free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

mass awakening

Wake/wacan - "to become awake, arise, be born, originate"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/wake#etymonline_v_4796

One starts awake...then struggles with the temptation of falling asleep, while others try to put one to sleep by luring masses together.

pagan faiths

Pagan/pag - "to fasten"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/pagan#etymonline_v_2984

Faith tempts one to hold onto, while ignoring to be solid (life) within fluid (inception towards death). Therefore...faith contradicts pagan, hence few suggesting pagan-ism to tempt many into consenting/having faith in the -ism, while ignoring the implication of pagan.

one world religion

Religion/religio - "to bind anew" implies binding one to another, hence establishing a dual-ism. Religion cannot be one, hence monotheism being contradicted by anyone joining.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0


Few suggest a burned offering to tempt many into responding to a brand (re-brand) by giving consent.

image generation

Nature doesn't generate images (piece of statuary; artificial representation)...few suggest images to tempt the imagination of many to ignore nature.

Image/imitari/aim - "to copy"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/image#etymonline_v_1520

to sell a product

Selling (suggested) a product (perceivable) to ones FREE will of choice for the price of selling self out.

to place blame

Blaming/blaspheming - "finding fault"...consenting to suggestion, while ignoring perception implies blasphemy.

A jew, as a merchant of temptation selling suggestions, accepts the blame, while returning it by claiming persecution...with interest.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +2 / -3

social engineering

Nature implies the engine which privatizes each being within by separating each from one another. As the natural engine reveals private; so the suggested engineering of "social" occults the private underneath the public.

"They" will almost exclusively use fake events

a) Event/exvenire - "coming out" implies effects (life) coming out of cause (inception towards death)...staging events for one another tempts one to ignore this.

b) All (motion) generates (momentum) ones (matter) will (choice)...others suggest "they" aka pluralism to shape private choice into a public following of choices.

c) Exclusive/exclude implies a contradiction in itself aka ex (expression) cluse/clude/close (suppression).

Nature impresses (perceivable) expressions (perception)...artifice (suggested) tempts ones consent to suppress ones expression.

d) Ones consent to suggested eventism (monistic ontology of physics founded on events) establishes a conflict of reason (real vs fake).

They avoided real ones

a) Notice that THEY (fake) contradicts ONE (real)...

b) Notice that ONES (plural) contradicts ONE (singular). The plural of one (ones) still implies EACH one...no matter how many are counted together and blanketed by a suggested pluralism.

c) Consenting by ones choice to a suggestion by another ones choice implies "avoiding" ones choice by selecting a chosen ones suggestion to shirk ones response-ability onto.

d) A jew doesn't avoid reality...a jew suggests fiction to tempt gentiles to avoid reality for it, which each one gentile does willingly when giving consent to a jewish suggestion.

They didn't have control of the Reality

Reality reveals by setting apart...fiction tempts those who consent to roll together (con-trol).

Sleight of hand: Katamari (something which rolls up other objects, growing increasingly large) ...that's what a jew does to gentiles, and what control implies aka rolling clumps of useless matter together for the King of All Cosmos.


Real things lock into all other real things and are hard to dislodge.

  • Reality (motion) moves (momentum) things (matter) apart
  • Reality moves (inception towards death) things (life) apart

A thing can only lock onto other things if being set apart from one another...wanting to hold onto tempts one to ignore needing to let go of.

What you call "hard to dislodge" implies an indigestion of matter within the reality of motion, established by a jew tempting gentiles to hold onto suggested (information) within perceivable (inspiration).

Circular logic implies rolling together an indigestion of thought, while reasoning against others implies the continuous wasted effort to protect one side of indigestion from the other.

infinitely malleable

Only finite (matter) within infinite (motion) can be shaped. A jew suggests fiction to tempt gentiles to hold onto shapes, which in return permits a jew to utilize infinite reality to shape at will what gentiles cannot ever grasp.

Matter (life) cannot hold onto motion (inception towards death)...but it can be tempted to hold onto each other, hence suffocating each others as indigestion of matter during motion.

any degree desired

Desire focuses ones sight, hence narrowing ones degree/spread/growth.

the current state of the art

Artificial (suggested) state (perception) within current (perceivable)...consenting to suggested (art) tempts one perception to ignore perceivable (nature).

