free-will-of-choice -3 points ago +1 / -4

a) Being (life) withIN FLUID (inception towards death) requires ones resistance...leading or following others tempts one to ignore that.

b) Fame/fama/bha - "to speak" implies shaping of artifice (words) within natural (sound)...holding onto artifice during natural movement tempts one to fall vertically aka to drop down.

c) Certain (inception towards death) generates sudden (life)...few suggested "sudden death" to tempt many to live uncertain.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +3 / -4

favorite deceiver

a) De- ceive/capere/kap - "to take"...it's the viewers who take the narration given.

b) Narrate/narrare/gno - "to know" implies ones perception...not the suggestions by others. Those others suggest favoritism to distract one from self discernment.


Free will of choice implies the key...choosing to keep anything locks oneself in. Ones consent implies the gate for the suggested information by others to keep.


If one focuses on another...no matter which one...then one narrows ones sight (perception) to what another shows (suggestion).

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

the final answer is whatever I need it to be

Being implies within need, suggested answers tempt one to ignore perceivable solution, and only during an ongoing process can a being come to be (life) in-between beginning (inception) and end (death).

A jew adapts to solution; while tempting gentiles onto the quest for answers.

fundamental theorem

Only during fundamental (perceivable) can a theorem (suggested) be shaped...consenting to the latter tempts one to ignore former.

jewish math

A jew suggests math to mow down consenting gentiles for harvest, hence harvest/harvard mathematics...

In nature there can be only one...ones addition (inception); ones subtraction (death); ones multiplication (intercourse for off-spring) and ones division (being one within all). Notice that neither requires one to count others...

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +3 / -3

a) SOUND, adjective (Latin sanus) - "whole; entire"... https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/sound

Sound (whole) differentiates (partials); a jew suggests gentiles to consent "alike"...free will of choice has to be different to remain free.

b) You (phonetic jew). If one claims self as "me; myself or I", then one brands every other one as "you/jew"...that's what a so called jew utilizes to hide behind.

Adapting to sound implies PHONETICIAN (phonic; sound); consenting to words implies DEAF PHONETICIAN aka "definition"....that's one foundation of spell-craft aka of hiding sound underneath words.

tl; dr...instead of trying to label another, try discerning for self if what I'm writing about contradicts itself? Where am I lying; deceiving; misleading, or even attempting to get others to agree with me?

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +2 / -3

The propositions are boolean

a) Booleanism tempts ONE to consent to another ONEs suggestion, hence establishing a DUAL conflict of reason...that's where the "only two possible values" originate from.

b) In nature there can be only one value...motion, hence motion proposing momentum (inception towards death) for evaluation by matter (life).

From a christian perspective...only God proposes. George Boole proposed a suggestion (Satan), which tempts one to ignore perceivable (God)...one deceives self by consenting to ignore "you shall have no other gods before me".

which in logic means

a) Logic/logos - "word" implies suggested word tempting one to ignore perceivable sound. That's the foundation for idolatry...if one consents to hold onto the suggested meaning of words.

b) Shaping words within sound implies "spell-craft", which tempts those who consent into conflicts of reason aka logomachy (word magic) - "war of words"... https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/Logomachy

either be true or false, but nothing else

a) True (wanting suggested) or false (not wanting suggested) ignores change (perceivable need).

b) If being alive is "true", then does changing into death makes being "false"?

What if being (life) can only exist within constant change (inception towards death)? Only within process of dying can life come to be aka springing off (offspring)...true vs false reasoning tempts one to ignore CHANGE, verb - "to cause to turn or pass from one state to another; to alter, or make different; to vary in external form, or in essence"

Holding onto a side (true of false) tempts one to ignore alternation. Reason/logic tempts alternating beings into static behavior, hence many becoming statistics for few.

c) How could nothing be? Is nothing true or false? Else/alius/alias/alien - "another"...how could another be nothing?

Creating a dialectic

a) Creationism (out of nothing) tempts one to ignore transformation (within everything)...only within everything perceivable can ones perception be transformed.

Consenting to suggested creationism tempts one to de-nial (Latin nihilo; nothing) everything perceivable.

Right now...try to create anything suggestible without shaping it out of; within and in response to everything already perceivable. One cannot perceive creation, because everything perceivable had to be there for one to be able to perceive.

b) Dialect aka dia (two) legere (to speak)...who's the ONE speaking?

Can you show me TWO in nature without each ONE of whatever you're showing being apart from ONE another? Where does nature suggest one to count?

Notice that nature doesn't speak aka it doesn't articulate (word) natural (sound)...it moves sound within which artifice can be shaped.

there even is a center

Even (balance) generates odd centers (choice)...one can only wield choice within balance, and only within motion can there be balance (momentum) for choice (matter).

a jewish mind trick

The suggested label "jew" tempts one to mentally hold onto it, which in return tricks one to brand perceivable (sound) with suggested (word).

Trick/trigger/trekken - "to pull"...consent pulls suggestion into self deception, hence the happy merchant of temptation pushing suggestions.

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reading made Don Quixote a gentleman; but believing what he read made him mad...

