cee8hooz 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is exactly why he were created by mainstream at the first place.

Elon is NOT a genius.No "Tony Stark" exist in reality.He is frontman.

Now: think "inverted agent".

Only question is: forcibly inverted or not.

I know there's something off about him I just don't know if its the good or bad guys that are pulling his strings.

It looks BOTH sides are.But at the end only one side have greater control over him.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Compliance while making wakeup to see what is happening to more and more people ? Sounds fine to me. If he is a scammer like you say all after creating critical mass would be to direct it and pull the trigger.

What is beautiful about this - while more and more people are "radicalised" direct action against the people is unavailable to "mainstream" leftist scums as it cannot be justified against non-violent people.

Let's say you start violent insurrection instead. They (the government,the media and the left) can use everything against you from the first day and those unconvinced would be easily convinced YOU are the aggressor. You would lose probably. Now without aggression,but the enemy knows where it leads. Whoops: They end exposed as aggressors if they would do too much. Only their supporters would stay with them.But those "too much" is necessary for to have chances to win. So at the end: they go on the road to failure,or they go on the road to failure. What a great choice (not for them).

cee8hooz 0 points ago +1 / -1

Fuck off you jewish bot.

Slavs real root is from Słowo (the Word) or Slava (the Glory), not from "slave".

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no too much knowledge.

There is sometimes disinformation,but no "too much knowledge".

cee8hooz 2 points ago +3 / -1

You shall be realist : no "vaccine" for 5 years would mean lockdown and "vaccine passport". They would kill us anyway. Is Trump on jews side or not it doesn't matter.

What matters is how it ends.And Trump is useful for now for getting better ending for sure. Thousands had learned at least limited version of truth already.

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah yes. And here we go with the truth about germanic and slavic people. Both groups had common genesis.

And what is also important about old good English: Vikings.Old Norse influence probably.

Mindblowing thing: not all Vikings were Germanic Scandinavians in fact some Vikings had in part Slavic roots. And not,I am NOT talking about the mother of Knut the Great. I am talking about recruits from Pomerania (southern Baltic see region). Again - there are some genetic proofs for that too,but I don't remember links.

Nordic Vikings and Slavs were best frenemies it seems ;)

cee8hooz 3 points ago +4 / -1

Incorrect. Slavic neopagan symbol on the right were never on the german flag. Swastika was.

And to add more interesting things as Slav I would say:

  1. Slavic old pagan religion were almost completely eradicated by Christianity. Almost all gone, most of myths NOT preserved. Why ? Well in case of Poland and germanized Polabians the case is GENOCIDE. Supported by Church and done by GERMANIC states. In case of Russian states it is Vikings and Christianization. Much more were preserved in Russia - but not so much. And mixed with uralic religions so it doesn't make too much sense.Almost no historical records. Small exceptions not sure to be true or fake.
  2. Slavs are by most western (Germanic) historians claimed to be some worse stupid primitive tribes. This historical propaganda were "justification" to conquer us. But there is genetics.Slavic Paterlinear is haglogroup R1a1, more Germanic one is R1b What do you see here ? https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/r1a1a-conquers-the-worldin-a-few-pulses Boom. So who were ancient Aryans ? Were they ancestors to Iranians,Slavs and upper Castes of India ? Indian Vedic language isn't even a bit similar to Slavic ? For example "Weda" sounds familiar to "Wiedza". in english: KNOWLEDGE And Svastika (and even more slavic Kolovrat) is "solar" symbol. Have I mention all intriguing things about universe somehow "mixed into" hindu religion ?

Slavic nations are currently extremely divided,but more than 1000 ago Slavs were almost the same. No bigger differences than amongst Scandinavians. Language barriers ? Biggest within 3 language groups: western,eastern, and southern but still it isn't so different like French vs English. or English vs German. What records survived from time before Christianization ? In practice : none. Isn't that strange ?

3.And now we go to Germans. They claimed "Aryans" are their ancestors ? Strange. Their haglogroup is mostly R1b (except for Polabians - those who were Germanized and survived). Is R1b existing in India/Tibet and Iran ? So how do you call it in USA - "cultural appropriation" ? Of course svastika were symbol used also among germanic tribes. Right. But they stole "Aryans".