State implies one; current implies all...art implies another one making suggestions about all.

all false

All (motion) generates right (momentum) aka a straight (inception towards death) for each bending (life) one (matter) within.

A jew inverts rise (life) during fall (inception towards death) by suggesting false/falsetto aka an artificial high for gentiles to climb up to like a career ladder; a chain of command, or a pyramid scheme.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

a) Militant implies "to be in conflict", which contradicts the natural ORDER. A jew suggests gentiles to follow orders towards conflicts as the inversion of the natural order.

b) There's always a difference between zog following jewish orders and a jew suggesting gentiles what orders zog follows, because why give public access to private information? Also...jew over zog; zog over gentiles implies layering, hence a pyramid scheme.

$300 million dollar

Who sets the value of $?

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

William Morgan

Morgan in welsh stands for "sea-dweller"...being free will of choice (will I am) implies ones struggle of dwelling (to be led into error, go wrong in belief or judgment) within sea/see aka being tempted to ignore perceivable for suggested.

A mason of free (will of choice) utilizes suggested information as bricks and ones consent as mortar to build walls of ignorance within the minds of many, for them to dwell within. Beliefs are held within ones mind, which is where one also makes judge-MENTs from.

Edit: Avdi Vide Tace (hear, see, be silent...if you would live in peace)

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

people who are schizo

a) People implies an aggregate of each one person...schizo/schism implies a division from one another.

b) What if the original schism of person implies per sonos (by sound) aka the internal division of all sound into each one instru-MENT within aka ones mind?

c) What if a jew aggregates gentiles together aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together), while also using psychoanalysis (jew Freud) to label resisting gentiles as schizo (jew Bleuler)?


a) The foundation of clean/pure implies white (pure light) as opposed to black (absence of light).

b) Being implies in-between the visible spectrum (color) of light (white); while struggling with the temptation of ignorance (black). Ignoring implies abstaining from light, hence staining self discernment with the "dreck" suggested by others.

c) In short...holding onto stains one (ignorance); letting go cleanses one (discernment).

it is putting parasite before the spirit

Consent (host) to suggested (parasite) permits parasite before host. Coming into being implies as guest (life) within host (inception towards death).

Host IN-SPIRES guests to breathe apart from one another, hence offering room to breathe...ignoring this for suggested permits others to CON-SPIRE (breathing together).

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first mind parasite is Judeo-Chirstianity

Ones consent (host) to a suggested -ism (parasite) holds it together...

people believing the idea of one world, one nation, one faith.

a) Both suggested pluralism (people) and idealism (idea) tempt each consenting one together with others.

b) ONE implies apart from one another...not aggregated together with other ones.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

Exactly what it is evidence of, I don't yet know.

Evident/exvidere - "out of seeing", hence to know - "to perceive"...looking at suggested evidence contradicts that.

I consider

I implies holding onto that which nature set apart from one another aka oneself. Consider aka siding together tempts one to join others, while ignoring to be set apart from one another.

All perceivable sets each ones perception apart from one another, while any suggestion by another tempts one to ignore that.


Aka standing (stance) together (con)...an inversion of standing apart from one another, hence being enabled to balance as choice freely.

general narrative

Suggested narration contradicts perceivable generation...if one consents to hold onto it.

Nature doesn't narrate (utter words) it generates by moving sound.

a segregated population, forbidden from freely interbreeding

a) A jew suggests populism to tempt freely consenting gentiles together on segregated fields, which are bound together within a conflict of reason against each other, which a jew exploits to tempt the further mixing together of gentiles in controlled environments aka herding cattle.

b) Breed/bhreu - "to boil, bubble, effervesce, burn"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/breed#etymonline_v_17087

Mixing implies "blend promiscuously into one mass"... https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=mix which inverts nature setting each one within apart from one another, hence each being standing out from one another aka being special as opposed to COMMON.

