It's funny how Christians vehemently hate Communism but totally embrace Zionism.
I'm sure many workers are grateful that they can't access their emails.
I don't believe that the white race is Esau (Edom) or that the Khazarian Jews are Israelites.
But, THEY believe it. And they have the money and power to make things happen.
None of the Christian scholars will be able to stop what is going to happen.
The Jewish Messiah is simply the individual who leads the Jews in wiping out the tribe of Esau. Most Jews believe that the tribe of Esau is the white race. Now, some Jews believe that race mixing whites is a form of extermination. There are others who believe in identifying whites by their blood (DNA) and eliminating their complete blood line. So, even mixed white people must be eliminated as well.
This Messiah will be given the position, King of Israel. The King of Israel (Messiah) is the only person who can lead the rebuilding of the 3rd temple.
After the Temple is built, the Jews will take control and bring peace to the world. The entire world will be forced into believing in the Jewish God and follow the orders of the King of Israel. (This is where the anti-christ (King of Israel) will rule from the temple)
For Christians, this is the point where Jesus returns.
Jews also believe that only Jews have a divine soul. Because of this divine soul, the motivation and inspiration to kill Esau comes from God. Every Jew feels it.
Remember, God hates Esau, and gave a commandment to kill every single one of the descendants of Esau--no exceptions.
Especially the Jesuit priests.
Why does Chabad like to huddle around politicians in photo ops?
You can find similar photos of Chanad with Trump, Putin, Macron, Trudeau, and even DeSantis.
It's similar to the porn photos of black men standing around a white woman.
The word ally implies some sort of equality or partnership.
There is no equality between the USA and Israel. The USA is just the lowest kind of whore who pays to give blow jobs to Israel.
Candace destroyed Rabbi Shmuley.
No white male could ever get away with telling a Jew off like that.
Seems like Trump is still picking the same kind of people--Zionist Neocons.
How did he not know that John Bolton wasn't a complete asswipe?
Following the money is antisemitic.
It's roughly 2/3.
Zechariah 13:8-9 (NCV) The LORD says, “Two-thirds of the people through all the land will die. They will be gone, and one-third will be left. The third that is left I will test with fire, purifying them like silver, testing them like gold. Then they will call on me, and I will answer them.
All the white countries that are run by Jews have the same agenda.
He's really not much different than the American Evangelical Christians.
I bet this includes children they captured.
It seems as though all major sporting events, such as the Super Bowl, has to have some dedication to Satan.
"Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100-million of them, and the end is not yet."
(Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn).
Even the best of the Goyim should be killed. (Talmud)
Show no mercy to the Goyim. (Talmud)
Jews by their nature are very cruel and unkind. The teachings of Jesus goes against the core of their being. Even Satanists show more empathy than Jews.
For Trump fans, it's just another sign that it's a Miracle.
My people, the Jewish people emerge from the depths of hell.
Jews are inspired by their God to commit evil acts upon the Goyim.
It should be no surprise that PedoJews love pedophilia art.
Most people love them and bless them. They dare not curse them.
Netanyahu always gets a near unanimous standing ovations.
What could have happened that changed things?
Police are nothing more than enforcers of the Jewish agenda.
There will be no place to hide when they finally replace all the white cops with brown cops.