While i tend to agree on the matter,
those paid grifters are paid because they influence opinions, and you will sometimes meet their victims online looking to understand better, and your attitude won't be too useful for that.
The title is sort of clickbait. There's really little interview in there and is more of a doc.
But the comments were too funny not to post it.
Also, if whitewashed, some interesting details.
How so? I miss the connection.
He did tons of bs.
That's a reason, the other is he does a lot of bs and if he didn't do it for real then everyone is going to suspect he did thanks to him being a psycho dickhead.
And i think he might aswell have done it after what he did in the past.
Well i guess you have no hope then xd
Not in reality, but anything goes by appearance if it helps bring in that reality.
They love fake shows where they completely denature the meaning of something before using it as cover.
What, this mental retardation? And I’m supposed to give a shit what this spam says now?
Said the flat earther.
Since you evidently don't seem to grasp a simple fundamental difference between stating 'the earth is bigger than we think' with 'the earth is flat' and don't understand this make you one to spell it out clearly like to a complete retard, i guess you could have invested 2 minutes reading 2 adjectives, yeah.
You are conflating bigger earth theory with the dimensional controversies and they can be related but also separable. No reference was made in the video to anything flat. You do not benefit your cause when you make up fake points.
Indeed :)
Nothing to add further, then.
May i ask how you come to learn it? (i do the same)
Nice guy, for once
As it is a part i recently went deep into, do you do veggie or meat side?
Hate to be that guy, but did you atleast check it against AI... And it's also fakeable anyway. Just need 2 layers lol
The top of the top, i think, fully resides underground.
If they have more elohim blood their aspect may be enough different to notice it.
It seems to me the morlock/eloi story started long ago.
No hard data on that, but by crossing many references with logic i get this is likely the correct conclusion.
Still too young to be ready for assassination i guess
You (anyone) can't even get a hold of their names, how would someone know their address.
The known ones like Rothschild are majordomes, that much is clear.
That we know of, atleast.
Wait a second
We are talking about the descendants of Eve here.
Are there other kinds of people according to that narrative? lol
He will be used to pacify protests to new ((('pandemic'))).
Elon is the frontman of operation Elon Musk, which handles are unknown.
I see much worse stuff going on to worry about that. A symptom as many
I'm not a prosecutor, and i can follow laws while finding them as clownish as your clownish assumed implications.
Legal definition
So now that I have educated you,
The legal definition can change tomorrow and require you to consider children 28y old guys if it so rules.
People who voted or supported removal of rights of other people should be not only dragged down but turned into 'living' examples.
The fact this is not what we going for fully make 'dragging down' a merciful act.
I wasn't really referring to myself with that. No worries...