But there is more sinister thing here. German nazis were in fact ruled by the same very jews they claimed to destroy. They smeared using symbols like svastika and Aryan people. For what reason ?

Khazaria.Sviatoslav Rurikovich destroyed Khazaria.

And if Holocaust were exagerated and if we look at communism, next we look at Ukraine and the fact they want Poland and other countries join the war with Russia - there is a pattern here. Pattern of Cultural and genetic Genocide.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

not sure about "never existed" but mostly forgotten and started to be used recently: memristors.

cee8hooz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. THIS u/Zap_Powerz.

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

In part yes.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Taking in account that development of fundamentally new tech is strictly prohibited by NWO

Not if those technology serves them.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any evidence of that?

Example evidence: https://elifesciences.org/articles/27069/figures

I think it is enough,no need of mind control if you could "discipline" anybody with just clicking a button and freezing this person/making it feeling terrible pains etc.

I mean, if you think standard chip manufacturing has a lot of rejected dies, hoo-wee, there’s going to be an order of magnitude more rejects if we’re talking nano-scale constructs like this.

Yes and no. It depends on the purpose of use. Direct mind control - very hard and complicated,making many problems unless they have much more advanced secret technologies. Something less however,for example catastrophic headache or paralysing people - 100% available. Or just neuromodulation, causing uncontrollable rage/anger/fury for everybody affected on demand. Or just the opposite maybe: making people apathetic and calm on demand

No need for so strong fields even if there are nanoparticles in planned places.

if you think standard chip manufacturing has a lot of rejected dies

Funny thing I notice dual meaning and irony here as I am not english native speaker.

But if you mean mass production - while those graphene oxide nanoelements would be hard and not so cheap - still total control on a person is worth more than microprocessor price, the rest is not the problem at all. Self-replication, DNA or even RNA is the key.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

And that’s without even bringing up the overarching premise of the image, which is “mass mind control through artificial neuronal impulses”–a complete psychosis that implies a level of understanding of neurochemistry that we won’t have for a century or more.

And that’s without even bringing up the overarching premise of the image, which is “mass mind control through artificial neuronal impulses”–a complete psychosis that implies a level of understanding of neurochemistry that we won’t have for a century or more.

That are basing on open-source-available informations you have. You are assuming openly available technology is most advanced one available XD

None of which CAN be implemented in the assembly presented at the end of the image, because the laws of physics prevent their operation in this way.

Oh,which ones ?

a level of understanding of neurochemistry that we won’t have for a century or more

No more than 50 years, actually I guess rather 30 max if we are talking about "available science" not being kept secret.

For maintaining control with paralysing of victims/killing or neuromodulation even less/probably even applicable now.

Maybe I have no direct degree in biotech or nanoscience,but nevertheless my studies were near it and I did some learning just for myself. Reports from implementation wouldn't be available for obvious reasons, most of this is basing on known technologies. Most complicated is controlling self-assembly without unwanted side effects. Of course it would require much more personel but with proper data extraction tools workforce could be reduced.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because that are Phoenicians in fact,not "Khazarians". Khazarians were rulled by families with Phoenician roots probably.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe yes,maybe not. Assuming however it might be real we shall be ready for worst possibility. And worst possibility is "zombie outbreak"/"the cell" scenario.

Sooner or later those thing with "intra body nanonetworks" or other shit will be applied.Biological robots.It is all about control of "workforce". Meaning us. It is all real research, all what contradicts its usage is information about "state of art" level of this technologies. The fact is however that that could be "black projects".

Consider reading story "Influx" by Daniel Suarez. Fabularized version of reality we live ?

cee8hooz 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you are not shill then you are idiot. Black projects.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

You poor retard... Physics bit is more complicated.

"what goes up must come down" is correct,but you simply not understand this: https://microbenotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Centrifugal-force.jpg

Similar. Gravity is "a string" keeping it from running.

With almost complete vacuum force is constant and almost equal to gravity (no gas no friction). After years satellites actually have to fall.

Gravity well. They are falling but only a bit.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

accountable to whom ? Their own institutions ?

Good news is we are still alive.For now... Bad news is swamp looks STILL not drained at all despite promises of people we probably shouldn't trust at all.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

and @OperationGlownigger: Typical or not she is claimed to be 76...

