VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tbh I kinda feel like letting ancient autists claim cool geometric patterns is like letting lgbt people claim the rainbow, like some things are for literally anyone

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I went through a mcdonalds drive thru the other week (I know, I know, what can I say, I like the nuggets) and there was a huge sign in the window area boasting about black people working at mcdonalds like mcdonalds was patting itself on the back for empowering all the black employees with careers, barely above minimum wage no health insurance no real career opportunity but sure okay mcdonalds let's act like you're doing a great thing here, all the employees were black and I suddenly felt awkward and embarrassed for the girl handing me the nuggets, with the huge sign right next to her of mcdonalds bragging about hiring her like they are saving stray cats from euthanasia

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where do you live that priests aren't generally regarded with disdain and distrust outside of their congregations?

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The aspect of all this that stands out the most is that, in the wake of most people mentally and physically fit enough to serve deciding not to after learning about the military industrial complex and all the terrible corrupt shit the military does for "elites", the "elites" were like "well just recruit trannies, they're okay with corruption and doing fucked up things while pretending to be good guys" and they were unironically correct

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is the propaganda for, people in reality are not talking or thinking about Ukraine, maybe .0001% of the population posting about it on social media or driving around with a bumper sticker, but this is is the tiny fringe minority that always gets hyped for the "new thing" and they are rare to spot irl, tptb are just doing a puppet show for themselves, like the creepy pedo crackheads they are

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

People accept all sorts of bizarre explanations, it's honestly really creepy if I dwell on it too much. Friend of a buddy of mine, his 28yo daughter died recently. As my buddy explained it "Yeah she got mono and it turned into pneumonia, which activated a virus in her body that killed her" like excuse me what the fuck

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alright so I just scrolled through several images of this person on a google images search and am convinced this is at least 3 different people all being presented as the same person

by pkvi
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

I still don't understand what people think will happen or change when they switch "genders" like what the real end goal is for the mentally wayward person who acts like things will be better somehow, probably why so many commit suicide after despite all the institutional and msm support, it seems like most "trans" people are actually just a bunch of retarded sexists who assume the other "gender" has it so much better in life and then surprise life just sucks for most people in general, but they never learned to just deal with it because they erroneously believed that if only they were a woman or if only they were a man.. so they just breakdown and off themselves.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think after a certain point human intelligence became detrimental and started inverting in on itself. Animals don't overthink it. They know what's up and just go for it. Competition for resources, natural selection, forever refining their DNA. Every nature documentary is like "this creature uses it powerful jaws and serrated teeth" and "this creature uses cunning in the form of camouflage and ambush tactics" and "this creature is useless in combat but has 4,000 offspring to compensate" etc. Humans overthink it and miss the forest for the trees.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

We don't know how to close ranks, it's our greatest weakness by far, think about that guy who lost in court trying to protect his young son from being pumped full of hormones and getting castrated, not a single other man in america showed up, not a single man with nothing to lose thought it a worthy stand to take, there are no brothers among us, we've all seen too many times what happens to those who take a stand, it's not like in the movies, it's not like there are a bunch of good people just waiting for some brave leader to go first, the one who goes first goes alone, it's one of those things in life you process when you're ready to process it and then you have to figure out if humanity is even worth all the fuss or if it's okay if the species just collectively suicides

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

White people are very obviously superior in their large scale warfare capabilities, the only time white people don't win against other races in war is when white people are holding back for xyz reasons, if 2 asian or 2 middle eastern or 2 african countries go to war nobody really gives a shit outside of global economic concerns, but if 2 fully militarized white countries go to war the rest of the world gets extremely nervous and for good reason, jews or otherwise everybody else who wants to be king of the hill knows that white people could slap them out of existence at any time, turning most white people into npcs was part 1 of a 2-part process because there has been no other way to win

by pkvi
VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dude never had the psychological capacity to benefit from psychedelics, if he did then he wouldn't still be caught up in notions like eye cosmetics = female "gender", that'd be like saying that the founding fathers were all trannies because they wore long hair wigs, just another low IQ creature incapable of perceiving its own dumbass irony

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

This place literally doesn't matter because its existence is entirely unknown to 99.9999% of the population, not a single debate or argument had here matters at all, tptb know that controlling the narrative for the significant npc majority is the most important battle of all, and the battlefield is not here, not even remotely, for someone retired with tons of free time this place is worth visiting just to see if anything interesting gets posted, along with numerous other discussion sites, but absolutely nobody is paying money for anyone to shill here, and that's the comical irony of it, the people who seem like shills are actually random nobody civilians who could be doing 1000 other things with their limited time on earth but instead are like "I think I'll go troll the 12 people on this obscure dead forum instead" and the underlying psychology behind it is exactly the same as ours when we spend time posting at each other here as opposed to doing literally anything else

