She is not meant to win.
She was not installed to win.
Walz is not there to win.
He was not picked to win.
Theater to sustain the party-line peasant.
Like Rotten Tomatoes only gayer
Wrong and wrong in multitudes.
It is practice in every field from MIL to LEO to cuff the suspect regardless of status.
And dead bodies bleed until they can not bleed. The entire body does not coagulate just bcz it stops pumping.
But they don't.. bcz they balance their existence on the difference between profitability and consequence --> which makes them no different than any other media empire.
This is precisely why imageboards are far superior to these reddit style forums. You can not do these things here. Yet there really is no good surviving conspiracy imageboard. One needs be created ..or shut down the internet. Either or.
national emergency for electrical grid
Thought he didn't like pushing EVs?
elon to government
Well maybe some slavery EVs then.
You are an exhausting jew.
Look at who they were hiring for the 75,000 IRS agents. They want dullards.
But you have to love the simple mindedness of these tactics as they work on right peasants. And be sad about it. This is high school level conniving. That is how dumb the human has become.
You poor bastard.
You think it matters who is "elected" still.
Which will support eID infrastructure which will be the centerpiece of Trump/Musk in 25
would you like to go faster thru airports
sounds like you want to surrender more privacy to me
There are numerous map options like that but obviously the Waze incentive for peasants has been the real-time interactive tracking of accidents and police. Its hilarious it became tolerated bcz it literally takes your attention away from the road to click responses.
Hmm.. is that a red flag?
Thats a red flag.
ST is quite literally taking my posts WITH the conspiracy observation and reposting it WITHOUT the conspiracy title which is then just the news article supporting the conspiracy. And then he credits me as if that is some pat on the back. To (((his))) credit, that actually annoys me :)
It also says this place is for things that capture your imagination -- and based on what you post -- what captures your imagination is what captures PDW or CNN or FOX imagination -- which then scroll scroll scroll equates to LOW QUALITY and SPAM
If you do not comment on said article, and just post said article, then you are not contributing to CONSPIRACIES and thus in total violation of the rules you seem clutching to.
And then it is the place of users to scrutinize this.
And we have. You are posting trash.
You poor bastard.
Trump is not your friend. Read more.
Ayh hate this Natasha cunt.
Its these terrorists who are attached to things they have no place being attached to and yet -- are. And versed perfectly in things they have no way of knowing -- bcz VOMIT NARRATIVES
Says the fucking guy who after getting BANNED starts another one.
Ayh change accounts for the name change (you missed a couple too) -- those accounts are still alive but unused -- but you -- annoy people to the point of banning. Big difference.
All ayh am asking is that your shit content is tailored more toward the forum in question -- not just shit reposts of garbage news that we would see on PDW.
Please down vote any one that plays party politicks like a peasant.
Ayh can see a PDWer coming over to other forums to post pro-trump garbage on both forums for their internet currency -- but u/DrLeaks2 --> less is more. Once and a while you post a conspiracy minded one but these matter of fact PDW ones are fucking lazy.
The remarkable admissions of how many programs committed atrocities in America by "Americans" for the sake of government funded programs to commit atrocities in other countries -- should cause a rational public to commit to a revolution -- or at least disassemble some of this country (50 god damned states) to provoke prosecution of authorities. Instead, nothing (for 60+ years).. benefited further by an acknowledged international court system paid and operated by the same.
These are examples of why ayh can not hold the perpetrators at fault any more. What is good and evil when evil is not confronted by good? Their "good" is just as reasonable to them. Ayh have turned on peasants bcz there is a threshold where we can not merely claim opposition indefinitely.
Which honestly.. is probably the best perspective a radical can have. When no one matters.. there is no collateral to worry one's self with on their way to decimating their enemies. "Oh you suffered from supply chain collapse and inability to feed your family while few others resisted the powers that be who poisoned that same food you sat idly by consuming? Shucks."
Please down vote these posts. These are not conspiracy minded, not even a hint of it, these are pdw tier garbage regurgitations.
(((suicidetruthbomber))) might as well just admit he is paid by which ever narrative pr firm with these regurgitating media headlines.
Stop talking about some thing you clearly know absolutely nothing about. Its embarrassing that you think that suspects (dead or alive) in an active crime scene are just left alone.
Mean while in reality.. you cuff the suspect. You examine the suspect for potential deadly devices. You potentially treat the suspect regardless of apparent wound as nothing is certain on site of a GSW unless there is no head AND GUESS WHAT --> you would STILL turn the body over and around to search the suspect for weapons and devices that could endanger others.
You do not leave firearms in waist bands bcz they died. They can go off. You do not leave knives in pockets.. bcz the next person to handle the body may get cut. Etc etc etc etc.. so please, stop having stupid thoughts in your head about a conspiracy and absurd as this one you are manufacturing.