posted ago by CrazyRussian ago by CrazyRussian +11 / -0

What if hatred toward China seeded in US is in no way connected with communism or whatever political shit?

Further, under "computer" I mean PCs, smartphones, networking devices, even microcontrollers in almost any modern thing from tea cattle to fridge.

Look, two decades ago, Israel through US had full control over almost all produced computers in the world. Israel deeply in that with their "software development", we all know ties of Israel's Epshtein and similar figures to IT and around. Most IT giants in US also under control of Jews, directly or by proxy. Control over hardware allow easy exploiting computers with software. Tons of examples when US+Israel do shit in spheres where computers used. all that Stuxnet stories and so on.

But things changed greatly when China grow from just assembly line to the manufacturer of completely independent computer systems. They have not only their own processor architectures, but also manufacturing of all parts necessary for computers of any level.

Recent story with Lebaneese pagers and other computer stuff prove that it is literally dangerous and unhealthy to rely on any Western computer that is almost certainly controlled by Israel.

But now, thank's to Chine, there is alternative, which is out of Israel control.

Jews are not that smart, as they want you to think. Their successes in all that spyware are based only on their control and presence in places where all necessary things for spying could be implanted in hardware and software at moment of manufacturing. It is not that some Jewish hackers are so cool that are able to hack anything, they are not even in top50, too dumb and greedy for that, but just kikes in corporations planted hidden backdoors for future use, then other kikes exploit them with spyware.

So, Jews can't just hack chineese hard and soft, it's out of their competence. And it is nearly impossible to plant kikes into Chineese hard & soft companies for obvious reasons.

Jewish monopoly in control over computers in the world is ending. That is why they so openly used their backdoor in Lebaneese case. They already have nothing to lose, so they was in hurry to use their backdors when it is not too late.

I think that all that speculations about coming cyberattacks in Western MSM is nothing more than attempt to preprogram public for coming final grab that would use Jewish backdoors that becoming obsolete.

And here comes US hate toward China. Some imaginary hope to somehow provoke a conflict and not allow China to bite off a part of computer market. Not in terms of "Made in China", but in terms "Without US/Israel backdoors".

I think it's too late, really. I already noticed growing interest in "All Chineese" computers - Loongson based PCs, f.e.

Of course absence of Jewish backdoors in no way mean absence of Chineese backdoors, but not all backdoors are equal, especially when it comes to critical things connected with politics. F.e. if you care more about privacy from US gov than from China gov, you will obviously choose all-Chineese computer.

It is not about money, really. It is about potential control over large part of today's human life. And kikes losing on that front right before our eyes.