I do think its weird that some states want a blood dot.
But I could see the value in saving a cord full of stem cells.
Besides how would you handle aging the clone, what about memories/experience. Even if you could age a clone, think how long it takes a normal human to learn how to do anything. Takes over a year sometimes two, even to learn to talk.
There used to be this show on mtv called clone high? I think.
I could see these mad lads doing something like that though, there are prolly a few Einstein's or whoever walking around today.
Yea same, but I try to not consume very much bacon or pork. I do worry about the brain worms lmao. My god refried beans just arent the same without bacon grease used in them.
But I also worry about the cholesterol, I dont eat enough butter to worry about that. I might have some buttered toast once in a while, but I typically use olive oil for everything else that requires fat. I couldnt imagine using anything else in pizza dough.
Ive been eating a ton fuck of eggs to which I guess are high in cholesterol(and a little bit of easily absorbable phosphorous). Lmao the doctor that fucked me over after being poisoned was trying to find any reason he could for the irregular heart rhythm he claimed i didnt have. You should have seen how disappointed he was that my cholesterol was only slightly high.
Id like to keep it that way, and olive oil is a good way to keep it there. Its the healthier fat that your body needs, the animal based fats, hydrogenated oils are clogging peoples veins up.
I prolly have enough calcium built in there after this parathyroid bullshit, I really dont need the cholesterol too.
Another one of those "no shit" moments by conspiracy theorist's everywhere.
Olive oil isnt really a seed oil though.
The Definition of Seed Oil
To fully understand whether olive oil falls under the category of seed oil, it’s important to define what seed oil is. Seed oils, as the name suggests, are oils that are extracted from the seeds of plants. These can include a wide range of oils, such as sunflower oil, sesame oil, and flaxseed oil. The extraction process involves pressing or grinding the seeds to extract the oil, which is then used for cooking, skincare, and other purposes. With this definition in mind, we can now examine whether olive oil fits the criteria of a seed oil.
Is Olive Oil a Seed Oil?
The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it may seem. While olive oil is derived from the olive fruit, it is not extracted from the seeds of the fruit, but rather from the flesh. This key distinction sets olive oil apart from traditional seed oils, leading many experts to argue that it should be categorized differently. However, it’s important to note that some variations of olive oil, such as pomace olive oil, are indeed extracted from the seeds and therefore fall under the classification of seed oil. So, while the debate rages on, it can be concluded that olive oil, in its traditional form, may not fit the strict definition of a seed oil.
This is the real reason olive oil is getting so fucking mad expensive (if i lived in ohio still, id try to plant some olive trees lmao), is because its one of the few healthy things left you can buy.
Yeah thats another strange thing, the only real pictures I have seen are drones. But even those are very scarce, seems to be a concentrated effort to keep the pictures out of news and the mainstream media, like reddit.
The weird thing is my local reddit has had a post every night about weird lights in the sky and most of the comments are people claiming that op and the few others commenting dont know what they are looking at.
They been deleting those posts too, which makes me believe it does indeed have something to do with the military.
It could though. First step is just testing the drones, they are obviously being used by our people or they wouldnt have aviation lights on them.
I cant help but think of when this happened in nevada a few years back? You guys remember that?
Reports of large drones flying around in the desert and after months the government said it was just hysteria and people were seeing things?
That was obviously stage 1. Test the drones over vacant land.
This seems to be stage 2. Testing the drones over residential neighborhoods. If a car sized drone falls out of the sky and lands on someones house, it wont be good.
One thought that came to me, they are testing the skycars we read about in the article "I own nothing, have no privacy and have never been happier".
But there is to much secrecy going on to be something simple like that.
Stick some fancy projector lights on there, slap some rocket launchers and lasers and machine guns and you could easily fake a ufo attack.
I think ufos are real, but using them to pretend like they are attacking humanity seems like it could work to unite the world under one government.
These, things, have been here longer than we have, if they wanted us dead we wouldnt be here.
If you believe the old stories, they already tried once with the great flood....
Thought for sure he would get cancelled over his interview with kathy obrian was it?
You dont see many talk show hosts interviewing people who claim they were members of a sex cult and pimped out to high status politicians.
Get this man a grammy, he plays the oblivious nincompoop to a T.
There was a similar topic prolly 6 months back about russia possibly using one. Some radiation was detected a few weeks later.
But its likely one of those bunker busters that uses a small tactical nuke and most of the radiation gets contained to the ground.
I didnt know it but apparently they can adjust the yield of the explosion so it can either make a very small nuclear bang, or a very large one. This way they just carry one missile around instead of different types according to the mission.
