XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I keep the idea as a possibility, but am less concerned about the shape than why there is so much deception surrounding it. I feel like we would make a lot more headway against these hoaxes if we stuck to showing everyone how obvious they are, rather than trying to move them on to a whole new paradigm like flat earth. If we were successful in breaking through these hoaxes on a mass scale, the shape of the earth would more than likely not be far behind.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +2 / -1

The focus should absolutely not be on the shape of the earth and instead be about cosmology. The one thing flat earthers have achieved is an unveiling of the mass deceptions regarding space, NASA, and the nature of reality. I think the biggest psyop is that someone took all of the information regarding fake space walks, green screens, etc...and turned it into flat earth proof. Instead of uniting and demanding to know what the fuck is really going on in space, everyone that questions it is just considered a flat earther and moves on.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is....and at the same time it isn't.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +2 / -1

Name-calling isn't helping your argument. Unless all you are doing on this board is trolling, try to keep it civil or people won't take your posts seriously.

XharlesDucken -1 points ago +3 / -4

They need to come up with a name for people who don't believe in flat earth, but also believe that cosmology is completely staged. Flat earthers have shined a spotlight on all of the hoaxes taking place in our space programs, media, and schools.

The world's shape is less important right now than why they are going to such great lengths to pretend they are in outers pace, have rovers on other planets, and promote demonstrably false explanations for things like stars. When we stop arguing over the shape and start focusing on the falsehoods, we might finally figure out what is going on.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why watch anything from main stream media? Just go to the movies, it is the same level of fiction.

So are you the new bot sent out to fight disinfo, and you have a funny way of doing it? Or just a bot to assess sentiment in fringe conspiracy sites?

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you are either arguing with a bot, or a shill. There is no way anyone is this dense.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

You had mentioned it not working a few times, so I figured it might work better with fresh eggs.

by DrLeaks
XharlesDucken 0 points ago +2 / -2

You beat me to it.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen quite a few videos where they do show it elongating as it reaches the horizon. They are just random videos made by non-flat-earthers, but the flat-earthers have used them to show the size change. I've been meaning to test this myself out of curiosity. You can't really believe anything you see online, so it's best to test everything yourself.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm more interested in what the flat earth groups uncover regarding things like the green-screened space station, bubbles on the iss, and one of my favorites, rockets are blimps. I'm convinced we are in a simulation, so the shape is irrelevant.

XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thats pretty funny. I estimate Idiocracy is about 2 generations away. They were way off on the timeline in the movie.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +3 / -2

Could be the clockwork flat earth theory where the unfrozen part of earth only makes up about 10% of the whole disc, but the sun moves like clockwork around the larger disc over tens of thousands of years, accounting for pole shifts, climate change, ice ages, etc.

XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

I met someone who claimed to be a time traveler once. They told me they liked my book, which hadn't been published yet. That was almost 15 years ago now.

I don't think time travel is possible unless we are in a simulation.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure I'm in the minority of people who prefer speed cameras to cops. Speeding doesn't save you enough time to be worth it unless you are going really far. Saving 2-5 minutes by going 20mph over the speed limit is indicative of someone that needs to learn some patience and perspective. Every time I have to go into the city there are dozens of idiots leap-frogging through traffic to save themselves a few seconds of time while endangering everyone else.

The only reason people chafe at having to go the speed limit is because they have the option to NOT go the speed limit. If it wasn't an option, people would just get used to it and plan accordingly.

I also think age plays a large role in this. I know I did a lot of speeding when I was younger. It took 15+ years to realize that it doesn't really save enough time to make a difference.

XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wired my house and set got usb-c to ethernet adapters for all devices. I'm not too worried about myself, but I don't want my son's developing body getting fucked up by an onslaught of rf transmission. I can't believe how much rf noise there must be in smart homes where every lightbulb, socket, appliance, etc is connected to an access point. Add that to people living in appartments where every neighbor is doing the same thing and you probably have a toxic stew of rf poison.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +2 / -1

Get some Faraday Fabric and put it between you and the laptop. Another option would be to get a usb wifi adapter that you can extend away from the laptop with a cable.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good read. That's an interesting take. Our history is completely fake, and science and education is completely rigged, so it's hard to say what is possible.

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it also fits a skynet agenda for high-bandwidth assets like drones or killer robots to act as our new enforcers. I'm guessing there are factories churning out legions of robots in preparation for some kind of paradigm shift that will occur, (probably when starlink gets close to its requested quota).

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

One of the more obvious false fronts of the century. There is no way starlink is for rural internet.

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