Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

The race hustlers had just moved into the area. Your video is 1990?

The Black Marxist Communists had just setup shop in the late 1980's.

The years (1985-1988) President Obama spent working as a community organizer on the South Side were “the best education I ever had,” he recalls. As the executive director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP) in the Roseland neighborhood, Obama helped set up a job training program, a college-prep tutoring program, and a tenants’ rights organization in the Altgeld Gardens housing projects.


Vlad_The_Impaler 0 points ago +1 / -1

No one here is arguing that the government is saving White people.

Quite the contrary. We recognize that the governments of all former White western nations are actively working to replace White people and turn White people into minorities in their own nations.

Katrina was just an ordinary hurricane that blows through the region every few years. So predictable that we call them hurricane "seasons" during which locals predict lots of rainfall, flooding issues, humidity, etc. Just because a bunch of niggers chose to live in section 8 housing below sea level in what was previously a swamp and then get drowned or try to flag down helicopters does not bother me or make it some kind of grand conspiracy.

Vlad_The_Impaler 0 points ago +1 / -1

Katrina was just dumb niggers who can't swim getting washed out of the swamp.

What did you expect? White people to rescue you with life jackets. Fuck outta here.

Vlad_The_Impaler 3 points ago +5 / -2

Yes but this was obvious back in 2020 and 2021. It's not a new revelation that all right wing pundits and right wing media is dominated by jews and their media machines.

I still contend that I believe Rupert Murdoch is a kike too.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +3 / -2

The jew master plan is protocols of the lost scrolls of elders of Zion.

All Hollywood jew movie scripts and tv scripts are just mini series and mini episodes of jew protocols to undermine and sabotage the White man.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +2 / -1

I remember the story kept changing. One shooter two shooters. Shooter shot himself, no and officer shot him. Motivation gambling debts. Hardly anyone knew the guy. No Internet history. Helicopter shooting at people. Bump stocks, oh no!

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +3 / -2

I used to believe Republicans were the lesser evil, and in some ways they are, but I'm fucked over either way.

Republicans treat white Christian nationalist anti-zionists like me like shit. In fact, trump said he wants to lock up everyone who doesn't support Israel. Fuck him. Fuck his jew Pfizer poison shots. Fuck trump Jr for cheering the imprisonment of that poor kid in Charlottesville who was being chased by armed antifa with guns. Then trump disavows white nationalists but will grovel to nigger rappers and faggots. Fuck him.

Vlad_The_Impaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

MAGAtards are simps who do not even realize the globalists are jews. Every time I try to explain it to the simpletons they ban me. "Joooooos" they say. Opposed to what? Your faceless mythical boogie man globalists who you never specify or name?

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +3 / -1

Obama is nothing more than a puppet. MAGAtards think this dumb nigger runs the DNC

The entire DOJ is run by kikes. The impeachments against Trumper were all kikes. The prosecutors and judges against trump are kikes.

But you have to overlook dozens and dozens of kikes to falsely believe that Obozo, a nigger that came out of nowhere, calls all the shots when kikes like Henry Kissinger and Victoria Nuland were running his presidency from 2009-2016.

Vlad_The_Impaler 0 points ago +2 / -2

MAGA subsidizing roasties and feminist women now.

This ranks up there near $500 billion for nigger reparations marketed as "the platinum plan."

Fuck Trump and his desperate sellout supporters.

Vlad_The_Impaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

The topic was the song naming the jew but now we are attacking the Pope and by affiliation all Catholics?

There are over a billion Catholics in the world. They have as much say who the Pope is as you do who your president is.

Did you check out that archive of judaism.is ? It's a gold mine for exposing the jew.

Attacking all 1.4 billion Catholics because the Pope is a spic fraud isn't quite fair.

I'm east orthodox, but I have set aside differences to work with Catholics before. There was a time when all that stood between the papacy and tens of thousands of goat fucking sand niggers was just me and my Wallachian army.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

A Republican majority funded the DOJ to hire all these cronies.

Fuck the republican party.

Vlad_The_Impaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm constantly in the woods, chopping down trees, scraping bark, tapering pikes. Getting eaten alive by mosquitoes of course. I often setup torches and burn lavender, mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus, sage, or rosemary or cedar wood or pinon wood to repel mosquitoes. Whatever I can find. I also wear long sleeves and have mosquito nets to drape over me while I work.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair, all the catholics I know don't give a shit about the Pope

It still sucks knowing a portion of their tithes gets laundered to the Vatican.

Also the Paul VI Audience Hall is clearly satanic, designed to worship a serpent. https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-Paul-VI-Audience-Hall-in-Rome-Vatican-City-look-like-a-serpent-And-what-does-this-say-about-the-intentions-of-the-Catholic-Church

Many Catholics are our allies against the satanic jew. This website, for example, is supposedly the hard work of a Catholic. https://web.archive.org/web/20231202213747/https://www.judaism.is/expulsions.html

Squabbles between Christian denominations is not constructive nor urgent when an enemy of all Christians is inside our gates.

CrusaderPepe is clearly on our side and putting together presentations, music, protests all to expose the satanic jew.

The Pope represents all Catholics like Joe biden represents all Americans. They don't.

Vlad_The_Impaler 5 points ago +5 / -0

A friend of mine got completely brainwashed by lex Friedman. Dude thinks he's living a simulation now.

Vlad_The_Impaler 4 points ago +4 / -0

I tried to bring up Zionism at Christian men's breakfast yesterday and some old fart seemed to get angry and walk away. Lol

Vlad_The_Impaler 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fortunately they were all vaccinated with the Pfizer COVID-19 shot, or else it would have been worse.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like the plot to Brain Damage https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1rxg9ffwE0k

Some smooth talking gay slug parasite attaches itself to Brian's brain stem and fills him with euphoria and then uses the gay injections to control him.

I watch some shitty horror fliks

Vlad_The_Impaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

Violence? I was suggesting a picnic.

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