aekotra 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's the perfect Lucifarian plan. So brilliant, not one in a million could realize it.

How do you pacify and unify all sides in one move? Leverage the heinous acts of the Satanist, of which child sex trafficking is just one. Having encouraged and protected them for hundreds of years, the Lucifarians are ready to harvest their deluded brothers. In the exposure of the Satanist's acts, both "sheep" and "awakened", both "left" and "right" will demand "justice". Giving the masses what they demand, the old apparent power structure is swept away replaced with an apparent "good" one.

Of course, the structure doing the sweeping is the same as it ever was. And it is not the apparent power structure but IS the real one. But this time it will reveal itself in full view. Being that Lucifarian ideaology is indistinguishable from the conditions of conciousness held by the modern slave-human, the masses will recognize their new leaders as people like themselves and celebrate this fact.

Meanwhile, the end game is being played in the water, in the air, in the food, in the ether, in the blood. The release and jubilation that comes from the destruction of the Satanist forms the perfect complacency for the Lucifarian zenith of control.

aekotra 2 points ago +3 / -1

From channeled information by Barbara Marciniak:

Animals have a certain intuitive sense that lets them understand their roles with each other. They come from a variety of extraterrestrial communities and look just like their ancestors, who are sentient beings upon other planets. If you knew how many millions and billions of planets there are in existence, this idea would not be so boggling to you. Those that created your planet asked for different seeds from dif- ferent places. These seeds were biogenetically engineered to create companions for you and to seed Earth.

Some of the animals here are utilized as transmitters. Your cats are direct transmitters of information to a species of consciousness that uses the cats to monitor you. In ancient times upon your planet, it was in vogue in many cultures to have a lion or other large cat next to the ruling entity. These animals were always there. Look at ancient statues all over the planet and what do you see? Lions. The cat family rep- resents a biogenetic tooling of a species that looks like you except that it has the visage of a cat. The cat people, or lion people, have come in shifts upon your planet and worked in South America, Mexico, Egypt, and in some island cultures. Statues have been built to honor them. When they taught the human race, or when they mixed their species and created the rulers here, especially in Egypt, they left cats to transmit information so the rulers had direct contact with the species from the stars. This is how many of these rulers made deci- sions. This is how they were guided. The cats gave them telepathic information. They were like transmitters or cosmic radios. In more current times, cats were owned by witches. Do you think witches were fools? The cats were links to other realms. When energy that is not so uplifted comes in, cats can intercept it and alter the vibration. Now many of you have little cats in your houses that transmit much information to you. However, in this time period, you are not gen-erally working with this kind of information. The cats are guardians and assistants for you, great companions of comfort.

Interestingly, a very similar sentiment can be found in Gurdjieff's book who gets his information from the ancient oral traditions of the Caucuses. They were brought for a specific purpose at one time. Now they're just chillin'.

aekotra 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are confused. There is no "better them then me" attitude. Unlike you, I don't compare the lives of others by "value" and "worth". In fact, there is no attitude at all. I'm neither attached to the lives of the wise or the deluded. But if YOU believe you are at war, then why lament the loss of the tools of your adversary? That's exactly how these deluded beings live their lives: as tools.

Leave the "casualties of war" for the innocent and the combatants. These beings are NEITHER. Participating in the institutions of one's adversary is foolishness and the antithesis of innocence. These so-called "casualties" have had plenty of time and faculties to recognize that a war even existed and they failed to do so.

Be grateful they are being eliminated now lest more of them go to war against YOU to defend their masters. Do you not see that even as they die they are doing their duty, of which they are unaware? Their death and suffering affects you psychologically, distracting and weakening you on the battlefield. They will seek out Industrial Medicine and Pharmaceuticals to alleviate their poison symptoms, bringing further continuity to your adversary's institutions.

Right, let's have a moment of silence for each unit of fuel that gives progress to The Machine. Good luck with your war.


PS. Just wait until the "injection survivors" are "activated" for the next phases. You will find yourself becoming less resistant to this comment lol.

aekotra 3 points ago +3 / -0


Ive yet to see anyone answer these questions.

The hilarious thing about boomers is that they all have this trait: they fucking HATE the unknown.

Questions without known answers are a boomer's absolute worst nightmare. A prospective answer doesn't have to be correct or even have a basis for a boomer, just "someone answer the dang thing so I can get on with my life. Anyone. Just give me an answer so I can have relief from this horrible feeling of not knowing". They would much prefer a complete fabrication that superficially checks enough boxes to be plausible over "not knowing". They will not energize a single neuron to establish for themselves the likelihood of one scenario over another, the true intentions of the beings involved and their desired outcomes, or even eliminate a possibility from consideration with basic logic.