I wonder if someone fucked up the yield on this one. Because it certainly has that iconic nuclear cloud to it.
Isnt it funny that we have multiple versions of the same thing.
Theres this one, then there is the one that they found some device in the middle east.
Even watching westworld, the computer they are having run a global simulation even touches on the same thing.
It doesnt matter what the elite do, at some point the conclusion is always the same. In westworld they make it sound like its some inevtiable outcome of humanity. But I dont think so.
I think if we educated people properly, shared the wealth and quality of life with everyone, that people would choose to have less kids, use less resources, etc.
I was thinking the other day, I have no money so I dont drive, I dont consume a lot, my eco foot print is 1/1000000th of what some rich asshole who has multiple jets and flys around the world every week. Multiple mansions all being heated even when they are not there. Fucking funny the disparity of quality of life intodays modern world.
But all that doesnt really matter if the limit is some kinda of natural event that cant be controlled or deflected.
Kinda makes sense why the elite use us up like pieces of paper to be thrown in the trash. Might as well live like godkings while this pocket of space/time is conducive to civilization.
So many people think that because they lived 20, 50, 100 years in this little bubble in time that earth has always been like this, if you have eyes and used them, you will see this world has been through literally earth shattering events before, and it will likely happen again.
Once society has fucked you over, its near impossible to come back. I dont care what happens to earth or the people living on it.
Its weird to me that this guy is pleading not guilty.
It seems to me that the shooter went through some great lengths to do what they did, if it were me, I would want to be found.
Id be bragging about what I did. And honestly, if they put him in front of a jury of peers, he might get away with it.
But I suspect things will be done behind closed doors, much like nancy pelosi's husband getting assaulted by his canadian lover.
I really try to advocate for non violence.
But I can hardly bring myself to sympathize with a ceo who was using AI to deny people their claims.
If under this networth, if claim is ambiguous enough, etc.
Fuck i want to give the gunman a slap on the back and I really, really hate saying that but after what WCB did to me, I wouldnt mind these people second guessing everything they do. Its sad it takes the threat of murder to want to do what is right.
And lmao, read this article by this dumb retarded cunt.
Yes yes, its only a WOMAN thang, men are not allowed to be fucked over by the medical cartel.
And the other dumb twat deleted their post. Something along the lines off.
"Women will fix this country!" or some hot garbage like that.
Its women that just do whatever their master beckons them to do, no second thought at all or any shits given. At least some men have a backbone, ive yet to meet a woman here who does.
Lmao bro I cant even support myself, you think im bringing kids into this shit hole?
Was checking out this post this morning when I noticed this thing next to the starlink satellites.
No one in the thread seems to notice lol. Im not surprised, the r/halifax folk arent as smart as they think they are.
Im going with ai generative details? Shot looks like the shutter was open for a few milliseconds. The starlink orbs look more oblong than spherical. I doubt its a plane.
But every other thing is a nice little dot, and then theres this thing.
Looks like a ship coming through a portal or something lmao.
Yea I know, their all fucking evil as shit. I have very little doubt.
Nice catch. I like how its been "debunked".
The word "divoc" could be considered close to an existing word—but is not itself a word in Hebrew.
"I think the word that people may be thinking of is דיבוק dibbuk (often spelt dybbuk in English), which is a Jewish concept (popular in folk culture) of the spirit of a dead person that possesses a living person because they have unfinished business and want to speak through the living person," Lily Kahn, a professor of Hebrew and Jewish languages at University College London, told Newsweek.
Im not really buying this though, do we even have anyone here who is knowledgeable in hebrew.
I keep hearing this phrase thrown around in reference to the blue ball that was spotted at the airport.
Which I wanted to make a post on its own.
Ive managed to find three different sightings of what looks like a blue orb.
You go there it links to a forum where most people think its likely a baloon, they dont seem to confident. The weird part is a news chopper caught something like this while filming one day.
Another baloon?
What about this one? A clip from last year which seems to show the same thing.
To be honest, these dont really hit me as a ufo, but that doesnt mean it isnt one. The only two times I seen one, it appeared to be one solid shape. Hard to tell when its glowing and zooms across the horizon in the blink of an eye.
It would kinda make more sense they are holograms, which would explain why they seem to distort, which some people think its shape shifting or something.
The girl at teh beginning strikes me as being full of shit, yeah I always have my phone ready and i watched most of it happen and then I thought yeah ill just start recording with my phone? lol lamest shit ever.
Definetly something strange going on.