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

I say yes...he says no

This implies a conflict of reason (yes vs no)...centered around conflict. A side cannot overcome its center, but sides fighting each other can be tricked to ignore center.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

a) Plastic/plassein/plasma/pele - "to shape; mold; spread"...that implies the status quo of matter.

b) Father of the Plastics Industry...Leo (lion) Hendrik Baekeland (land of beacons); married to Céline Swarts (schwarz).

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

opposed to the WILL OF GOD

God implies need; will implies want...each one within God implies free WILL of choice, and many are tricked into opposing each other within conflicts of reason about suggestions by few.


Dia/duo/dwo (two) + metric/meter/me (to measure)...ones consent to another ones suggestion implies measuring two aka dual-ism.

unfavourable sense

a) Favor implies negotiation by suggestion, which tempts one to ignore perception by sense.

b) Nature enables ones choice; choosing to favor another unfavors ones choice.

reign of evil

Reign/reg (move in a straight line) implies linear; good vs evil implies circular...few tempt one into circular reasoning, while ignoring being (life) moved in a straight line (inception towards death).

constitute the reign

Linear movement (inception towards death) sets each one within (life) apart from one another...few suggest many to stand (statuere) together (con) as the inversion thereof.

Prince of This World

King (motion) generates queen (momentum); which trans-forms into prince/princess (matter).

Few suggest Hebrew satan - "adversary, one who plots against another, oppose" to trick matter of many against each other.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

everything is just trade

Everything (all perceivable) was offered for free (ones perception)...trading suggested for the price of consent makes one a trader/traitor/tradere - "to hand over" aka one who manually shirks response-ability (free will of choice) onto another (((chosen one))).

for the oldest

Forwards implies motion; young/old implies matter ignoring motion for trying to affix age/aiw - "life force". Holding onto, while being moved, drains ones life force.


One generator (inception towards death) for each one reactor (life)...multi/many implies willing slaves, selecting a chosen one as master among few.

Few cultivate many (suggested multiculturalism) to ignore RE (life) GENERATION (inception towards death).

everything is occult

Everything (all perceivable) reveals each thing (ones perception)...ignoring this for suggested occult/occulere (concealment aka concealing mind) covers ones perception.

Suggested IS hides all that WAS perceivable...if one consents to it.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

defined magick as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will”

a) Science/scio - "to know/to perceive" implies natural...to suggest implies artificial.

b) Ignoring perceivable (causing change) by consenting (conform with the will) to suggested (art) establishes an occurrence (meeting in argument) aka a conflict of reason among consenting many over suggestions by few.

c) Causing change implies motion...being (life) affected by change (inception towards death) implies matter.

d) Magic/magh - "to be able; have power" implies ones free will of choice being able to empower the suggestions by another, while ignoring to be (matter) enabled through balance (momentum) of motion.

e) Definition aka definite (affixed) + action/ion (moving) implies a contradiction in terms...suggesting this implies magic; consenting to it implies black-magic, hence disabling ones power through willing ignorance, while empowering others to cast shadows upon ones discernment.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

a) System aka syn-sta (formed together)...a suggested inversion of flow (inception towards death) setting apart form (life).

b) Energy works by action (inception towards death) setting reactions (life) apart from one another, hence establishing temporary growth within ongoing loss.

c) System (formed together) tempts one to ignore work (energy setting itself apart)

d) Only during destruction (inception towards death) can the be erection (life).

e) A moving system cannot be fixed...many within motion can be tricked by few to affix suggested system (formed together) within each ones consenting mind.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

all the chemicals

ALL-CHEMI (alchemy) aka alkimia/khemeioa/gheu - "to pour" aka flowing solvent (inception towards death) pouring formed essence (life) aka a process of purification.

Few dissolve many by tricking each formed essence into a suggested cauldron called "melting pot"...

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

a) There can be only one cause (ongoing loss) for each effect (temporary growth) within.

b) Para/per - "forwards" implies cause (inception towards death) moving effects (death) forwards

c) Site/sitos/si-tu - "food; to settle" implies effects settling within a moving cause aka temporary food for ongoing hunger, hence the struggle of form (life) within flow (inception towards death) to starve of consumption by hunger.

This is why sleeping implies fasting, which one interrupts at break-fast...

d) Suggested theorism tempts one to consent to the-ory aka orated the-ism aka the word of another as authority over self and representative for perceivable sound of nature.

Perceivable theory/theōros aka thea (a view) horan (to see) implies ones perception within all perceivable aka being a horan within thea.

Suggestion tempts one to ignore perception.

e) Homo/homos/somo - "together with" contradicts sex/seco - "to divide aka apart from"

Being implies apart from one another aka SEX...consenting to the suggestion of another implies putting together that which nature sets apart, which makes one HOMO.

Few imply SEX; many imply HOMO...guess who's getting fucked?

tl; dr...ones ignorance of hunger permits other ones to feed of ones lack of resistance. Resisting hunger grows resistance to temptation.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

we avoid...we use instead

Avoiding suggested pluralism (we) prevents singular (one) from being used by those who speak in the name of others.

language matters

Yet only motion generates matter...sound moves; words tempt one to hold onto definitions.

how quickly things became normalized

Suggested information by few became the norm as soon as many consented to it. Suggested changes after given consent are instantaneously, but few wield the power to decide (hence being chosen ones) how quickly these changes are allowed to penetrate the ignorance of many.

what to do?

