assttaskmanager 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you blind? It's right there.


Furthermore, there's no edit icon over the comment showing that he changed it.

assttaskmanager 7 points ago +7 / -0

Literally every Point-of-Sale interface anywhere—and I mean anywhere—I go these days asks for a freaking tip, even when it doesn't make sense. The POS (apropos acronym) asked me for a tip the other day at the mechanic's, which is new. I won't be surprised if grocery stores and gas pumps start doing it, too.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +5 / -2

I was hoping to see your input on this. I truly appreciate and enjoy these blow-by-blow responses.

Seems like a liberal who was able to identify some of the symptoms of jewish subversion without ever coming to realize that it's the jews. But not only does he not realize it's the jew, he even tries to contextualize reality through the lens of jew pop culture media, ala the (((Simpsons))). What's more, he tries comparing himself to the character who most served (or serves, since the show will literally never end) as the mouthpiece for jewish subversion: Lisa. Really, now.

Crypto is just one of the arms by which jews intend to extend their control over the planet. They want everyone on a fully digitized currency that operates concurrently with a social credit system so they can monitor it automatically and shut off any and all dissidents. Anyone who advocates for crypto as an alternative to fiat is playing right into their hands. That is essentially how it ties into the jewish global totalitarian scheme.

And yes, for an avowed anti-capitalist, it's odd that he brings up the stock market potentially (i.e. never but you know that) going down by half as a demerit.

I think what gets me the most though is the fact he could've just taken actual action against the "elites" if he was going to throw his life away. It would've been a whole lot less painful than burning to a crisp.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +5 / -2

People Obeying The Shekel-lenders

People Obeying The Small-hats

Kind of have to cheat by using a hyphen, but yeah.

assttaskmanager 3 points ago +3 / -0

To suggest that they voted for it or that their votes have meaning means you don't truly believe it is a monarchy. You know the royals don't have [last names?]

Ended with a broken link which is probably why it got flagged.

assttaskmanager 1 point ago +2 / -1

I’m a… let’s see, that kid’s roughly 12-3 in 2012, so that would be 24-5 now…

I'd say more like 16 or 17, since his voice is too deep to be 12 or 13, but certainly no more than 18. The whole swag """style""" was the trend when I was in high school. But that's another thing, he's roughly my age, and I'd be shocked if you were around the same age as me. That's all I'll say about that here, anyway.

I’ve also been accused of being insurgent, so maybe that’s why my wife and kids left me; I spent too much time making 500 sockpuppet accounts on white nationalist websites.

Yeah, they already had their hands full dealing with the meth addiction. It was definitely the sockpuppeting that drove them over the edge.

assttaskmanager 2 points ago +3 / -1

I've long heard the accusations of you using alts (usually with absolutely zero evidence), but this one really takes the cake.

LMFAO. How is anyone expected to believe this is you. A snapback-wearing swagfag teenager in 2012 running a poorly optimized Windows PC (despite your predilection for Apple) to play some crappy game. Yep, that's you alright!

assttaskmanager 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt it was me alone.

Right, I didn't mean to imply you alone were targeted, merely that you were targeted first, intentionally. Logs show you were the first to get axed. Admittedly I don't browse this board frequently, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the later details surrounding the aftermath. But it appears from looking over the log that it was a sleeper account that randomly activated to clamp down on truth and protect shills for a few weeks, and then went dormant again. Strange.

Sometime I might publicly post the reply I sent to the board mods after the ban, explaining my actions and views.

For some reason I thought you already did. I certainly recall an explanation as to why you use that line for which you got banned, though that may have been for a different occasion.


Never mind, I found it. It was the reply you sent to the mods here. I spent like 10 minutes digging only to find out it was already in my saved folder lol.

assttaskmanager 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't an inactive mod suddenly come back out of nowhere to immediately and specifically target you? I don't see his name in recent weeks in the logs, though pages 100-150 span two days specifically because of him. Really had to dig to find your ban.

"Muh funny sex number!" Of course. How do you put up with this?


Please click the above link and take the hint.

by qclick
assttaskmanager 3 points ago +3 / -0

FYI: I think your Oded Yinon Plan link is broken, it redirected me to a camsite.