I dont think our creators are going to interfer until doomsday, and then they may save very small groups of people.
Like israel with new jersualem, or the hopi with their "spider woman".
The Four Worlds
In this story of creation, Spider Grandmother, also called "Gogyeng Sowuhti", is the assistant of Tawa. He sends her to the creatures living in the first world to deliver his word. Tawa was unhappy that his creations do not understand how to live. Spider Grandmother guides the creatures on their journeys through the worlds as their physical appearances change to be more human. In the third world she taught them how to weave and make clay pots. While in the third world the people began to turn away and forget Tawa. Because of this Spider Grandmother was sent to let the few who were still good know that it was time to leave the others behind. With the help of the Pokanyhoya and the Chipmunk, Spider Grandmother advised and led the people to the upper world where they would reside. Spider Grandmother helped the people create the Sun and Moon, advised the people on how and where to travel, and on religious practices.[7]
In the greek legends, some people claim it was four ages of man and not five. Though you dont really see this story referenced in new age mythology. Its mentioned plenty in books older than a hundred years.
The Roman poet Ovid (1st century BC – 1st century AD) tells a similar myth of Four Ages in Book 1.89–150 of the Metamorphoses. His account is similar to Hesiod's, with the exception that he omits the Heroic Age. Ovid emphasizes that justice and peace defined the Golden Age. He adds that in this age, men did not yet know the art of navigation and therefore did not explore the larger world. Further, no man had knowledge of any arts but primitive agriculture. In the Silver Age, Jupiter introduces the seasons, and men consequently learn the art of agriculture and architecture. In the Bronze Age, Ovid writes, men were prone to warfare, but not impiety. Finally, in the Iron Age, men demarcate nations with boundaries; they learn the arts of navigation and mining; they are warlike, greedy, and impious. Truth, modesty, and loyalty are nowhere to be found.
Who knows.
Its called poverty.
Money and property bring the absolute worse out in family's as well, coupled with the terrible economy.
You got people who would normally be living by themselves, crammed with their boomer parents and millennial siblings, its like a fucking tinderbox.
The family property is what destroyed by dads family. Their whole lives all they gave a fuck about was carving it up and selling it as quick as they could.
Really dissapointing because my dad argued to keep it in the family like they do with the wing fort house. It was quite a impressive property, prolly built by some genius black person is my guess because it was close to a historic black church. The entire hill side had been dug up at the bottom and lined with rocks to funnel water through the property, into a cistern and pond. My plan was if I had ever become a millionaire was to keep it and restore it to its original shape.
So much for that, bunch of houses built all over it now.
And my faggot uncles and aunts got a fraction of what they thought they would get.
I was glad for that at least.
Lmao actually reading your post, I feel like your title was a bit misleading.
I dont know man, ive been hearing a hum for years now, but I think its because of the low phosphorous, seems to get better when my blood levels increase. Did start right around the time they launched all the 5g networks.
Yeah we all have different beliefs about this.
I dont think there are multiple aliens, I think there is just one, the race that created us.
I dont know if they can manipulate time and matter, its been theorized that these beings make you see what they want you to see, either through some advanced psychic powers, or maybe its just simply quantum technology.
I did buy into the theory for a while that they could be time travelers from the future, but I dont really believe this either.
Bonus video I found last night that was tripping me out. Its obviously fake but for some reason its hits some primordial chord.
(Ai generated video shows how Egyptians built the pyramids)
Archived the link, because while the mod of this subreddit isn't running it like a business (like the Halifax one, this post would have never stayed up for more than five minutes there, i suspect it has ties to law enforcement somehow) he HATES anti vaxxers, so I see this thread getting deleted whenever the mod gets up and feels like checking his feed.
Even if it is covid that is destroying our immune systems, it was still weaponized by someone (if you believe in covid lmao). Im torn because I did not get the vaccine and while I haven't been very sick the last three years, this walking pneumonia got my partner and then me 3 weeks later. Prolly why I felt like my phosphorous was tanking more than usual.
Its weird seeing these people admit that something might be going on, most of them were around when I still had a reddit account and they loved to make fun of me for talking about the conspiracy's! Basically anything I said was invalid because I was one of those "people" who posted in r/conspiracy lmao. I remember a couple other users who seemed chill as hell getting bullied from the sub for daring to express the same opinions that we are seeing these people make.
Shit my first thought when I heard about the covid vaccine being a leaky mrna vaccine, these fuckers would rather watch the world burn then give up their mountains of wealth.
Destroying your immune system to make you a customer for life really doesn't seem that fucking far fetched.
