x_prepared_spirit_x 0 points ago +1 / -1

In order to have free speech you must unfortunately give voice to the stupidest and most retarded fringe set... ie flat earth and/or woke ideology... tolerance of intolerance and all that

x_prepared_spirit_x 2 points ago +2 / -0

After 30 years of research I've found the truest and most relatable belief system possible to humans... ain't no way I'mma have ya'll CHUDs go wreck it... fuck that...

x_prepared_spirit_x 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wokeness in 1 Tweet:

  1. society is divided into oppressed/oppressor groups along lines of race, class, gender, sexuality, etc via 2) hegemonic power. But privileged people are blind so 3) we need to defer to the lived experience of the marginalized to 4) dismantle unjust systems

or for a shorter definition

Being "woke" means you think The System is structurally oppressive today, performance gaps prove this, and the solution is equity.

definitions from this recent twatter thread - https://en.rattibha.com/thread/1636247494643384322

by DrLeaks
x_prepared_spirit_x 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next you should look into villain phoenix of the villain report on how he was sitting on a ton of J6 footage and then was found dead under mysterious circumstances.

x_prepared_spirit_x 1 point ago +2 / -1

Apparently not enough books to figure out that what you're describing is just a retarded distortion of Hinduism.

x_prepared_spirit_x 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you would like more context or are curious to know why leftists say it's racist to believe in Atlantis check out this article "A refutation of Flint Dibble in defense of Graham Hancock" https://jonlennartaasenden.wordpress.com/2022/12/07/a-refutation-of-flint-dibble/

x_prepared_spirit_x 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can buy products on amazon that do this for under $200. One example is a TENS unit.

x_prepared_spirit_x 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know being factually accurate isn't very popular in these parts, but it was actually alex jones' producer (and not Candace Owens) that hooked up kanye with Milo and Fuentes. Kanye got Milo and Fuentes into Mara Lago.

If you want to find even MORE entertainment out of all this, look into the group that kanye got banned from twitter for using their stylized swastika. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlian_beliefs_and_practices

x_prepared_spirit_x 5 points ago +5 / -0

Conspiracy forums have been repurposed as political battlegrounds, look how far down you have to scroll to find a post about aliens, magick, alternative history or anything other than current politics. The people who read conspiracy forums for new information, new ideas, stoner thoughts, new data for pattern matching, etc have all been driven out, so now all that remain are political shills.

x_prepared_spirit_x 11 points ago +11 / -0

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the first set of stone tablets, he encountered the idolatry and immorality of the people. In rage Moses threw down the tablets, breaking them to pieces. After the people repented, God called Moses to climb Mount Sinai again, with new stone tablets to replace those he had broken: “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God” (Exodus 34:29, ESV). When the people saw Moses’ shining face, they were afraid to go near him (verse 30). So Moses covered his face with a veil (verse 33). There seems to be nothing in this passage to warrant the idea that Moses had horns, yet this is indeed where the idea comes from, because of a Latin translation.

The original Hebrew word used to describe the radiant skin of Moses’ face is qaran. A related word, qeren, means “horns,” as it refers to something that “projected outward” as horns do. However, the word qaran properly means “to shine” or “to send out rays.” The Hebrew wording used in Exodus 34 was meant to indicate that Moses’ face “sent forth rays of light” or “projected light.”

The Latin Vulgate translation by Jerome in the fourth century used the Latin word cornuta to describe Moses’ face. Cornuta, related to the word cornucopia (“horn of plenty”), means “horned.” Jerome, in saying that Moses was unaware that “his face had become horned,” was most likely expressing the fact that the skin of Moses’ face radiated with “strong horns of light.” But his wording led to overly literal interpretations by artists who assumed that Moses had actual horns protruding from his face when he descended Mount Sinai.


x_prepared_spirit_x 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really a conspiracy, just an interesting (old) statistic to use for wider political/religious conspiracy theories or whatever.

by DrLeaks
x_prepared_spirit_x 2 points ago +2 / -0

A rich dude donating to the local governor isn't a conspiracy. Homeboy spent 109 million dollars just on his house, 5 million to the local politician to grease some wheels ain't shit. The real take away is that Desantis needs more and bigger donors.

x_prepared_spirit_x 4 points ago +4 / -0

Villain Phoenix of the Villain Report was found dead in an Alaskan Hotel room from an apparent overdose. He was a prolific livestreamer that was sitting on a ton of footage of the BLM/antifa riots as well a lot of footage from January 6th

x_prepared_spirit_x 7 points ago +8 / -1

Not that it excuses Trump, but I think people are forgetting that initially Trump put Mike Pence in charge of handling the virus. We all know Pence is a swamp rat and he had weeks if not months to enact the plandemic right under Trump's nose.

x_prepared_spirit_x 5 points ago +7 / -2

Topics that should be discussed

-How to be a historian and keep track of your findings

-Finding your own conspiracies

-Direct action that anyone could do to fight the NWO/Satanists/Deep State

-Effectively disseminating information

x_prepared_spirit_x 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some say that Satan has returned to heaven, but the ahriman is still the major force of "evil" in the world and employs Baal and Moloch to continue to carry out evil in Satan's name.

x_prepared_spirit_x 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think people forget that right before covid there were anti-government riots worldwide and then covid was introduced and all of those riots were quelled.

x_prepared_spirit_x 7 points ago +7 / -0

People in conspiracy communities have been talking about a false flag or blackout in August for months now and the idea that Trump would be back in office in August is only ~a week old. The idea has been coming from leftist media, not our guys, it's most likely a psyop/part of the false flag.

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