assttaskmanager 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not to mention, said owner of those accounts admitted to it later.

In fact, even in this very thread he admitted to it again, though those comments are already self-deleted for whatever reason. Very strange account, but his testimony and errant behavior lines up with that of the alts. Those alts don't even remotely act like you and only one with the brain of a 5-year-old would conclude that they must be you solely because of the similar names.

But, then again, this is a person who claimed with full confidence that Kamala would be selected based on a 20+ year-old episode of (((The Simpsons))). Which reminds me...


Care to admit you were completely dead wrong both in your conclusion and in your premise regarding the "election" results?

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +2 / -0

2016 margins:

NJ D+14.0

IL D+16.8

NY D+13.5

CT D+13.7

RI D+15.5


NJ R+9.3

IL R+9.8

NY R+3.7

CT R+2.0

RI R+2.4

Still some gains, not quite as dramatic as they claim save for Illinois, which would be a red state if not for the Chicago machine.

All the shenanigans with 2020 happened in the swing states anyway. Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania are the ones that come to mind. They Ballot Box 13'd the hell out of those states, especially Pennsylvania. I think they "discovered" like a million "unaccounted for ballots" there over the course of the week well after the polls had closed.

I think it's clear as day that the Democrats were scripted to "lose" this time. Though I'll admit that I was leaning to a 20% chance they'd just rig it again anyway, since nobody did anything about it last time.

But yeah, Biden has had clear signs of dementia for years, which the media swept under the rug. Then everyone just suddenly and miraculously comes to their senses after the first debate, and get him to drop out, putting the whore in at the last minute. Now they can turn around and say "see! Trump got in this time! That means 2020 was totally real! Just keep voting, goyim!"

And that. That is what I find so demoralizing: the pervasiveness of the voting hoax. I was not able to convince a single person I know that elections are all theater and that identical policies will be passed on matters of actual import regardless of who sits in the White House. Nor that there was no earthly reason to vote for Trump after the travesty that was the entirety of 2020. Or Jan. 6 for that matter, when he completely threw his supporters under the bus. Even on ConPro, a redpill refuge, there were still people clinging onto the "lesser of two evils" fallacy. It's truly astounding how much people will hold onto this idea that voting matters in any capacity, especially after 2020. By participating in a broken system, they continue to give it legitimacy, and even after pointing that out, they still consent to it anyway. It's maddening.

Now watch. Republicans have all 3 branches of the government. Watch them accomplish absolutely nothing from their platform just like 2016-2018. And still no one will learn.

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, shadowban. Shadow ban.

I don't think this is likely to get filtered, as conspiracies is a designated "political" community. It's the "non-political" communities they crack down on hard with the filter. Can't have noticing going on in the normie side of the website! Even though the userbase here was never normie-oriented to begin with, due to this site starting off as a refuge from reddit censorship. Crazy how fast that ship sailed.

I digress. Let me know if it does get filtered.

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, it was only showing the direct image on mobile, no option to download original or enlarge. Taking the "i." and file name out of the URL fixes this. Can still see the options described on desktop. Thanks.

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why would you ever think this?

Do you have a higher resolution of this image? It's really compressed from my end and I can't make out a word it says.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m glad you’ve blocked me.

Still, I find it sad. "I literally cannot handle truth being shown to me, therefore I will block you so I never have to see it again" and then immediately going on to proclaim himself as a researcher dedicated to the truth, without a shred of irony or self-awareness.

This very thread proves what I said about him earlier, that he's stuck in mental trap of contextualizing reality through the lens of jewish media. Why else would he be regurgitating mainstream media propaganda regarding alleged sexual abuse in the church, which has always been jewish projection in the first place. And again, the strange emotional attachment to The Simpsons.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, slander.

Literally no.

However, you REFUSED to watch the video that explained the situation.

What explanation. You only said "go watch this episode of a jewish cartoon lol" and left it at that. You refused to elaborate when pressed for an explanation as to how the episode applied to reality. "Oy vey, you can't expect me to actually articulate my position! You're the lazy one, not me!"


Emoticons are for women.

Nice way to paint me in bad light tho

If truth paints you in a bad light...


You're not everyone. Nice solipsism, though.

He got muted for making death threats like "go k*ll yourself" to anyone in the comments.

Telling paid shills to commit suicide isn't a threat. Do you even know what "threat" means?

Slander doesn't really work in a forum with many researchers that will actually check the facts.

Yeah, slander doesn't work in a forum because "slander" doesn't apply to the written word at all. Holy crap. You esteem yourself as a """researcher""" yet you apparently possess a tenuous grasp of the English language. Why don't you go research a dictionary.

No insults?