Interbreeding implies a jew using alchemy to bring gentiles to a boiling point aka a burned offering of the living (ingredients) back into the process of dying (base). Real growth implies singular resistance, fake growth implies plural aggregation into a bubble ready to be busted... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tdyU_gW6WE

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

mentally stable

Natural order implies stable (balance)...each mind within wields the choice to stabilize (balancing) by adaptation aka alternation aka separation aka transformation etc.

had they been more

THEY implies suggested pluralism, and MORE implies ones singular consent to reason (more vs less) about it against others...that's mentally unstable.

they truly are pursuing insane goals.

A jew suggests goals (outcomes) to tempt gentiles to ignore perceivable origin. Suggested "truth" for example tempts one to hold onto it, while defending it from the onslaught of lies until kingdom come...aka pursuing fiction (suggestion) within a circle (logic) while mutually fighting others (reason).

Insane aka in sanus - "within sound"...that's what a gentile ignores (origin of being) when consenting to a jewish suggestion.

The way they are running the planet

Only flow (inception towards death) runs form (life) into shapes...ones consent to a suggested form (planet), while ignoring perceivable flow (plane) permits another to shift shapes.

free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3

people are all the same

People implies an aggregate of many together, which can only exist a) by each different person joining and b) by few remaining apart, hence different from the "same" people.

Do you see the trick of few tempting many together aka aggregating them?

Meanwhile in reality... each person (different); many persons (alike) per-sonos aka by sound (same).

act accordingly

Action sets reactions apart from one another...suggested accord tempts together, while permitting few to attach A CORD upon many aka a string to puppeteer by a hidden hand.

seems like the right way to be

a) Seem/sem - "semblance; sameness" tempts one to ignore being different from one another.

b) Ones perception SEES differentiation; the suggestions by others SEEM the same if one consents. A jew suggests what SEEMS as a SEAM upon what a gentile actually SEES.

b) Being (life) within way (inception towards death) implies differentiation...not likeness, hence differ/disferre - "carrying apart; away from".

In the case of jews, if someone is born into it

a) Each one (perception) is born into all (perceivable)...a jew tempts gentiles into a case (suggested), while using suggested progressivism to tempt them out of being.

In other words...consenting to a suggestion permits others to dangle the suggested in front of ones eyes, while one chases after it. This CHASE for outcomes implies the CASE concealing ones mind from origin.

b) Being (life) born into it (inception towards death) implies as temporary growth into ongoing loss...the origin cannot be blamed for lack of growth. Blaming aka finding a fault implies holding onto something, hence faulting self for lack of growing.

they pretty much just go along with the program

Being (life) going along with origin (inception towards death) dies faster...a jew suggests program/prographein - "to write forth" to tempt consenting gentiles to follow leaders along towards outcome.

Consenting to follow a suggestion, while ignoring to resist origin implies each ones free will of choice.

If one ignores to discern for self that life is being moved towards death, for chasing towards alternative outcomes, then who is to blame but oneself?


Notice that you view jews as THEY aka as an aggregate of people, while ignoring that gentiles are the larger aggregate, and that the chosen few imply a people apart... https://www.amazon.com/People-Apart-Europe-1789-1939-History/dp/0198219806

just as the vast majority of Christians, Muslims, and whoever else do.

Religion/religio - "to bind anew"...a jew tempts gentiles to bind each other together, which in return permits a jew to control those in bondage; those bound together; those within a BUND... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundism

I do not think we advance the cause

Cause advances thinking, hence delivering input for thought. A jew suggests nihilism (not) and pluralism (we) and progressivism (advance) to tempt consenting gentiles to ignore perception for suggestion.

the alleviation of human suffering

Suffer; verb - "allow to occur or continue, refrain from hindering, fail to prevent or suppress"...life being moved from inception towards death can not suffer (prevent origin); only suffocate (deprive of) self by denying reality (perception) for fiction (suggestion).

