Franky_F4F 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is one of the reasons they are shutting down archive.org and waybackmachine

Franky_F4F 5 points ago +5 / -0

I dont think they meant 1 calculation per day, or per year for millions of years when they make such a claim.

But i get what you imply. But almost all internet connected piece of hardware has a hidden backdoor for monitoring/access to private networks.

So they even might not lie and it is in fact secure for gen pop, but access from high up is always easy.

Afaik all major brands in the west are compromised, as well as all the chinese knockoffs.

Franky_F4F 0 points ago +1 / -1

She just talks like a nibba, and everyone knows nibba's dont need no vocabulary, feel me?

If they did, they still dont use it. Cuz you know, aint nobody got time fo that.

Franky_F4F 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its hard to dismiss the brainwashing and start to think for yourself.

Franky_F4F 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here it comes, they are turning their backs to one another, to hide the fact that they heart is rael and will hopefully be spared and defended when shtf. So they would still have a chance that there will be some people left, pulling the strings for them, in the country where the rest get expelled from.

If survived they will just restart this takeover from the beginning, slowly subverting the new leaders we áctually choose and try this whole thing again.

It wont stop until none is left.

Franky_F4F 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats pretty elaborate for saying that fear controlls the masses.

But i agree with you nonetheless, except for the atheists saying nothing can be withouth god. How are they atheist again?

Franky_F4F 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes i think so, it goes way back. Ofcourse its their nature, thats way they have their tentacles gripping tighter and tighter. It may be something from the last 500 years, but that does not negate that it is not part of their plan somehow.

Maybe after the 3rd time they needed to locate they started to think that that may work in their advantage.

Ignoring that is an option, but its not far fetched imo.

Plus i did not say its fact, i said i can imagine this is their MO

Franky_F4F 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yeah, thats the common thought.

But what if, and i think its not really far fetched, they deliberatly were this way to get kicked out, but leave a few behind, over and over so that they got spread all over the world. On purpose that is, so the ones left behind start infiltrating and then connecting to their own in the other nations.

Franky_F4F 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol, crazy stories! You had to be there to believe it!

They ramble crazy after crazy, and just when you kind of get it they fire the next best crazy thing at you. So the mind goes there and forgets the other ones, but you kind of remember she had a child and was sterilized after, right? Yeah that must been what she said. So case closed, must have been true, nobody would make up a story about that. Im telling the guys at work tomorrow.

I imagine this is the kind of the thought process for the sleepers.

Ignorance really is bliss.

Franky_F4F 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know its you. And pretty sure you are a bot

Franky_F4F 1 point ago +2 / -1

Edit: Sorry i totally misread your questions, as i am speaking to someone at the same time.

You could go far into sea nearby a working lighthouse, and do the math yourself, and see howmuch curve there should be for you not to be able to see it, but you do.

Original post: Why, after all these discussions, you dont research yourself? There are a lot of good videos about the different tests being done as far as 100 years back.

There are alot of videos from airplanes that show you the moon far below the horizon, or videos of the moon and sun being surrounded by clouds. Thats should not be possible.

Also the stick test fits the sun being close much better than being 93mil miles away.

Also, why does it take them so much to explain how things work here and in the universe. In the end, that are all theories, nothing is proven. They annouce way ahead, there might be something something out there, they are making formulas and equations that they present years later. But most of the time it has a unknown variable they need to add to maken the equations work, but admit they dont know yet if it exists in the first play. And that mssing thing is presented years later as proof. But you dont see anything but cgi and photoshop.

Final thing is inertia. They are stating that everything feels motionsless because of inertia.

You probably learned about it how it feels in the train, going fast but hardly notice notice it. Bit that onoy works inside a container with its own pressure level inside.

So how can it be that we have that when they are claiming that our atmosphere is flowing over to the notingness of space. No boundarirs

Imagine going in a train without a roof and windshield. Crazy. But that tells me that we are most likely in a closed system too. Also that Bill Nye guy stated on video that we can not leave thid place, we are closed in. We can not leave the earth.

So just take common sense instead of all these difficult, hard to explain equastions and just look into it.

Nasa fakes everything.

Good luck.

Franky_F4F 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh man, i member the Hidden Hand pn glp back then.

Franky_F4F 1 point ago +2 / -1

All big virusses are patented. That should tell you enough.

Last month or so they put out an article saying scientists are working on a virus 10 times as deadly as covid.

Why?? Why the fuck would anybody even think of that. It makes no sense.

Its released about every 8 years or so, but hings are speading up since covid. 2025 is the next birdflu, but also in cows, so kill that shit too. Its so obvious we are being wiped out.

But yeah, this goes back at least 100years.

Franky_F4F 5 points ago +5 / -0

I lnow, shit like will just continue.

Franky_F4F 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, he wanted something out of it, that was with good intension.

God knew that, but he had to let free will in honor. He couldnt tell that he knew because that would interfere with free will.

So to Cain know in the most nrutral way he wasnt pleased with the intensions, Able got favored and that pissed Cain of so bad, he actually killed his brother over it.

I think he didnt do it to try best his brother by killing him.

Else he wouldnt have snarled back not being his brothers keeper

Franky_F4F 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct, the first letters dont line out under the break line.

Franky_F4F 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then why was God not happy when Cain offered some of his animals, and rejected that, which led to Cain murdering his brother?

It think its all about intention.

Franky_F4F 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm how convenient that bigpharma made this.

Its gonna save alot of resourcezs if 80% of the population isnt 400pounds per piece anymore when the culling takes place

Franky_F4F 2 points ago +2 / -0

Low orbit space walk. They show you earth the size the moon and then this?

Franky_F4F 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why, we never see the full thing like we do here, rotate it the way you want.

It actually proves how difficult it is to fake a globe from a flat base.

And what we get from nasa isnt realtime, so it can be retouched here and there. Thats the difference.

This is realtime, but just as fake.

If you take a look at what Unreal 5.4 can do. Its pretty obvious the flood of videos of fake event will start. It can actually do CGI in realtime. It doesnt take hours anymore to make a short video.

They can actually already make reallife graphics. Go see Bodycam.

So it will be very hard to detect from now on.

Franky_F4F 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reminds me of the movie As above so below. Where they enter the underground of a cathedral in France.

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