Part of it is lack of doctors, found this comment in r/Ontario about how many family doctors are set to retire and alot of people are going to be without a general practioner.
This. It's absurd. There's been plenty of articles about ER doctors having to regularly break the news to patients that they have cancer, which is abnormal. The lack of PCPs means people aren't getting checked out until their symptoms become emergent, because most aren't going to wait at a walk-in for mild things like being more fatigued than usual (who isn't) etc
I moved to Ontario in 2019 and have been trying to find a doctor since. I finally got one and had my first checkup today. After looking at a few things and doing the basic expected measurements, he said he thinks I (34, active, healthy weight, low-normal bp) need to have an ECG. And like, it could be nothing obviously but how many people are walking around with things that could be serious/progressive but have no idea because they feel fine? A PCP can catch things early and provide noninvasive treatment. Ending up in the ER because symptoms have become critical costs the system a ton of time and money that could often be avoided with a few doctor's visits and medications.
Told you brosef's, irregular heart rythyms aren't something to fuck around with.
I went and rewatched westworld, hadnt seen the 4th season yet. Theres supposed to be one last season of it coming.
God damn is this show a masterpiece, if you can look past all the dumb ass dei shit.
Feels like they are showing us a glimpse of what is already to be.
(made by a company trying to make it a reality haha)
I thought it was weird how they named the quantum machine trying to control/form the narrative for the future of humanity Rehoboam.
Rehoboam was, according to the Hebrew Bible, the first monarch of the Kingdom of Judah after the split of the united Kingdom of Israel.
I personally dont think we live in a simulation, and even if we were, we would still be the universe experiencing itself, I dont think it would matter.
I dont know of any good documentary's about this, but there are prolly a couple.
But it was definitely a inside job. There was no way it wasnt.
Each strain of anthrax has its own signature I guess and they traced the anthrax back to a guy who was born in ohio and worked for the government.
WASHINGTON – Months after the anthrax mailings that terrorized the nation in 2001, and long before he became the prime suspect, Army biologist Bruce Ivins sent his superiors an email offering to help scientists trace the killer.
Already, an FBI science consultant had concluded that the attack powder was made with a rare strain of anthrax known as Ames that's used in research laboratories worldwide.
In his email, Ivins volunteered to help take things further. He said he had several variants of the Ames strain that could be tested in “ongoing genetic studies" aimed at tracing the origins of the powder that had killed five people. He mentioned several cultures by name, including a batch made mostly of Ames anthrax that had been grown for him at an Army base in Dugway, Utah.
Seven years later, as federal investigators prepared to charge him with the same crimes he'd offered to help solve, Ivins, who was 62, committed suicide. At a news conference, prosecutors voiced confidence that Ivins would have been found guilty. They said years of cutting-edge DNA analysis had borne fruit, proving that his spores were “effectively the murder weapon.”
Why do I think it was a inside job and not the work of one crazy fool?
Because that anthrax was mailed to people who were holding the votes up to pass the "patriot act".
You cant find this kinda information on google anymore, google only shows the narrative. Yandex.com still shows alot of stuff for me.
Nah, another good example of "justice" in nova scotia.
Engineer who drowned on the job may have been impaired, defence argues
No evidence to support claim that employee wasn't fit to work, Crown lawyer says
Nah, it wasnt the bosses who werent spotting him at fault, or the company who didnt have the proper guards in place.
It was his fault for smoking a joint the night before work.
These people are faggots, seriously. I say a prayer every night that everyone at nova scotia wcb burns in fucking hell.
This guy's boss tried to say he was drunk when he was asked to weld a gas tank with gas in it.
Autopsy showed no alchohol or even thc in his system, what a shame nova scotia thinks.
Of course your reducing work injuries! By covering most of them up you stupid dick lickers!!!! ( this isnt even derogatory, most of the workers at wcb are women )
A Nova Scotia judge has found a foreman who was charged with criminal negligence related to the death of a 22-year-old labourer at a Dartmouth, N.S., construction site not guilty.
In his ruling released on Thursday, Jan. 4, Justice D. Timothy Gabriel said Alcorn was likely intoxicated when he fell more than five metres to the ground. Alcorn was wearing a harness but it was not anchored to the roof, Crown prosecutor Alex Keaveny said.
At trial, toxicologist Jennifer Swatek testified both delta-carboxy THC and delta-9 THC — the latter she described as a psychoactive material deposited in the body after the ingestion of cannabis — were found in the samples of Alcorn's blood taken before his death.
Buddy smoked a joint the night before, its all his fucking fault.