Just answer it for me. Give me a goddamn answer so I can mainline that shit into my rotting, empty vessel of a mind and never think about it again until I have the opportunity to reflexively regurgitate those answers which are so soothing to my discontent. No ambiguity: answers only. There is a question shaped void in my otherwise pointless, worldly existance that can only be filled by the sweet opioid of answers. Won't anyone help me feel comfy again? Won't anyone help me return to the blissful state of "knowing" once more?

Truly ideal slave programming.

aekotra 4 points ago +4 / -0

I dunno, requesting a moment of silence for people who got fooled seems silly.

For children I can understand. But adults? All that time living and your understanding of the world and yourself is so poor that you took a bait and poisioned yourself? I mean, it wasn't even a clever psyop. They literally could not have made it more obvious what the intent was.

Some bloodlines deserve to end.

aekotra 1 point ago +1 / -0

Know that there are two different states of "not giving a shit" which can be confused as they can appear similar from the outside.

There is the common one which is like "There is nothing worth giving a shit".

And the rare one which is like "Seeing that nothing is worthy nor unworthy, where is there space to give a shit?".

These two are unrelated. The former is resigning himself to the fact that he may never give a shit again. The latter is not bound by giving a shit or not giving a shit. The entire subject never crosses his mind. It's finished.

aekotra 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hopelessness contains its own white pill.

Anyone who is hopeless or in despair about the state of the world is a wordly being. A being whose mood, temperment, and initiative is at the mercy of the physical conditions surrounding them. In other words, a slave to the world.

So your recognization of hopelessness within you represents an opportunity. It's the opportunity that subsumes and transcends all other opportunities. Will you resist or wallow in this movement of hopelessness or will you have it purged from your being? Will you cease from correcting it so that it is starved of continuity: hopelessness vanishing from you and thereby transforming your perception of the world?

The world appears as shit because you have shit-colored lenses. Do not be foolish by persuing rose-colored lenses to correct the shit-colored ones. Dispense with all lenses. Dispense with the need to have a lense. Dispense with the need to remove a lense. Dispense with correcting the mind and the mind corrects itself. Take the white pill.

aekotra 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read the article. It has nothing to do with a book.

aekotra 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is not unusual because unlike rotavirus, swine vaccines, etc these people don't realize that the covid injections are NOT "Pharmaceuticals" by legal definition. They are using these terms like "vaccine" assuming parity with what came before. This assumption is erronious because they were fooled.

The injections are "Medical Countermeasures". They are not sanctioned by ANY regulatory body because they are soley the product of Department of Defense subcontracting "demonstration". Apparent FDA/BLA involvment was intentional smoke and mirrors. The Covid injections are a military operation. Comparing "adverse events" is a waste of time. There can be no reasonable comparison to anything that came before.

They will never be "pulled" because they were never legally "approved" despite what meaningless PR statements were made. The FDA has ZERO authority on the covid injections; NONE. They could not pull them even if they wanted to because these are deliverables made for and deployed by the DoD. End of story.

aekotra 2 points ago +2 / -0

This "academic" was a year late and has nothing to demonstrate. This guy on the other hand:


aekotra 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep in mind, that would include essentially every sauce, condiment, and seasoning in your kitchen. So, you'll find this challenge to have a wider effect than maybe you first expected.

By the way, consider this well known dogshit about how "the body loses electrolytes when it sweats". Is the body really just inadvertently dumping essential nutrients while trying to cool itself? Is it not also perfectly well known that sweating is detox mechanism, hence the age-old theraputic use of saunas?

That's right, the body is excreting dietary seasoning salt in sweat exactly because it's not useful. It's utility is meeting man's psychological satisfaction, that's it. And because essentially every meal has added sodium chloride in one form or another, only a certain amount can be excreted through urine before the next meal. So, there is chronic "backlog" that just sits in the tissues, waiting.
Sweat is not naturally salty. Science tards look at the components of sweat and immediately assume the body is losing something and needs to be corrected. The body is getting rid of the trash it doesn't need, you dipshits.

aekotra 2 points ago +2 / -0

Btw, you don't realize that eating whole food and fasting are "effective" for the same reasons. Both are absent of the stimulus which caused the imbalance in the first place. That stimulus being imbalanced food.

