posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +6 / -4

They know a few things the masses don’t know and I’ll explain it below.

  1. Everyone is always writing the script of their own life using their inner being like thoughts, emotions, fear, love, desires, joy, etc. Ones who focus on the positive spectrum manifest a positive life in the future. Ones who focus on the negative spectrum manifest a miserable future. Those who mix and match get an average life.

  2. This works because the universe is not physical. It’s mental. The mind creates the physical and makes it seem real to our sense which the mind also made. Who’s mind? God’s mind made the template but we as individuals write the script only for our own lives. Others who appear were written into the script.

  3. The commies get richer as the world gets more hellish. To make it more hellish requires the masses to create hell by focusing on the negative spectrum of inner being. To manipulate us into this focus they:

  4. Push fear based mass media 24/7

  5. Poison food, water, air and medicine.

  6. Mislead people using real life black magic which includes cell phone towers, hypnotism and suggestion.

  7. Manipulate us into thinking we are powerless but actually we are very powerful since we can manifest only our own life as we please. This means we can inject a perfect spouse, abundance and meaning in life just by focusing on these positive ideas in a fantasy way assuming it is real now. Imagine the perfect life, wife and home. Imagine anything you want vividly as if it’s happening now. Be grateful for it. Thank god for it. Let the feelings of all this emanate from you into your surroundings constantly until it appears. That’s the gist of it. Read Way Of Mastery to learn more tricks. There is a surprise about the books author that will pleasantly shock the readers.

To counter this.

  1. Turn off all media to turn off the black magic brainwashing.

  2. Practice telepathy until it becomes real so we can stop using electronic cell phones. Humans will unlock this soon. The time has come. This justifies getting rid of the mind control cell phone towers.

  3. Meditate on what brings you most joy. Everyone is worthy of happiness. You must believe to be worthy of all this regardless of your past because it’s Gods will for you to be happy. Don’t mess it up with feelings of unworthiness. Stay focused on your you want to happen as if it’s already happened. Be grateful for it.

  4. Do 1 good deed per day to boost vibe frequency fast.

  5. Be mentally silent in darkness and silence for 30 minutes a day.

This would totally counter the deep state and you will escape their hidden grip within 6 months max. Hope the line. When confused, think, speak and act as Jesus would and you will be fine.

It took a long time to uncover all this so remember it because your Life literally depends on it.