Consenting to hold onto a suggestion implies ones denial of being moved...that's self imposed suffering.

advance the cause of truth

Change advances...truth and lies tempt one to hold onto it (circular logic); fighting others for it (conflicts of reason), while ignoring change aka alternation/differentiation/separation/transformation etc.

there really does seem to be a "problem"

Being implies problem (life) during solution (inception towards death), hence ones struggle to sustain self. A jew suggests gentiles to ignore HERE (as problem within solution) for THERE (solution to problem) to invert reality by sending those within to chase after fiction.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

Everything is under his control

Everything reveals, hence setting each one within free to choose for self. Others tempt one to ignore this to gain consensual control over ones free will of choice by binding it.

He allows pedos for reasons unknown to us mortals

a) Collective guilt makes singular innocence attractive...few tempt many to reason against each other, while ignoring the implication of making self guilty by association with a conflict of reason. This in return permits few to exploit mass guilt by farming that which nature innocently reveals...

b) Mortal implies subjected (life) to the process of dying (inception towards death)...which one needs to resist the wanted temptation thereof.

Few suggest "Mortal Kombat" to tempt many into conflicts of reason aka combat for the mutual destruction of each others lives. Any one reasoning tries to reach the end of conflict as to dissolve problems, hence "Finish Him". Reason is decreed by fate, hence "Fatality".

For those with eyes to see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8V7TwlYCt0

The kid screaming at the beginning is a jew tempting gentiles into conflicts of reason, the iconic Mortal Kombat scream afterwards shows a black gentile, while the making of reveals that the voice was uttered by a white guy and edited onto the black guy... that's a jew using the masonic checkerboard to destroy the visible spectrum of light (color) by tempting white (pure light) and black (absence of light) together.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could this all be a psyop?

Operate implies "to be in effect"...psyche/psykhē - "animating spirit" implies all as the cause animating each effect within.

is this part of the great unveiling of Revelation

Who publishes revelations in the bible? Who publishes Hitler speeches? Who publishes Piers Morgan and his guests? Who makes public?

What if suggestion conceals what perception reveals?

the masses wake up

How could one wake up when blanketed by masses? Why do cattle huddle up to sleep?

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where is this AI revolution all these globo corpos keep telling us is occurring?

a) Re-volu-tion (response turning from action)...using artificial implies turning from natural.

b) Ones consent to a suggested artifice implies occur, verb - "to meet in argument"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/occur#etymonline_v_2471 hence reasoning if something is vs is not occurring.

c) The rhetoric "keep telling" tempts one to ignore that a tale is given out by suggestion, while those who consent are keeping it.

AI...is about controlling our lives.

Intelligence/intelligo - "to understand" implies ones consent standing under suggested artifice, while ignoring to stand up within nature.

by B1-66ER
free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is for you

A suggestion tempting consent...

...are not...

A suggestion tempting those who consent to ignore reality (everything) for fiction (nothing).

you are not needed

Before a suggestion can tempt ones consent to want or not want it...all perceivable was needed for ones perception to be able to perceive a suggested temptation.

you are not special

If not special, then why specialize "you" when addressing "me"?

a waste of

Can energy produce and destroy "waste"? How?

free-will-of-choice -3 points ago +1 / -4

fights are rigged

Rig/reig - "to bind"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/rig#etymonline_v_15065 Hence stepping into a "ring" when boxing or into circular logic when entering a conflict of reason.

All fights are about money.

a) ALL implies origin for each one within...few suggest about-ism to distract many from it. About/abutan - "by outside" tempts one to ignore being inside all.

b) ALL implies ongoing current for each temporary one within...few suggest money as a currency to tempt many to hold onto it, while ignoring natural current.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +3 / -3

Any known boxing conspiracies?

Left/right + front/back + up/down implies being within a box...going into a boxing RING (shaped like a square) permits others to circle the square aka to tempt those free within a box into self confinement (circular logic) while opposing each other (conflict of reason).

50/50 odds

Being implies odd (choice) within even (balance)...betting tempts one to ignore ones choice for a chosen ones suggestion within an imbalance (win vs lose).

No matter the odds one bets on...one sacrifices self to another, hence BET; verb - "pledge as a forfeit to another".

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

Logos implies the suggested word, which when consented to, shapes circular logic within self and a conflict of reason against others.

Nature doesn't shape words...it moves sound.