Remove the stimulus, and the body winds down the compensation you call "excess fat". There many other reasons to fast, but doing it to lose weight is silly unless the foods themselves are changed. The actual problem is going unaddressed and fasting just relieves the symptoms until you do it all over again.

aekotra 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll give you a simple experiment: eat for a month consuming no salt. You will find two things appearing after a week:

  1. You will feel satisified eating only 2/3 of what you normally eat
  2. Many of the foods you would consider "normal" or "staples" are basically inedible without the contrivance of salt

Consider how the body has to compensate for this behaviour over long periods. The body is burdened by having to...

  1. process 1/3 more food than it naturally would
  2. process many foods that it would otherwise find unappealing

People slowly die by their "normals".

aekotra 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are completely wrong.

Read "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes. You treat excess adipose tissue as a "store" when it's actually the result of endocrine imbalance brought about by imbalanced diet. And by "imbalanced" I'm talking the artifical removal and adulteration of food's naturally occuring mineral salts by polishing, cooking, fractionating, salting, etc.

If you eat unprocessed food, the body will naturally find the endocrine balance again. Just as when you stop abrading the skin, the body removes the callus. Your body compensates for imbalance. Remove the imbalance and the body undoes the compensation.

Eat only raw vegetables as much as you want. You will lose weight. Eat only roasted meat on the bone as much as you want. You will lose weight. Eat only roasted potatoes. You will lose weight. Eat only whole grain bread. Hell, even if you eat only panela sugar (whole, unfiltered, dried sugar cane juice) you will lose weight. Eat all of these and you will lose weight. It doesn't matter. As long as you're keeping the food mostly intact from it's naturally occuring form and not washing away mineral salts in boiling, eating branless white or polished grain, or slathering everything in condiments, white sugar, and salt.

It's so simple you scientistic types will never get it. You don't realize that so-called "diets" are a completely artificial construct. Nature already provided the "diet". If you begin to stray from that, YOU LOSE. If you begin to impose your own ideas on nature YOU LOSE. Your body IS nature. I'll point out that aside from humans and pets, every animal on the planet is eating raw and unseasoned. If you're a serious person, you're going to have to discover for yourself which of the many contrivances you "depend on" and "need" for your food is causing an imbalance in the body. Because there is no analogue for your fatass in the greater world where the innate intelligence of the body isn't interfered with by bombarding it with the artificial. It operates on its own; it doesn't require the hand of man to rebalance it. Put an end to the contrivances in your food and the body goes back to normal.

Stay fat moron.

aekotra 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol this is so retarded. As if fasting isn't the most ancient and widely known cure on the planet. Wow, the body cleanses and consolidates itself when it's not constantly having to assimilate?? Who knew??? This is like reporting on buttons as a "novel" alternative to zippers and velcro. How rediculous.

And 250 calories per day? Wtf is this weak shit. I'm literally on day 10 of a fast having taken zero calories. Eating small amounts just makes your experience worse and impairs the detox effect.

aekotra 1 point ago +1 / -0

One can realize that all mental 'knowing' is arbitrary because it is nothing other recognition of symbols which is constrained by memory.

Suppose you have a table in front of you. You say "I know this is a table". But this is misleading, because the "this" you are referring to is only sense data: light vibration translated by the eye, physical vibration by the skin etc. Therefore, whether there is a table there or not, you can never know because you are perpetually one step removed from the supposed object itself by the medium of the body, of the brain, etc. Moreover, you are a removed yet another step by the prequesite of attaching a symbol - the Thought-word "table" and it's meaning - to the sensation. Without the memory of this symbol or the creation of a new symbol, there is nothing to recognize and therefore nothing to 'know'.

The only actual facts are ones that evoke the mechanics of subjectivity. "I recognize this sensation as a table" is genuine fact. "This appears to me to as a table" is genuine fact. To say "I know this is a table" is not a fact but an assertion (of "isness"): a belief within your perceived reality. How much more absurd is it to say "I know this is a table" when you have only just a read another's recording of that table (ie. history)?


In this way, it's trivial to demonstrate that so-called "objective reality" is a fabrication of the mind. If one supposes that "objectivity" is real then it can only be established by the shared experience of other minds. For example, if you were the only the mind in existance, how would you go about establishing what is "objective"? You would require separate minds to relate their experiences to you to establish a consistant reference: an "objective source". And, as explained, these minds would be bounded by subjective sensation, recognition, etc. just as yours is. Therefore, any notion of "objectivity" is completely dependent on "subjectivity" before it can even be realized. But if this is the case, how can you say that it meets the definition of being "objective"? The fact is, the only apparatus at your disposal for establishing the "objective" is the "subjective".

