bit really hit me. It really is true, isn't it? We're it. The rest are either incapable of seeing it, or incapable of facing it. We're it. Whatever comes of this wretched world, it's been an honor to know that at least there were a few others like me. If only I could meet some of you irl and shake your hand.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, It's a pivotal moment in life when you step back and look at the big picture and realize that most people are completely incompetent and the entire system is just barely holding together.

No one is going to help you. No one can. You are completely and utterly alone.

janglepuss 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sounds more like a far-left party considering it's apparently run by a useless loser who does nothing to help himself and relies on others to provide for him and then complains about what he gets.

I'm not defending this woman, just pointing out how gay your behavior is.

janglepuss -1 points ago +2 / -3

What far right political party are you currently leading?

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

In large-scale war, it is almost always the case that the majority of deaths come from accidents, friendly fire, starvation, and infection (i.e. non-combat deaths). So that will be nothing new.

I don't know your age or where you are located but if it actually does come to a WW3 level conflict, there's a decent chance they try to force you into serving. You gonna go? Sit it out in prison for refusing? Flee into the woods and survive on squirrels and berries?

by DrLeaks
janglepuss 2 points ago +3 / -1

My mind is blown by people who could easily just say what is happening but instead just say "haha you don't know what's happening? You're an idiot!" If something of significance is currently happening, why wouldn't you just say the thing instead of the passive aggressive comment you chose to make? Because you don't actually know shit lol.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

I find it suspicious that the kind of person who would take it upon themselves to archive all of that stuff would use YouTube of all platforms to do it. I find it even more suspicioser that it hasn't been taken down by YouTube.

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