Resist any suggested norm/norma/gnōmōn - "carpenters square" or one finds self enCOMPASSed within conflicts of reason.... https://www.etymonline.com/word/norm#etymonline_v_9797

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Above the left right paradigm

a) Paradigm aka para (beside) digm/deik (to show) implies being within sides and shown by another. Oneself implies para; others tempt one with digm/deik to ignore that.

b) Few suggesting left vs right paradigm to many are selected to be above by those willingly submitting to be below.

jew catholic paradigm

a) A jew suggests catholicism as a digm/deik to tempt the consent of gentiles.

b) Each consenting gentile chooses a suggested side to consent to (belief vs disbelief), which in return tempts one to ignore being para (in-between sides aka beside).

c) Catholic/cathode aka kata (down) hodos (way) implies gentiles (life) following a jewish suggestion down the way (inception towards death) instead of discerning for self to be an anode aka ana (up) hodos (way) aka of being a temporary growth within an ongoing loss, enabled as free will of choice to resist and thereby grow self.

the only way forward is to actually get right

Right/reg - "to move in a straight line"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/right#etymonline_v_15068

One needs to resist being (life) moved in a straight line (inception towards death). Nature implies ones right of passage...any and all suggested rights tempt one to ignore that.

A jew suggests progressivism (get) to tempt gentiles to "want to get", hence following the suggested carrot on a stick towards a promised/hoped for outcome...which in return tempts one to ignore perceivable origin, which moves one towards DEATH.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

people not recognize that every thing status quo

Recognition aka re-cog (respond to perceivable) can be tricked into ignorance by a suggested status quo.

It is hard to see

Seeing implies ones sight within all perceivable...looking/locking at suggested tempts one to reduce/narrow/confine ones sight.

the act of imagery

An image implies a reaction to something moving, hence a picture implying a "captured moment" tempting one to ignore ongoing momentum. Movies were then suggested as "moving pictures" to mimic ongoing momentum of captured moments.

Action (inception towards death) generates reactions (life)...a reaction cannot act, but it can suggest actors/acting aka progressivism to distract ones reacting free will of choice into following along.

Act/ag - "to drive, draw out or forth, move"...that implies natural order; not each ones struggle to sustain self within it.

free-will-of-choice -3 points ago +1 / -4

is it real

Reality moves; holding onto anything implies fiction.

shroud of turin

Shroud/scrud/skreu - "to cut" + Turin/tur - "water" aka form (life) cut out of flow (inception towards death) aka water above/water below etc.

good data

Data/dare/do - "to give"...nature gives balance for choice; those within choose to ignore nature for imbalance (good vs bad) aka reasoning about suggested data.

make new

Suggested "new" tempts one to ignore perceivable "now"...shaping suggestible within perceivable implies make/magic/mason/magh etc. aka make-believe.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1


Food implies a response to hunger...hence one has to be in the pickle of hunger first, before one can respond by eating some pickled food.


A sphere can only be (life) shaped within a direct line (inception towards death)...direction (ongoing loss) swells being (temporary growth).

Prophets of Baal defeated

Prophet/phanai/bha - "to speak"...ones consent to a spoken suggestion implies the agreement to come together aka the covenant of BA'AL...a self sacrifice aka a shirking of response-ability onto another aka a self defeat.

In short...nouns tempt one to brand something within motion; while verbs express motion. Few utilize nouns to tempt many to ignore motion, by holding onto a definition/definite - "to affix".

Form (life) within flow (inception towards death) cannot affix anything...only ignore perceivable (inspiration) for holding onto suggested (information).

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

When one group dominates another

One (singular) group (plural)...tricking a singular to consent to suggested pluralism establishes dominance over a consenting ones choice.

all too human

A human/hue of man cannot be all, since color (hue) implies a spectrum within all light.

let us differentiate

Suggested pluralism (us) tempts perceiving singular (one) to ignore difference for likeness.

body of person is different from body of nations

Person implies per sonos (by sound) aka a differentiation, while people (body of nations) implies an aggregation of differences into a likeness.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

taking words out of the context

Con (together; with) text/teks (to weave)...word implies letters weaved together. How could a word ever be out of context? More importantly...who LETS another weave LETTERS into words, while attaching meaning?

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't like reductionism

  • From God to Christ...a reduction?
  • From one within all to "me; myself or I"...a reduction?
  • From different one within same all to "like another"...a reduction?
  • From being done within everything to "doing nothing"...a reduction?
free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +3 / -2

a) PICK'LE, noun - "a state of condition of difficulty or disorder"

b) Ball aka BA'AL - "lord of covenant" aka COVENANT, noun - "to come together; agreement of minds; mutual consent"

Natural order sets each mind within apart from one another...few tempt many together by mutual consent to a suggestion, which establishes a division within order aka a conflict of reason (win vs lose).

Sleight of hand:

  • Take me out to the ball game
  • Take me out with the crowd
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