To LOG implies "record of observations; to enter into"...hence ones consent to a suggestion, to a word; to logic; to reason. As a formed vessel (life) within flow (inception towards death) this also implies the record of a ships progress aka a ships log book.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

bad theology

Theology aka theos + logic...the latter implies the conflict of reason (good vs bad), while the former implies the few suggesting what many are reasoning over.

Theos aka god/ghut - "that which is invoked"... https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=god Any suggestion invokes ones consent.

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

fuck over an opposition, and derail their entire career

Being (life) implies on a rail (inception towards death)...opposition implies circular logic aka a conflict of reason. It's the circular thinking which derails one.

hire and fire

Being hired implies agreeing to work for wages...this tempts one to wage self by selling out to another. This kindles the fire. Many working for few burns many in the process. Getting fired simply increases the desperation among many to find other work from few.

the number two guy pulls the strings

Consenting to a suggestion implies ignoring ONEself (the number one guy) for another pulling ones strings.

false names

Name/nombre/number - "designation of a unit", hence unit/unitas/unus - "one"...the only real name and number. Nature doesn't shape names or numbers, it designates units by setting apart each one being from one another.

the media

Media/medius - "middle"...ones perception can only work at the middle of all perceivable. Ignoring this by consenting to a suggestion makes others the "media" aka the suggesting mediators of perceivable.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

America has become...

Always was... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_East_India_Company#/media/File:Flag_of_the_British_East_India_Company_(1801).svg

Notice that the British flag represents a double cross aka "to betray or swindle (a colleague); to promise (a collaborator) one thing and to treacherously do another, to the detriment of the collaborator".

a colony

Aka COL (collecting together) ONY (ones apart), hence e pluribus unum (out of many; one)...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a whole department to make sure nothing comes out which they don't want to come out.

a) Mind (ment) implies divided partial (depart) within whole. The suggested rhetoric "whole department" inverts and conceals the origin of separation.

b) A jew shapes nothing (suggested information) within everything (perceivable inspiration) to conceal with artifice what nature reveals.

c) Do vs don't and want vs not want imply conflicts of reason among gentiles about jewish suggestions.

A jew utilizes implication instead of reason as the foundation to operate within.

d) Consider this...why compromise a military operation with any footage, when you can simply shoot anything before the military operation starts? This way you control the foundation for any leaks or extra footage added or cut.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Yahya implies "alive", hence the war (reason) on sin (consent) continuing.

b) Conclusion (outcome) inverts implication (origin)...

c) Suggested glory implies "fame" and a jew attaches it to progressivism to tempt gentiles (life) to follow the way (inception towards death), hence destroying self through fame/fames/famine - "starvation".

Those hungry for fame are starving themselves to death...

d) Perceivable glory/gnoria - "knowledge"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/glory implies ones perception within all perceivable aka ones response to origin, hence resisting hunger instead of seeking star-vation. Knowledge fills the one who draws from it.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Compare aka com (together) par (equal)...within a spectrum rays are set apart from one another, hence differentiated into colors.

Few suggest many to draw comparisons together, which diminishes each ones sight within the visible spectrum of light.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +3 / -2

a) Demon aka dai (divide) mon (provide)...all provided divides into each one provided for.

For example...one has perception because all perceivable provides itself by dividing into each ones perception.

b) If the divided (ones perception) ignores the providing (all perceivable), then another ones suggestion becomes a sphere of influence aka a "demonic realm".

Ones consent shapes ones mind/memory into an isolated sphere (circular logic) for the suggested information by another, which establishes an imbalance within self against others aka a conflict of reason, with two opposing sides tempting ones free will of choice.

This internal conscience of circular logic and the temptation of external conflicts of reason represents a plot device suggested through rabbinical judaism to promote progressivism... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoulder_angel

c) If one consents to follow suggested orders, while ignoring the perceivable natural order moving ones life from inception towards death, then shifting the visible spectrum of light imbalances one mentally and physically.

A being within the visible spectrum of light implies a ray thereof...if such a ray follows the spectrum of light towards the end, instead of resisting the origin thereof, then such a ray gets bend out of shape, hence spectrum/spectra - "apparition, phantom, specter"


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