[Bunch of irrelevant links]

You've already established that reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, so I'll elaborate by saying that I meant that he used no insults in the context of the argument to which I was referring. Which is this one, right here:


You kept claiming in this thread that he was throwing "petty" and "baseless" """insults""", but umm... I'm not seeing them here.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +3 / -0

Be careful in your response

Chances are he has you blocked from an earlier argument. Especially if he hasn't downvoted you yet. If I were at home, I'd link the precise one that I'm thinking of... it was the one where he kept accusing you of being "insulting" despite having used 0 insults. He did the exact same thing with me awhile back. All because I asked him to explain in what way a jewish cartoon from 20 years ago relates to the present day situation (he claimed a specific episode "predicts" Kamala being president), something he completely refused to do... oh and look, it's the same cartoon in this image! Does he have an obsession with that show or something?

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's a compilation of more than 2 hours of predictive programming about 9/11 (it's part 1 of 2).

Neat. We weren't talking about 9/11 though.

It's how you were exposed the previous time. We've got you then, we'll get you now.

Did you forget to take your meds?

You don't focus on the argument, you avoid the topic, and try to deflect on something else.

Nice projection, once again. You haven't made an argument. You have yet to articulate any kind of argument as to why a 20+ year old episode of the Simpsons correlates to current-day reality.

You pick and choose what to focus on in my previous comment, avoiding the argument as much as you can.

Man, you just can't stop with the projection, huh. This entire reply ignores literally everything I've said.

You reply in the most insulting way to trigger a reaction.

Haven't insulted you beyond throwing your accusation of laziness back in your face, considering it was projection to begin with.

You never posted in here, yet you are acting like a rabid animal in the comments, just to prevent people from watching one video.

"Oy vey, you've calmly rebutted every non-argument I've said so far and refuse to watch jewish propaganda, that makes you a rabid animal!"

Even your next account

Really, did you forget to take your meds? You probably should.

I will still block, you can never suppress the truth, no one can.

And that's why you're trying to suppress it by blocking someone against whom you can't articulate any kind of argument. Got it.

assttaskmanager 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tell me, please, what are the last shows/movies/series/news you've watched.

Then come back and tell me what's crap.

What, are you trying to say with this complete non-sequitur that you actually like the Simpsons? Is that why you are so butthurt over the refusal to watch it?

I get it you're lazy.

Nice projection. You're the one who is too lazy to actually articulate any kind of argument as to why this particular piece of jewish propaganda relates to the current day situation in any shape or form.

Dude, don't research anything. Don't check clues or facts. Don't do the work.

Watching jewish cartoons isn't research. You might think so, on account of your laziness and all, but it really isn't.

I'm starting to get the feeling you haven't actually identified any predictive programming and are instead falling into the psychological trap that the jews have laid out for you of contextualizing reality through the lens of their media.

assttaskmanager 0 points ago +2 / -2

What makes you think I'm asking for help? You're referencing jewish media but won't state what the precise reference even is, instead expecting everyone else to subject themselves to that garbage to figure it out.

Again, no thanks. You're not entirely wrong that jews use predictive programming in their media, but no one wants to watch that crap. Perhaps you could not be lazy and just state directly what it is you're trying to say.

assttaskmanager 1 point ago +2 / -1

Then please just give a summary.

Sorry if a cartoon hurts your soul.

It's pretty painful to watch, yeah.

assttaskmanager 0 points ago +2 / -2

You guys should watch jewish cartoons!

No thanks.

assttaskmanager 1 point ago +1 / -0

You think so? The whole thing is so opaque, it's hard to know what to believe, but I do trust your judgment, so I'm curious as to why you say that.

My initial thought was that it was a real shooting, since there was a death and other injuries, but that Trump's were likely staged.

The fact that people were alerting authorities to the shooter only to be ignored is odd. The fact that one of the closest vantage points wasn't guarded or being watched is odd. The fact he missed such an easy shot is odd.

The events preceding it are a bit too coincidental as well. The MSM "turning" on Biden, Meta removing all restrictions from Trump's social media, etc. It seems as though they're "rehabilitating" Trump, and what better way to do that than an attempted assassination? Now everyone's circling the wagons around Trump again, even on ConPro. I saw the "They tried to kill an essential character" thread you posted in. I even saw the votes in that thread get manipulated in real-time after it was stickied. Your response was initially the top one, but after it was stickied, suddenly massive downvotes came out of nowhere. Not just on your own comments, but any comment that was solely anti-Trump. At the same time, anything that was to the effect of "well, I don't like Trump, but we need to support him because he's better than the alternative!" was massively upvoted. It reeked of a consensus-cracking astroturf campaign to keep people psychologically trapped in the fake voting dialectic.