Then one can take this to its ultimate conclusion: if "objective" is merely an idea - a Thought - then where is there room to establish a "subjective" reality? Subjective compared to what? Such a "reality" must exist with its opposite ("objective"), just as a one-sided coin is illogical. But the latter idea becomes "real" only by belief. Therefore, the same must be true of the former.

Then are subjective and objective "real"? The answer: is both and neither. The "real" is defined by one's conditions of conciousness - the qualifying and correcting of appearances in the mind - not the thoughts or sensations themselves. Once you see that 'knowing' is arbitrary, conditional, and unrelated to any "objective" reality, you will throw all belief, opinion, assertion, conjecture, trust, "seeking to know", "being sure", etc in the trash and never touch them again. Having seen the truth, you comprehend all of these to be nothing other than self-delusion.


It is your disatisfaction with "not knowing" that compels you to try and "assess what's real". It is the habitual attempt to correct this feeling and find answers that bring relief from it. Every time you correct the mind like this, you further condition your consciousness which responds by creating further craving for a "real" that will bring satisfaction. Perpetual seeking, assessing, comparing. This is the "neuroticity", as you say, that does not end. However, it does end when the avoidance of disatisfaction ends.

When you no longer correct or escape from the arising of disatisfaction or craving, you will see what happens. You will look back at the OP and see it was written by a different person. "I need to know what is real" is a genuine fact. Suppose that by not interfering with this "need" - by neither participating in it, distracting from it, suppressing it, and without expectation or waiting - that this fact can vanish. You would discover for yourself a fact of conciousness that makes the apparent "facts" of history appear silly.

To find what is "truly real", bring to end all intentionality which has been giving continuity to your present "real" and see what is left.

aekotra 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • The Law of One books I found to be very competant and consistant but of little spiritual utility. The one thing mentioned that always sticks with me was Ra saying that the US military had many secret bases not just underground as most know, but under the sea and IN THE AIR. They also had fast-as-light vehicles used as weapons. This was written in the early 80's.


  • For anyone that hasn't done a deep dive on Scientology, if you go back to early work - to the first publications (torrents exist with the whole anthology) - it is stunning stuff. Hubbard and he's team were very serious people doing incredible work into the nature of the human condition and making a full blown science out of it. Even if their methods were complicated and of questionable effectiveness, there is no doubt that the intention behind this was for the good of humanity.
    It is blatantly obvious why they were infiltrated and turned into a cult: they were reversing generational conciousness-conditioning and showing others how to do it. They were stepping on VERY big toes: planetary-control levels, way beyond national government/intel agencies. There is a night-and-day difference in the quality of Scientology publications after they were infiltrated in the early 1970's. Everything after that time is just theatre and dogma to destroy their reputation and supress the useful work. Post-1975 Hubbard is almost certainly an actor or clone if you compare the competancy of his speech and writings to earlier work. There were several very intelligent people that made great contributions to the methods and knowledge of Scientology that defected the organization during that time as its original intention was being destroyed.
aekotra 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP, to give this to you straight: the zeta-potential of the blood cells must be restored. This is the electrostatic charge that keeps blood cells properly separated from eachother

There are heavy-metals in the injections and this is the cause of the heavy bleeding (body is purging them). But the pressing problem and cause of prolonged sickness and "strange diseases" is the destroyed blood. The graphene oxide and venom extracts cause the blood to sludge and clump (cells stick together from lack of zeta potential.) The body is struggling to even get oxygen to tissue let alone nutralize poisons. So, all sorts of unique diseases appear which are really just ischemia (microclotting --> lack of blood flow --> lack of metablic exchange --> impaired cells) to different tissues, organs, nerves etc (eg. facial paralysis is just ischemia of those nerves which branch from the base of the head). All these ischemias can reverse when blood quality is restored.

Of the above list, only a few can do this:

  • EDTA chelation
  • Chlorine Dioxide
  • megadose NAC
  • megadose Vit C

These are electron-donors that give the blood cells back their zeta potential --> blood flows and exchanges freely --> body detoxes itself.

Restore the blood, restore the body. No other nutracutical/mineral/herb can do much of anything until you restore the blood.


  • NAC is easy to buy and very effective
  • Vit C also easy to buy, although powdered version has limited effectiveness (You can make your own lyposomal Vit C by using cheap ultrasonic cleaners to greatly increase effectiveness; this method easily found on internet).
  • Chlorine Dioxide is the MOST powerful oral method. You will make it yourself: find a sodium chlorite water purification kit like this and then do this.
  • EDTA chelation is fastest and most effective of all methods. But you will have to find someone who does these IVs.
aekotra 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy is confusing two distinct concepts: negation as a philosophical operation and the negative as means of manipulation.

