Yup, gaze into the abyss long enough and the abyss gazes back into thee. I know this is an information, but more importantly, a spiritual war... But, we must walk a fine line.
Eh, I'm all natural... What health benefit do you have with your disfigured cock that I don't have? Lol, you need lotion to jerk your desensitized gerk, I don't :)
Ha, I actually have this as a t-shirt! I remember when the artist first presented it on /r/con.
Methinks, Axo is fine and just unplugging from the matrix for a bit. I have been doing the same, as well. I highly recommend others do the same, as well. Weather is getting warmer. Turn the screens off and enjoy IRL. Nothing beats a nice trip out into nature, especially by a body of water. Tis' where man is supposed to be, imo ;)
You too, mate. Hope all has been well with you and yours.
you were right about pretty much everything, but I regret nothing.
Everything happens for a reason. I believe you legitimately tried the best you could but just didn't realize how bad things actually were. IDK, maybe you were more hopeful than I was? Anyways, it's neither here nor there now. Times, they are a changing.
I'm really grateful I got out when I did, fighting a losing battle over there was an unnecessary burden.
100%. When I got my perma suspension, I was pissed and going to try to appeal it to the admins. Then I thought, why? Why bother? That comment was 3+ years old and TMOR had a red rocket out for me. I know I have other comments which are similar. The forces that want me gone are not going to stop at this false report. It'll be another comment. Then another and another and another. Plus, why do I even want to participate on a platform which has devolved into this hellhole? So, I deleted the appeal text and made my peace. Everything happens for a reason and I do not believe my time there was spent in vain.
been spending my energy/efforts elsewhere and feels good. cheers!
Glad to hear, and so have I. I've been limiting my time on the internet. IRL is really the place to be.
Na zdrowia!
I think it was u/JamesColesPardon ?
James was a part of the C_S_T crew I was talking about. Don't be fooled by the smoke and mirrors James played at. I always thought he was shifty as did a few of us others and made that known. There was TMOR drama with him (and others - I suspect were his alts) because, imo, he was in cahoots with TMOR, as were others. They were infiltrating the mod ranks at lower levels to not give way to the illusion that the top ranks were already admin alts. That is why they went after Axo so hard. They wanted UN_13 at top.
Nothing is what is seems on Reddit. I was actually an outsider who was invited on the /inside by Flytape. However, this was the sole reason, imo, why I was never made a mod there. They gaslit people on the sub via alts/TMOR about me being a mod alt but they knew I wasn't thus why they weren't going to let me in on their mod accounts.
If only people knew.
/r/conspiracy has always been controlled opposition, imo. It was created by the admins to quarantine 9/11 "conspiracy theories" from the rest of Reddit. While it did have it's time(s) of glory, the admins always kept a close watch/leash (ie. IlluminatedWax, SarahConnor, and a few others - some of which are still in the mod ranks - whom are just alts). I've long said that the sub died with Flytape "rage quitting" and furthermore the infiltartion of the C_S_T team. Flytape was right. There was no more hope for the site/sub. The site/sub chose it's bed to lay in. Axo has always disagreed with me on said things. But hey, I've been saying it all along and look at us now. Aye, Axo ;)
For the record, just so people know because you mentioned it, I was never a mod on /con, but was always highly voted to being one most election cycles. Came close but was always shot down by certain "sleeper mods" who just coincidentally arose from stasis just in time to say "nay". Further, my final ban which led to a perma suspension there was from a 3+ year old comment that stayed visible and broke no rules until years later when it was determined to be "hate speech". That was done by the admins. The mods there, served countless of unwarranted temp bans. Always the same ones: SovereignMan, Creq, UN_13 (who is top mod now).
The Black/Venetian Nobility invert everything.
You sir/madam are on the right path. What you are describing are known as Hofjuden or Court Jews. They are used by the Venetian/Black Nobility as fall guys. Most people have no clue that the Rothschilds had to wait a few hundred years of servitude to even be considered/qualify to marry into one of the Venice Bloodlines. That bloodline was one daughter/princess of the House of Aldobrandini. When trying to find the truth, if their name is household, then they are no where near the top. The true powers hide in the shadows. I'll give another example. People think Queen Elizabeth is all powerful. However, she is outranked by King Felipe VI of Spain who is a Bourbon. If you want to know true power and rank then look into heraldry or the lack thereof.