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

u/Traxx: You got it ! Rabbit hole Episode 6. Main Struggle - translate it to German Please. Or translate "Main Kampf" from German to English.

Whole episode 6 is one big redpill.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

if the trials were proper it couldn't be mandatory for everyone. health issues for example would've exempted a lot of people.

lmao, with proper trials all the jabs would've failed tremendously.

As I said you are idiot. "If trials were proper..."

Omg, why I am talking with such quarter-brain idiot like you ?!

How many boosters you took you dumb quarter brain idiot to not undestand what I write to you ?!

those "vaccine" is poison you idiot.POSION.Those scums intentionally want to kill (or worse) as many people as possible. Its "side effects" are 100% intentional.

I cannot talk with somebody so dumb like the wall brick or dumber. I am out of this.

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

@Graphenium : mostly inactive recessive gene for humans.

Doesn’t explain the worship of, and widespread reference to: 6-fingered, red haired, blue-eyed giants ruling kingdoms

Probably too much "white etnonationalism here" and it is bad as it would be treated as a bullshit.

Thing is however you are mostly correct. Irish have mostly red hair, both Irish and Basques have highest percent of 0 negatives.

Guess what - it was predictable: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/1256894.stm

Oldest and most insulated populations however it is REALLY why they keep it.

Those thing about "giants" look rather like nonsense done by some protestant reading bible too much times.

I think most important archeological things are both under Northern See and Black See. "Flood" ? Well,not only "flood": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Younger_Dryas_impact_hypothesis - natural

less natural:



Doesn’t explain the worship of

There needs to be an explanation for their genotype appearing across the globe in the “indigenous peoples” of the world

Technology explains.Technology.

ET or genetically modified humans. Biggest cities like now concentrated in coastal and valley areas. Some day was landing,or they were humans and fleed everywhere. (or mix of that)

Very possible "racial" or other conflict of human subspecies/aliens before 10k BCE. Or "extinction event"

But why everywhere ?

A).Becoming rulling class requires having enough subjects if you lost/are loosing access to technology B).Spreading knowledge everywhere guarantees it would be handed over. C). Accident which resulted from lack of coordination and communication (doubtful)

cee8hooz 0 points ago +1 / -1

yes, he is. He had the power to stop the death jabs from skipping proper trials, he didn't.

Are you moron or a shill ?

He had the power to stop the death jabs from skipping proper trials, he didn't.

Yes,and if that would have "proper trials" we would have it 100% compulsory for everyone you idiot. Almost nobody would be noticing what is coming.With less warnings about what it is.

It would be same poison, problems with those "vaccine" are not accident - it is long planned mass murder.

And if you think Trump - those Trump demonized,defamated and ridiculed in leftist MSM - he alone - would stop this all with saying "not take this jab" - well,I already mentioned you are idiot,so probably I don't have to repeat it here again,isn't it ?

Trump were only president,one person.Even if you would believe in Q it would be obvious that that some Q team and some military are PEOPLE not some superheros from marvel movies. Stopping completely such global conspiracy where global mass murder is planned from decades couldn't be easy thing.

you murricans were just as wusses about scamarona as the strayans...

elég ! chuja wiesz kurwa mać.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

u/Medger : let me explain it:

Israel vaxxing itself to death?

A) Disinformation/"Fake news" - very possible, jews are jews.

B) Powerful Jews killing poor jews - very possible too.

You know, if you believe holocaust is real then you shall know about Judenrats giving their fellow jews to the nazis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judenrat

"Extend debated" means for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaim_Rumkowski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshe_Merin

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BBagiew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_13

Yes,those rats leading them were selling their own people to save themselves - at best.

At worst - and what I believe - whole nazism were jewish plot to create israel and eventual eliminating some jews (for sure not 6 millions) were EUGENICS done by jewish elites on their own people.

I have no even small doubt that jewish elites would sacrifice "their fellow jews" for profit.None doubt.

With such NAZI (yes,and whatever Hitler fans would say here - conception that one nation or race is "better" is 100% jewish shit) psychopath religion claiming only jews are true humans and we "goim" are not - deciding that only some jews are real jews and other of them are not worthy to live is only one more step forward for any psycho.

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