Brave search is fucking broken. All my results are years old, even when addind 2024 in the query i get pre 2020 results. The browser is pretty decent, bit the search engine is horrible.
Im trying out now.
What about ReactOS?
Thats an opensource win32api clone. Im not that technical about coding, but i guess you probably know that os and its pro's and con's
Edit: oh, i see QubeOS is actually the hypervisor right? Like vmware or proxmox and such?.
Why dont you try another whois tool then, see if they match. Theres more than icann you know.
With a diamond ofcourse. And dont use a fake one, else the tentacles will try to take over the world again!
Euhm i only get italian cc. Ill check pc later.
Still hes right.
Also no lane discipline amongst the population there?
Or is it like Germany here, where alot of places they have no speedlimit.
Besides that, people are just plain stupid. Wich makes them batshit crazy at the same time.
Thats does not make it an ironsight.
Fuck off. Fastfood is one of the worst. But be sure to order a diet coke next you at mcdonalds.
Wait wut? The Talmid jeuws dont accept jesus because they think he was not real? But boldly always telling us thy killed him
She said it on more then one occasion
Yes that they will replace them with immigrants.
Thats obiously not the reason why we see this. Its just good editing.
And they all have the same clouds in front of them.
Yes we are the center.
Definitly would be a milestobmne to get elected by a 7year old video. Sure buddy
China was infiltraded by the jeuws long ago. It can all be traced back to then
Its a money wasting project what fails like all the others and costs alot of time and money to setup while gaining nothing from it.
I would call it a devolution, but yeah. AI will be looked up op as absolute thruth. Im feeling that that is what the all seeing eye stands for/will become.
The real people who speak up are silenced, Tommy is not Silenced. He is a Greta, a pawn and intigator.
People think he is an Assange, well he isnt silenced, so no. Tommy has been exposed some time ago
You cant be serious after all thats been shown from robinson
Im guessing both networks had a new backdoor installed