I've always been here, just have been a bit distant for a few reasons. I've had quiet a bit going on IRL and have gone through so much shit online. Nah mean?
Are people finally waking up to the fact that they live under the boot/red shoe of the Vatican? Welcome to reality and all you fucks need to apologize to Jordan Maxwell. Where did Justin Castro get his power? International Law? Who is the Sovereign? Wakey, wakey, smell the Cannadian Bakey.
PS. I told y'all so on Reddit.
I did. I saw it as "You're always enslaved anyways and this is the truth of society, this is not new".
Then you read that like a slave, which you will always be because you lack everything involved to set yourself free. Re-read what I fuckin' said.
However, there's an actual fine line between Nine-Eleven and the Holodomor.
This is fuck all relevant to what I said. God damn, and people wonder why I don't submit much these days. It's like I'm constantly talking to walls.
Living your life under the guises of "what ifs" is not going to get you anywhere. The grand conspiracy is to get you thinking about the most random craziest shit whilst neglecting yourself and your loved ones. Everyone wants to change the world but no one wants to change themselves. OP, be the change you wish to see in the world. You're a creator, for the Creator(s) created you. Go create.
Re-read what I said. With a wee bit more intelligence and reading comprehension this time, Max. If you are having trouble, I suggest you look into Lysander Spooner. You don't put a band-aid on a cancerous mole. You find the root cause of said cancer.
You bring up a good point and question. I suppose my answer is reflective of my habit (ie. Why I've gone dark for periods of time (willing or unwillingly) ). A shotgun approach that maybe one person sees my comments and thinks/researches for themself (and changes for the better) because of said commentary at a given time. We are in an information and spiritual war.
Despotism has always been the case. God damn, people believe in fantasy history. Who signed the documents that "gave you freedom"? Is your surname on them, or in Trust? Did you sign them? Can heirs be contracted in perpetuity? No? Well, that contract/compact doesn't apply to you or your heirs, nor would it be valid under consent, just like under duress. Read Law. You are a Slave/Subject to a Sovereign. Damn near everything people think they know is a lie.
Stockholm Syndrome, plain and simple. Ain't just calling out UK, either. All Countries, including the US, but especially those who have Royalty on the books. It's crazy to me. I guess the brainwashing has worked.
Fuck the Queen and the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. It boggles my mind how the people still allow that shit to go on. It's not ceremonial you fucks, the Law is literally Administered in Her Majesty's Name.
If I was Santa, I'd dropped a bit of Lysander Spooner in your stocking for Christmas morning ;)
- Good list.
It was good this year, but, different. Hope you had a good one.
Na Zdrowia.
I agree with that. Consumerism will be the death of us all. I take the stance of the founders, and oddly enough... Switzerland (have my own thoughts about them - talking about neutrality):
Commerce with all nations, alliance with none.
-Thomas Jefferson
Earth is bigger. Look into the theories and check the math. Or, continue believing the Earth is flat. Either way, I really could not give one fuck. Cheers.
It's not flat, what you are seeing is a Earth larger than what they say. Look into the two theories and run the math. That is why we can see ships zoomed in which shouldn't be visible because of the "curvature". I know only a handful of theories that get ignored out right, and Hollow/Growing Earth are one of them. For example, another one would be the Venetian/Black Nobility. Rothschilds on the front page of /r/con, but, if you talk about House of Aldobrandini, an ancientHouse they had to wait a few hundred years to marry into... You get crickets.
Anywhoo, happy rabbit hole falling....
FE or Globe Earth is Hegelian Dialectic to distract people from the idea that the Earth is Hollow and Growing. Pick a side, but don't fly too close to the flame. TPTB divide and conquer. Truth is always stranger than fiction.
I don't think he is, tbh. I never understood the thought that all rich people are bad an d all poor people are good. No, you have good rich people, bad rich people, good poor people, and bad poor people. Do I think Elon has an agenda? Sure, we all do. However, life is not a zero sum game. If it takes money to make money and make change, then we should embrace those who align and just happen to have money. And just FYI, he ain't the richest person in the world. He's poor compared to some of those who lay in the shadows (ie. The Black/Venetian Nobility).
Just my two cents.