But I digress. If Trump had been assassinated, I would definitely agree that it would've been genuine, because I also think that the jews don't have any intention of killing him either. He's still too useful of a tool to keep whites placated.

Now, if the attempt was indeed genuine, yet still failed, then it really lays bare the sheer retardation of everyone involved. It also would further prove a point that leftists are complete garbage with guns and would easily be steamrolled in any civil war type scenario. Furthermore, it would prove that getting a window of opportunity on a target is not as hard as one might think. But if that's the case, then people need to realize that life isn't a video game. There are no bonus points for headshots.

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +2 / -0

My family and I actually went to this church over a decade ago for about a year or so. One thing I remember is that Robert would constantly allude to having had an "extra-marital affair", though he would never actually say it. It was always something like "I had to tell my wife the thing every wife fears the most" - but I suppose child molestation ranks higher than simple adultery.

Oh yeah, and here's something funny: he almost never showed up for the 9 A.M. service we'd always go to. They'd just play a pre-recorded sermon from the prior night. Every week, one of the elders would come out and try to explain that that they only have him do 3 out of the 5 total sermons in person every weekend as to preserve stamina. It became so frequent that eventually they gave up bothering to give an explanation, and they'd simply and quietly roll out the screen like "yeah, you know the deal." We really would go to church every week just to watch an oversized TV.

Oh, and thanks for the link. This is one I've been meaning to print off.

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol, there is a centuries-old Japanese Buddhist practice called sokushinbutsu which sounds a lot like that. We ought to spread that idea around their circles.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +3 / -0

LOL look at this guy who thinks BALLOONS exist! Don't you realize that's just NOAA propaganda to trick you into thinking air is real? I mean, c'mon. Have you ever seen air? Yeah, didn't think so.

Checkmate, airtard.

assttaskmanager 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you blind? It's right there.


Furthermore, there's no edit icon over the comment showing that he changed it.

assttaskmanager 7 points ago +7 / -0

Literally every Point-of-Sale interface anywhere—and I mean anywhere—I go these days asks for a freaking tip, even when it doesn't make sense. The POS (apropos acronym) asked me for a tip the other day at the mechanic's, which is new. I won't be surprised if grocery stores and gas pumps start doing it, too.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +5 / -2

I was hoping to see your input on this. I truly appreciate and enjoy these blow-by-blow responses.

Seems like a liberal who was able to identify some of the symptoms of jewish subversion without ever coming to realize that it's the jews. But not only does he not realize it's the jew, he even tries to contextualize reality through the lens of jew pop culture media, ala the (((Simpsons))). What's more, he tries comparing himself to the character who most served (or serves, since the show will literally never end) as the mouthpiece for jewish subversion: Lisa. Really, now.

Crypto is just one of the arms by which jews intend to extend their control over the planet. They want everyone on a fully digitized currency that operates concurrently with a social credit system so they can monitor it automatically and shut off any and all dissidents. Anyone who advocates for crypto as an alternative to fiat is playing right into their hands. That is essentially how it ties into the jewish global totalitarian scheme.

And yes, for an avowed anti-capitalist, it's odd that he brings up the stock market potentially (i.e. never but you know that) going down by half as a demerit.

I think what gets me the most though is the fact he could've just taken actual action against the "elites" if he was going to throw his life away. It would've been a whole lot less painful than burning to a crisp.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +5 / -2

People Obeying The Shekel-lenders

People Obeying The Small-hats

Kind of have to cheat by using a hyphen, but yeah.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +3 / -0

To suggest that they voted for it or that their votes have meaning means you don't truly believe it is a monarchy. You know the royals don't have [last names?]

Ended with a broken link which is probably why it got flagged.

assttaskmanager 1 point ago +2 / -1

I’m a… let’s see, that kid’s roughly 12-3 in 2012, so that would be 24-5 now…

I'd say more like 16 or 17, since his voice is too deep to be 12 or 13, but certainly no more than 18. The whole swag """style""" was the trend when I was in high school. But that's another thing, he's roughly my age, and I'd be shocked if you were around the same age as me. That's all I'll say about that here, anyway.

I’ve also been accused of being insurgent, so maybe that’s why my wife and kids left me; I spent too much time making 500 sockpuppet accounts on white nationalist websites.

Yeah, they already had their hands full dealing with the meth addiction. It was definitely the sockpuppeting that drove them over the edge.

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +3 / -1

I've long heard the accusations of you using alts (usually with absolutely zero evidence), but this one really takes the cake.

LMFAO. How is anyone expected to believe this is you. A snapback-wearing swagfag teenager in 2012 running a poorly optimized Windows PC (despite your predilection for Apple) to play some crappy game. Yep, that's you alright!

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