Impale them instead.

Hear me out.

I never understood why DEPORTATION was ever considered a consequence for a crime in the first place. Let's be hypothetical.

You're a dirty, dumb, Mexican scumbag spic. Some kind of hybrid of a filthy savage dwarf Mayan or Aztec hobbit whore and a Horny Spaniard Sailor who scrubbed the barnacles off the ships.

You can commit crimes in your home town in Mexico. But then you go to a dirty Mexican prison. But if you go to USA instead, you can commit crimes and the worst that can happen to you is you get sent back home to your home town in Mexico. No threat of prison. The USA only threatens deportation and they don't even go through with that because it's "racist"

So you get let loose inside the USA again to commit more crime. And again, they will not imprison you. The greatest threat is deportation meaning if your crimes fail and you get caught outside a sanctuary city then the worst that happens is you get deported back home in time for grandma's birthday.

Deportation is foolish because it is not a real punishment for invading a Supreme White Nation. Impale everyone who invades the USA illegally. Also shut down all immigration entirely for several years. Make it valuable to be a USA citizen again instead of a free for all. Also if immigration is opened back up then require that millions of Whites be imported to offset the illegal invasion by non-Whites in an attempt that they themselves admit was aimed toward making Whites a minority inside their own nations. Reverse this trend by making it legal, required policy.

Any unwelcomed boats will be sent back out to sea or else taken prisoners and forced to do one year of hard manual labor at port to fund their raft back to Africa or whatever shithole they came from. Give border patrol immunity and freedom to shoot whoever they want for any reason they can justify to their superior. Place pikes on top of buoys as warnings to those who attempt to invade by sea.

Build the wall out of pikes. Since you will be impaling illegal aliens, there's millions of pikes that can cover the entire linear distance of the USA / Mexico border. The border there is 1,951 miles long. If you catch 10,000,000 illegal aliens and impale them all you can place a pike every single foot distance, which would be very close vicinity and basically a solid wall of pikes.

10,000,000 / 1951 miles = 5,126

There's 5,280 feet in a mile or 5,126 pikes in a mile if we can catch and impale 10million illegal alien invaders.

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