Legalizing weed is prolly the best thing trudea ever did for his government, it makes a quite handy scapegoat for about everything. Having immigrants that you can kill, main, or hurt and then deport is a plus too.
“Even though he was not being paid at the time of the accident, I argued that he was the designated driver and driving his colleagues around was part of his work duties whether it was for leisure, to buy food or for work," Pilon said in an interview.
Pilon said that had the tribunal ruled in the family's favour, they would have been eligible for about $100,000.
At least they had a half way believable excuse on this one, imagine if they had told the family it was impossible for the car to have crushed him.
Millions and billions for arrivecan and caucasians claiming to be indigenous. Cant spare a dime to properly compensate someone.
The final cost of the controversial ArriveCan app is impossible to determine due to poor financial record-keeping, a new auditor general report has found.
Canada’s Indigenous Services minister refused to say Monday if non-Indigenous companies that won contracts by claiming to be Indigenous should pay back the value of contracts that were meant for First Nations, Inuit or Métis businesses.
Lmao I almost forgot too, on top of freon not being able to do anything to people, me not having an irregular heartbeat. Despite all that it was likely just the gram of weed I was smoking at night that was doing it all to me they said.
Lol, ill never trust a "official" again, thanks nova scotia for showing me the light.
Canada wont survive much longer at this rate, it seems to be breaking down even quicker than the other western countries.
Call/email wcb nova scotia and ask them about the walmart case, tell them the freon guy says hello.
I cant watch these videos, or read the comments because its quite clear that a majority of people have no clue how things work in canada.
I was surprised to see charges brought against that smoke house in alberta for roasting a immigrate a few weeks later.
Im guessing the company wasnt worth enough to them to make it worth covering them. Alberta is where that dr tsorkros is a specialist for work and safety. Criminals. This guy actually died in march 2023, it took a year and a half for the charges to get laid. I doubt this will happen in halifax's case.
Most of these people think the family can sue the employer, doesnt work like that in nova scotia, you cant sue your employer.
People think this woman had to be murdered is the dumbest shit I have heard lately.
Sure she was murdered, by walmart and the work safety boards corrupt broken system. Ive called the labor board about arca which is where I was poisoned with freon. Several times, prolly a dozen times over 6 years and no one would even call me back until last year, pussy faggots.
They refuse to do a air quality test, even though its part of the procedures to be done every few years, its been 6 years since I was poisoned, I have not been made aware of even ONE air quality test to get done. These people are lazy, uneducated, corrupt, soulless, inept pieces of shit who only care about getting paid, and nothing else.
This video has some actual clips from in the store, man this woman met a brutal end.
1000$ she wasnt trained properly, and neither where her coworkers.
Either that or the safety mechanism were busted and never fixed, this is why I cant even watch these videos man, the thumbnail is of a guy demonstrating how the safety release works is just ignorant as shit. They are assuming that whoever "trained" this girl actually bothered to give a shit to show her the proper procedures. That shit costs time and money!
My guess is she was doing the job of two, or three people, unsupervised while her manager was walking around doing nothing, turned the oven on self cleaning, went to remove something she forgot and the door latched behind her and started. I dont even use the self cleaning feature on my stove because I feel like the thing is going to explode if I do. I always use manual labor to clean it.
At arca they had me decommissioning units with a water line you would see on a water cooler, and not the yellow jacket reinforced presure lines. These couplings would pop apart on a daily basis spraying freon into the air, plus the leaky machine. God damn I was prolly getting dosed good sitting on the floor trying to rip the compressors after a quick 5 minute drain lmao. You could hear the compressors hiss for a few minutes after getting thrown into a box. I was trained by Rick, the vice president of arca that just a quick one minute drain was enough to get 99% of the gas. I didnt know at the time that freon bonds with the oils in the compressors and they need more than just a 1 min drain and a smack with a hammer to get it out.
Work safety is a joke in nova scotia, this women wasnt murdered she was killed through nova scotias inaction to do their job properly.
This is why I keep saying, the social structure is breaking down. You cant even expect the right thing to happen anymore.
I told my partner the other day after they told me they were shocked that no one has done anything for me these last 4 years.
Told them, id be fucking shocked if they did.
Criminal pieces of shit. Faggot nova scotians.
I recently watched that documentary "surveiled", and it wasnt terrible. If you have been following along with the main guys articles over the years, there isnt anything you dont already know.
I thought this shit was ironic though.
In their office leading into it is a neon sign that says "spreading the light".
yeah, spreading the light alright, gods chosen people