I recently saw this video demonstrating where "A113" has been inserted into Pixar movies by the animators or script writers. The implication being that "A113" is a code for Adrenochrome. The official story is that:

A113 is a studio code and its variants are an inside joke and Easter egg in media developed by alumni of California Institute of the Arts, referring to the classroom used by graphic design and character animation students. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A113

The California Institute of the Arts, or CalArts, said in a statement emailed to Reuters that room A113 is a former Character Animation classroom where many animation artists, including Pixar staff Brad Bird, Andrew Stanton and Pete Doctor studied while enrolled at CalArts. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N3941LO/

The Reuters "fact check" is technically accurate because I was trying to make the same connection and failed. There is nothing inherent about Adrenochrome or its properties where "113" appears.


But it was obvious to me that some connection was there...

  • Googling "A113 chemical" reliably returns the Adrenochrome wikipedia page as the first result
  • The door of the room is deliberately painted "blue pill"
  • this kind of repeating symbolism is unlikely to be merely a "former classroom" easter egg especially given the history of symbols found in children's programming


Then I realized what their code was:

Have you ever seen the abreviations "i18n" and "l10n"? They are examples of shorthands used in computing for "Internationalization" and "Localization". Just replace the middle of the word with the count of letters removed.

"Adrenochrome" has 12 letters. Instead of "A10e", they counted to the last letter: "A11".

But about the 3 at the end? They added the first character from its standardized chemical name:

Adrenochrome 3-Hydroxy-1-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-5,6-dione



This relationship is probably already known about but I haven't been able to find anything written about it.

Suppose A and B are days of the year.

If A and B are 99 days apart, then B and A are also 999 - 3 days apart (and +1 if it spans a leap year).

Therefore, you can choose any day of the year, add 99 + 999 - 3 days, and you will get the exact same day just 3 years later.


For example,

Oct 22/20 .... + 99 days .... Jan 29/21 .... + 999 - 3 days .... Oct 22/23.

Leap year example,

Oct 22/21 .... + 99 days .... Jan 29/22 .... + 999 - 3 + 1 days .... Oct 22/24 (LY).


Something about having all 9s and only needing to subtract 3, which mirrors the 3-year duration, is interesting.

Dead Drone :

A former drone (human automaton) that has yet to fully develop objective or critical thinking abilities. A Dead Drone no longer follows obvious mainstream narratives but nevertheless retains the inherent "braindead" drone nature.

The Dead Drone has enough awareness to recognize the world is not as it seems but not enough to awareness to recognize what information is relevant. Therefore, their posts are usually inane, superficial, obvious, and generally pointless in content and opinion. Naturally, the Dead Drones as a group tend to upvote eachother's nonsense with these same qualities.

The Dead Drone lacks both the interest and capacity to compare the utility of their posts with those of their peers and consider even common, shallow idealogies or hopelessly obsolete information worthy of posting. Their post titles and comments reflect this hubris as they often take the form of "streams of conciousness" that the Dead Drone takes great satisfaction in sharing, despite their lack of insight. Dead Drones tend to lack basic investigative and reading comprehension skills, even to the point that they don't realize when they're being mocked.

As Dead Drones exist in a kind of pergatory of self-absorption, bewilderment, and idiocy, you will find that informing them is a mostly fruitless endevour: their own discoveries are treated as shiny objects and not merely a means to an end. While you may be interested in the truth of a thing, the Dead Drone is interested in the thing exclusively. They cannot penetrate, reason, or see their context. So, the Dead Drone is doomed to compulsively collect and opine about every idea that captures their attention because their relevance, likelihood, and contraindications are never established beyond the superficial.

It is encouraged that users recognize Dead Drone submissions and vote appropriately. These two and those that upvote them are the most prolific. There exist others, of course.

Posts by newfunturistic

Posts by Boomer_Supreme


I'm not into fashion; I just want natural fabrics in classic looks. Suppose you wanted to find 100% cotton casual pants, chinos, khakis, etc in the Western world. Could you do it?

Unfortunately, you may find this task ranging from unreasonably difficult to next-to-impossible. You see, clothing manufacturers have decided to add 2-3% elastane to nearly all skus of men's cotton pants, en masse, in a coordinated way.

Choose any brand off the top of your head and attempt to find a 100% cotton pant without any elastane. Look for the materials listing.If you do manage to find one, there's a 90% chance it will be on sale or clearence.

Apparently, this transition has been in works for some time. Yes, even for jeans.


One could argue that this is simply:

  • The usual cartel-imposed fashion cycle as profit-making tool. The recent scourage of the dress shirt "spread collar" comes to mind.
  • The "planned obsolecence" model applied to pants as elastane tends to degrade quickly, ruining the drape and cut of the pants
  • A billion-dollar deal cut with the synthetics industry by fashion cartels

However, is that what we're seeing in this case? The infiltration of 2% elastane into the men's casual pants category is almost TOTAL. It's bizarre. It's not that these brands are carrying blended fabric "flex" pants alongside the cotton fabrics or even just giving them priority. The cotton pants are GONE. You can't buy them.


To speculate, this operation doesn't have the appearence to me of being just about profits this time. Consider the woven elastane as the vehicle for a beacon, repeater, or payload.

If elastane is a monopolized commodity, then a whole variety of nanotech can be silently blended into the raw product while guarenteeing that it receives whole-market penetration. Thousands of manufactures worldwide then buy elastane thread from this monopoly and weave the product into their clothes under the auspice of "added comfort", distrubuting nanotech into billions of articles of clothing. A trojan horse having direct contact with the bodies of hundreds of millions of men.


  • Long-term contact with skin
  • Designed to "ping",
  • Designed to degrade, release, shed


  • Mass bio-surveilance, track and trace
  • Unique RFIDs embedded in fabric, wearer and location metadata
  • IoT and "wearables"
  • Delivery of synth-bio fibers

You guys are already picking up on this as the newsmedia narrative shifts.

As the pandemic tapered off, several influential politicians and agency representatives came under fire for sensationalizing the severity of the event for perceived political gain. As with many public health interventions, successful efforts to reduce the impact of the pandemic created the illusion that the event was not nearly as serious as experts suggested it would be.

[...] After-action reports, government hearings, and agency reviews following the pandemic were too numerous to count. [...] As the investigations grew in intensity, several high-ranking officials at the CDC and FDA were forced to step down and withdraw from government in order to “spend more time with their families.” Exhausted employees of these agencies, many of whom worked long hours six or seven days a week throughout the pandemic, simply wanted to put the whole response behind them. Little desire remained on the part of decision-makers or those who served in the trenches during the response to rehash the events of the past several years.

SPARS Scenario (2017) [pdf]