Filledwithfire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Supposedly, according to the nukes-are-a-hoax crowd, the bomb was just a large, modified conventional explosive, and the burns and dead organic lifeforms were actually killed by toxic gas clouds and modified weather raining corrosive acid. Or some shit like that. I didn’t look too deep into it and it was a long time ago I even read about it

Filledwithfire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Very very good write up.

I would contest though that it is not the EU that represents the beast, but the catholic church itself. Biblical scholars from all sorts of denominations and academic backgrounds have found much much similarity to the Catholic Church and the beast of the Bible. I would agree with them as the EU just doesn’t have the connections as strong as the connections of the catholic church

Filledwithfire 3 points ago +3 / -0

There may be no boots on the ground. He might get drone-happy like Obama. We clearly have intel on who to whack first, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a special operation with a few small teams and spies

Filledwithfire 0 points ago +2 / -2

Let’s see… T-man pressures small country, who’s sole source of income we constructed, because they’ve allowed an enemy to take that one thing over. T-man persuades enemy nation’s company to sell their property lest there be consequences. Enemy nation’s company puts big price tag on their property, so a domestic big company becomes the only one who can foot the bill.

This isn’t tiring, it’s just business

Filledwithfire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, because we all slapping a star of remphan before or after someone’s name makes them a jew 🤦‍♂️

Filledwithfire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Very good, I wish you well.

I’ve never considered sites like these to be true “social media”

Social media, to me, has always been sites or apps that have research behind them to make them as addictive as possible. We know that to be true of all of the big players.

These types of sites favor user-generated content that is not curated for you; everybody sees the same things. Sometimes, everybody is posting fire, other times it’s all garbage. What this site is to me is a launch pad for diving into topics. I pop in once in a while. Perhaps that’s all you need.

Filledwithfire 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s legitimately fascinating how there are so many videos from over a decade ago that hold water. A lot of gems from back then when the censorship machine wasn’t fully on.

Filledwithfire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey, at least we know they weren’t Israeli…

(Referencing how on oct 7th all degenerate porn on 4chan and known troll accounts on PdW stopped posting.)

Filledwithfire 3 points ago +4 / -1

The 100% is referring to the additional emergency services, not property construction

Filledwithfire 1 point ago +2 / -1

I literally didn’t hear about this fight until today when a picture of his ass popped up and made me go “wtf?”

Filledwithfire 2 points ago +3 / -1

Muh pagan religion is best… abandon your values and let’s go back to barbarism

Filledwithfire 2 points ago +3 / -1

This one's gold 👍👍

Filledwithfire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is g he protected by a Texas law that prohibits lawsuit payments beyond a certain amount?

Filledwithfire 0 points ago +1 / -1

Catholicism mostly stole credit for exactly what you are describing. Many civilizations already had universities, hospitals, charities, arts, sciences, and even breweries, they just got overtaken and history co-opted by Catholics.

You are literally using circular logic trying to give authority to an institution that gave itself authority. Yes, priests are integral to Christianity, but to claim one man had authority over all of scripture is straight up heresy.

Filledwithfire 0 points ago +1 / -1

Absolutely not.

The verses referenced where Jesus is speaking to Peter as allegory. Jesus did not give express authority to anyone to rule over all of His believers.

Secondly, it is fallacious to reference church fathers or popes on the topic of what gave them authority; it is an appeal to authority and a bandwagon approach. I’m not denying that churches would need leaders, but Jesus never intended for one person to see over all of His kingdom, as it would be impossible for a were man to do so.

Thirdly, if a church is to lead by example, then the Catholic Church is definitely not the torchbearer. I understand that there are armies against Christ, but to claim that the catholic church is the most holy, is shameful.

Please pray for insight without the aid of a priest. Perhaps God will show you the truth of His word.

Filledwithfire 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus give authority to an institution. He anointed His disciples to carry on His message, and Paul was never one of His disciples. Anything Paul created was from his own teachings. There was not supposed to be an organized body that controls what Jesus taught, just the Bible. He absolutely did not create the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church today is far removed from the original teachings of Jesus.

Filledwithfire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something something “deny the evidence of your eyes and ears”

Def a tool none of us are going to use. The conspiracies were probably Mormons trash anyway, with lightweight believers

“Just trust this machine, goy…”

Filledwithfire 3 points ago +3 / -0

There’s an interesting philosophical discussion about what happens when people meditate or trip out too much, their will becomes like pool noodles;

The reason is that the mind becomes so detached from personality, that people are more likely to just “go with the flow” offering little resistance to authoritarian dictates.

There’s a cool theory where communism took over China because of Confucian culture and people meditating too much. It made the majority of people too peaceful to offer resistance, and they fell for it.

Psychonauts can become the same way. It detaches you from this reality, giving you ideas of interconnectedness (which is true) but with the side effect of destroying your individual will.

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