For an example of negation, one could claim that beaches do not exist. Why? Because on further inspection the "beach" is nothing other than a large quanity of sand on shore. Therefore, "beach" is just an abstraction of sand which has certain quantity and location. Sand is real, beach is not. However, the same operation can be applied to sand which is nothing other than an abstraction of rocks of a certain size, etc. Also note that this can also be applied in reverse. Sand can be said to be unreal. Shoreline sand comes in all shapes, sizes, colours, quanity, types etc. But you are wrong to say it is real because regardless of its qualities, all of this sand is really just beaches and you were fooled!

However, any real/unreal argument remains unconvincing. Why? Because anyone can see that Beach and Sand are both simply ideas, thought. The fact that one thought can abstract another - or that one thought is basis of another - doesn't change the "reality" of either one. Despite what this goof says, there is obviously nothing "cult" or "guru-worship" about the simple use of negation. So what is missing from negation for it to become useful as a manipulation tool? Emotional compulsion.


To manipulate you into my "wizard circle" as he puts it, it is necessary for me to present you with an idea that already makes you feel discontent (the negative). By fixating on the relief from, or avoidance of, this negative thought, you will begin to unknowingly follow my proposed solution, which of course, will involve the rejection of whatever your current reality happens to be.

For example, his Critical Car Theory appears stupid exactly because it's missing this crtitical component. The use of negation logically creates the Thought of "car manufactures are the actual cause of car accidents". Now we add what is missing: the negative Thought which compels behaviour. We'll call it "accidentalism":

Don't you realize that it is bigoted of you to impose punishment on other people when they make mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes, but you think you're entitled to assign "blame" and seek "justice". All of this arises from the systemic accidentalist culture of which you are actively participating in. Don't you see you are oppressing people just like you who have accidents and are simply trying to live their lives? Who are you to find fault in anyone? They just had a dangerous accident and now you are giving them even more trauma by blaming them.

Do you see now how a "wizard" can make abolishing cars an attractive proposition? Having believed this imagined reality and now desperate to avoid the guilt of being an accidentalist (the negative which brings discontent), the victim seeks safety and finds it in the wizard's solution (abolishing cars to stop car accidents). Naturally, they will defend their new refuge by rejecting the former idea which has now become dangerous (drivers are the cause of car accidents). After all, this idea promotes accidentalism! This is emotional compulsion by using the negative (thought).


It is no different with Critical Race Theory. It's effectiveness is wholly dependent on the victim adopting the belief that any discerning of racial differences is a negative. To create this belief, wrap the activity in an abstraction (ie. "racism"), and imagine a negative reality for it (ie. "it is a quality of evil, ignorant people", "it is the cause of poverty, crime, etc"). Contrive these realities and present them over and over until seen as "real" by the victim. Now the magic: because the victim will automically avoid and demonize any activity which appears "racist" according to the reality you constructed, this label can be applied to any habit, tradition, or thought pattern of the victim that you wish to stop. It follows that you can "corner" the victim into adopting the patterns that you present as the "solution" to their former "racist" activity.

This technique is infinite in variety: all that is required is to take a disparity in race, nation, wealth, status, gender, religion, etc. and present some aspect as undesireable until an emotional compulsion arises. They will always work just as they have for thousands of years. Why? Because humanity is not spiritual. They are believers/disbelievers. They take their Thoughts and Consciousness for granted. All believe/disbelief arises out of the discontent with the present circumstance; it is a form of self-soothing.
The theist seeks relief from uncertainty about the world in the Thought of "God" contrived by scripture. The athiest seeks relief from uncertainty about the world in the Thought of "Material" contrived by science. In terms of conciousness, they are identical. And neither understand this process operating in themselves in ALL aspects of their lives in a million different ways. Therefore, they are ripe to have new beliefs/disbeliefs installed in them.

I have never met any Christian or otherwise who is even interested, let alone makes it their aim, to empty themselves of compulsion or automatic Thought.
It's funny, even their master told them "become as child". The young child, of course, is utterly without contrivance, is not searching for answers, is not constructing beliefs about what is or is not, is not seeking relief nor fulfillment. The child is completely without "isness". He has taken neither a position nor a negation. He has not confused his Thoughts or Senses with notions of "Real" and "Unreal". Even the Satanists explicitly give the reason they use children for their rituals: because they are "closer to God". Apparently, both Jesus and Satan were aware of the nature of conciousness! A spiritual individual would consider these facts well.

aekotra 1 point ago +1 / -0


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