VeilOfReality 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't just directed at you, but I don't know why everyone copes by saying he got "the talk"

Every single business venture he's in pushes the Zionist technocratic agenda. His actions are not congruent with what he says he believes, JUST LIKE OUR POLITICIANS.

I don't understand why people who are able to see that both parties are full of shit can't see it when it's system-controlled businessmen using the EXACT same playbook

VeilOfReality 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ebikes at least fill a niche for people who live in areas where bike travel is convenient but for one reason or another, such as elevation or age, can't bike efficiently enough to make it worthwhile.

Teslas have no such niche and are just part of trying to force us into electric vehicles

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, it's a good attitude. The difficulty is in the fact that we'll never have it all correctly predicted because this society is psyops on psyops and people at large don't have the drive to seek truth... Any misses are used to discredit us by the few people who take it seriously at all. But as you said it's still worthwhile. Thanks for the pleasant interaction I wish you the best

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, think it through and if you find it makes sense spread the word. Not sure if it'll do us any good because people are so trapped in the paradigm but hey we can only do what we can do

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

We aren't directly at war with Israel's enemies right now.

With the immigration my point is the goal is to destroy all races (that is a Satanist goal, for us all to be one race), if we just kept letting latinos in, we'd just be a country of latinos, but if you flood with all different races the races are more likely to intermingle, therefore while closing the border is a positive, it's possible that people will not be adequately analyzing what's happening as Indians begin pouring in.

You got it with the digital ID and CBDC

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

How about the scenario where the Psy ops have evolved and both D and R are still two wings of the same bird? Trump ushers us into war for Israel, stops the immigration at the southern border and turbo charges Indian visa immigration (as the goal is eventually for there to be no races which you can't achieve with a Latino supermajority) and him and Elon team up for nationwide and eventually worldwide digital ID to "keep elections secure"

VeilOfReality 5 points ago +6 / -1

Two more weeks and one of the predictions will actually come true!

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

All run by a guy who shit posts on Twitter all day and apparently got a character to max level in Diablo 4 shortly after it released (which is from what I hear extremely time consuming but also something really bizarre to make up).

He's just a front man, every single company he has is pushing the globalization agenda one way or another

VeilOfReality 0 points ago +1 / -1

Because the more variables the more possibilities open up. Here's one example, first (known) shooter is shooting blanks while the second one pops people in the crowd to give it legitimacy, in the confusion Trump does something (blood packet, razor, etc) to make his ear bleed. Blank shooter would probably also get people to stop filming and taking pictures in this case as they hear shots and hit the deck.

It's hard to know if it was real or not but so much is fake and gay it needs to be thoroughly considered how it could be smoke and mirrors. If they wanted Trump dead there'd no doubt be easier ways to do it than stationing some neet 20 year olds hundreds of yards away and hoping without rifle training they can hit him

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

If Trump had been killed I could understand that taking an emotional toll and people being reluctant to share video. But you're right that it's very suspicious

People are irrational though, so who knows

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +2 / -1

Watch out I mentioned that around when it happened and got dogpiled

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +1 / -0

We've probably gotten enough from South America for the Kalergi Plan at this point, they'll close the borders, do a bit of deportation (<10%) and then start bringing in the Indians

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

That same user also said listen with your right ear.

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

One thing I've wondered but have no idea how to assess. I was not near TV or using the Internet at the time but my phone blew up with text messages from various people about what happened. It made me wonder if the rally was being broadcast or otherwise covered by more networks than usual before the attempt (as from what I understand it's usually just RSBN). If anyone has insight that would be interesting

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +2 / -1

I had the same feeling regarding #1 as I did with the Epstein meme coming to prominence on controlled social media. By implanting the idea he didn't "kill himself" (but was rather implied to be killed by others) the possibility that he is not dead at all was squeezed out of the realm of acceptable opinion.

Likewise here, they're trying to remove any possibility of it not being real (which can manifest in many forms before people get mega triggered as they have been on this issue) which raises red flags, at least to me

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +2 / -1

It wouldn't be done by Trump's political allies to make sure he won (remember voting is fake and gay), it'd be done to make him into a mythical figure. The messianic rhetoric around Trump is higher than it's ever been at this point and will only continue to build. This perception will make many people follow whatever Trump institutes or says. For example, something that could be easy to see given Trump's persistent displays of love for Israel would be drumming up support for war with Palestine. Because Trump is now seen to have the Mandate of God, people will not only unquestionably follow but they will do so enthusiastically.

It also has the bonus of ratcheting up tensions along political lines which is almost always a good thing for tptb.

VeilOfReality 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ah yes I'm a bot that had the ability to analyze the photo to determine the height of every person and respond based on that. Truly you bear the mark of an advanced mind, "anyone who sees things differently from me is a bot or shill"

VeilOfReality 0 points ago +2 / -2

It almost looks like she was placed there for the photo, so his face would be clearly visible, notice how everyone else is at Trump's height

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +2 / -1

Trump is the savior we all need, a 5D chess master! But also once he got this playbook years in advance he just couldn't do anything to expose or counter it because he was set up by that nasty Obama (did I mention Obama controls Biden? Obviously all the bad things come from Obama directly).

You're right, it's mindless insanity

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unless they're going to pull some even more crazy shit with Trump in office and this will be an obvious false flag to make people turn on the current government, they'll need to wait for Trump to get into office and probably FF Ukraine and Israel

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

That one ruffled a lot of jimmies

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because they're not intellectually curious, so when they're told that SIDS is a thing that happens for no reason they shrug and keep shooting up infants

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