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do think a very tiny portion of humanity has issues with brain development that cause chronic despair symptoms, the brain is soooo complex and the tiniest little glitch can cause serious issues, so it just doesn't seem that far fetched to me that "major depression" could be real for a small number of people, but I think by far most of the people on psychiatric meds just needed help processing difficult things and/or learning better coping mechanisms and lifestyle habits, but instead are just numbed/stupified by these "medications" which makes them even more repressed and creates a volcano scenario, ie it eventually builds up to the point where they just snap and explode, and then of course the alphabets can groom these individuals but think about the millions of people out there not being groomed to shoot up places but still going through life as drugged up ticking time bombs

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Imagine not being on a list at this point, like seriously imagine that type of person lol

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think there are actually a lot of people who don't care about their bodies, they don't care if they get permanent diseases, not even if the permanent disease causes painful sores, it's honestly extremely strange for so many people to not be wary of such diseases, yet be intensely paranoid about a cold virus, I really think a majority of people have genuinely lost their minds

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking this the other day about the mandalorian show, first 2 seasons surprisingly decent for an old nerd like myself, then season 3 absolutely terrible in every way, just over the top ruined in every way, viewership plummeting like an asteroid towards earth, yet an obscene amount of money spent on production while special effects are laughably bad, where did the money actually go, where did it even come from, where will it come from in season 4 after viewership down the drain and most interest lost, the numbers don't make sense, but what makes even less sense is how bold and persistent they are making changes most of their "consumers" hate, if I saw that in a normal business setting I'd suspect it as a front immediately, "restaurant with horrific food and service gets 80% less patrons after going downhill and profits have skyrocketed" yeah okay tell me what's really being sold in the back

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's funny as hell, especially when he's not trying to be, he's a character, and intentional or not he did wind up setting a lot of people down the path of looking into things they otherwise never would have even thought about a day in their lives, people just take him way too seriously, he is the real life honkler

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't have anyone else, and if they acknowledge that, then their only options left are to give up completely or do something about it themselves, and they can't psychologically handle being either cowardly or brave, they are just another flavor of NPC, they need the delusion of a daddy savior figure, it's their own version of "big daddy government will take care of me" that we see on the left, it'd be much psychologically healthier to just admit we're allowing our civilization to be conquered and destroyed because we're not fit for natural selection, at least it would be based in reality

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Water damage is a whole other beast compared to a basic tornado, water damage causes mold (which quickly grows out of control in places like Florida), serious foundation issues and so on, imagine spending way more money on a house that doesn't get "blown away" in a hurricane but still has to be condemned, demolished and rebuilt anyway, that's why people go for cheaply built, since eventually it'll have to be rebuilt anyway, and then it's just a roll of the dice whether it happens in their lifetime / while they own the property

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

They do a breakdown analysis of who actually wrote which books in the bible and also analyze more skeptically who decided which scrolls/letters/etc were to be included versus stuff that didn't make the cut (like the book of enoch), they look at the bible much like most conspiracy theorists look at the "news" ie digging deeper and not taking everything at face value because some people say it's "all God's word" and aggressively shame anyone who questions that (again not unlike say MSM and the covid narrative), but somewhere in the process something goes awry, they start off with that potential to fearlessly question things, dig deeper and think critically but somehow they wind up veering off into tranny pride at church territory, this is why the "slippery slope" crowd have some merit

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dudes in that picture didn't want to groom or mutilate kids or pump kids full of hormones, and they didn't get psychotically aggressive insisting they were actually women and demanding everyone else play pretend too, I never had an issue with crossdressers, like it's some weird shit but oh well, problem these days is people with severe predatory personality disorders are being actively encouraged and then defended no matter how terribly they behave, but like most psychos they try to hide behind smoke and mirrors and deflect

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just always keep in mind that the so called "elites" don't really have a favorite group, they want to use and dispose of everyone, and as we all know divide and conquer is among their core control tactics, of course they try to whip up flagrantly mentally ill people into a hateful frenzy first because it's pretty damn easy, now they want an actual hateful opposing side to start lashing out and they're getting comically frustrated because truthfully the vast majority of the country just passively accepted trannies, then we passively accepted trannies acting inappropriate with our kids, then we passively accepted trannies in government making it legal to pump kids full of hormones and chop their body parts off, and NOW ladies and gentlemen they've got trannies shooting little kids in the face and STILL can't get a reaction beyond people booing tasteless tranny pride content on twitter, gotta make you wonder what they're going to try next

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you pay attention to how younger adults talk most of them know their future is already a complete shitshow and they're just trying to enjoy life while they still can, it's honestly bittersweet and kind of fascinating how fast they reached the acceptance stage and started to live accordingly, of my generation only a small percentage didn't have our heads up or asses but even then we have a tendency towards denial with the prepper trend, our heroic fantasies and false sense of security, I'm also guilty of this, but this latest round of adults just instantly accepted that they don't really stand a chance and as a result give no fucks about the waning facade of first world civilization, have to give credit where it's due

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

No sarcasm or snark intended, I think white people collectively are just kind of over it regarding basically everything, they are collectively ready to go quietly into the night and let the rest of the races just go at it, I mean look at how China invaded northern Africa and just started stealing land, killing the natives and taking the women as concubines, nobody cares, the other races are going to eat each other alive, probably literally in many cases, white people are tired, what happens to the world now just is what it is

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