posted ago by freedomlogic ago by freedomlogic +13 / -0


A group of Christian doctors is fearful their position on medical assistance in dying will result in disciplinary action against them and lead to an exodus of like-minded doctors from Nova Scotia, but the province's physician regulator called their remarks incendiary.

The policy requires physicians who are unable or unwilling to provide a legally available treatment to provide a referral in good faith to another clinician.

The association's executive director, Larry Worthen, said 41 physicians in the province have signed a letter saying they cannot comply with the new policy for moral and ethical reasons.

"These 41 physicians are ... at risk of a complaint, investigation and a disciplinary process that could result in the loss of their licence to practise in Nova Scotia," he said.

Holland said the college wants what's in the best interest of patients.


Dr. Nicholson can lie about never giving me beta blockers because of a calcium blocker that I was never actually prescribed. His friend, the cardiologist Dr. McClelland told this guy not once, but twice to start me immedietly on calcium blockers first then beta blockers because my resting blood pressure was 170/110 while being described as "depressed", not agitated, not manic. 60 bpm heartbeat and my blood pressure was this high as I calmly sat and tried to explain to Dr.McClelland my story.

Dr.Nicholson fucked me good when he swapped the blood pressure readings to make it look like I wasn't having issues.

He definetly works with WCB to deny people their medical claims. I wonder how many other people he has done this to. One of these day hes going to cross someone who really does have mental problems.

Anyway, when I filed my complaint, these same group of rejects, just ignored what he said about the medication I was never given. I called and they told me they cant tell me if he did, or did not prescribe me the calcium blockers because they aren't doctors after all.

After a month they said, its to late to say anything, sorry.

Truly evil and criminal when you can plug your eyes and pull the equivalent of a 4 year old plugging their ears and going NANANANA.

I hope god is real, I really do. These people are either going to hell forever or they are going to be reincarnated as cockroaches for the next million cycles.

Hope your mcmansions were worth destroying society for.

Im sure they are gonna read my post. Cant sue me for the truth, faggots.

And even if you could, I have nothing left, you assholes destroyed my life when you refused to help me. I have never, and never will be the same.

Evil evil people.