Byzantine_Shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has Bitchute gone work? I noticed I can’t search for things like old lockdown protests or “migrant gangs” in Europe

Byzantine_Shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

So it was just an office to enforce Marxism.

Byzantine_Shill 7 points ago +7 / -0

I’ve been waiting on info dumps from the USAID database. You can look up NGOs and see where their money is going but haven’t seen anyone post about NGO money trails yet.


We send trillions to the Freemasons. Specifically $5,975,892.00 and it’s only one Freemason group.


Another receives $6,411,674


USAID has sent $7,067,561 to Masons in Michigan

Byzantine_Shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s not a hidden fact


  1. A. Raymond George (Methodist)

  2. Ronald Jaspar (Anglican)

  3. Massey Shepherd (Episcopalian)

  4. Friedrich Künneth (Lutheran)

  5. Eugene Brand (Lutheran)

  6. Max Thurian (Calvinist-community of Taize).

Byzantine_Shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure what your point is when the Vatican signed the 1999 Declaration on Justification with Protestants. The Vatican II itself was created by six Protestant ministers.

Catholics have already left the Vatican II.

Byzantine_Shill 2 points ago +4 / -2

Protestants follow the Tanakh whereas Catholics don’t. So when they split from Christianity and lied about Sola Scriptura they chose to be guided by Judaism hence why Zionism is so prevalent in Protestantism.

Byzantine_Shill 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately it looks like they have already begun arresting foreign students that side with Hamas


Starts with a person/group nobody wants to defend. I loathe the idea since all CCP loyalists should be deported anyway and I don’t care about the never ending dune wars. Still, I’m not naive enough to think the government will stop there.

What blows my mind is that the same group illegally arrested on J6 would be so quick to defend the criminalization of protests and free speech. Do these people realize that they’re only one leftist president away from a total crackdown on the “alt-right”?

Byzantine_Shill 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stop sending your kids to anti-white or anti-Christian schools.

Byzantine_Shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hegseth is a Third Temple cultist. He’s a special goyim that’s more insane compared to other Zionist so the Jews offer more protection in exchange for having a mad war dog in their pockets.

Byzantine_Shill 3 points ago +3 / -0

Based on some Catholic accounts of WWII Germany, Hitler seemed to be genuine but there were people feeding him bad intel and trying to pit Germans against each other.

Byzantine_Shill 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hitler represents nationalism and self preservation. His works and political party must be demonized so that any hint of European nationalism is considered the greatest evil and quickly suppressed. Mein Kempf is one of many symbols of nationalism whereas Henry Ford isn’t associated with nationalism or any political movement pushing for the preservation of Europeans.

Byzantine_Shill 0 points ago +1 / -1

GOP official colors are blue and red with a white star on the blue background not solid red with a gold star. The use of solid red for Republicans was done by MSM on election maps but GOP use white stars on blue with white and red stripes or just blue with white stars. See exhibit A, B, and C. The last one shows what the GOP colors would look like on a large screen.

Interestingly enough, the stage had the proper colors of white stars on a blue background but for some reason the swearing ceremony emblem and arena screens decided to show a color scheme associated with Marxism. It’s certainly strange and an odd choice.

Overall a minor thing compared to other issues but the humiliation rituals and symbolism get tiresome after a while.

Byzantine_Shill 0 points ago +1 / -1

Better chase stuff than can be proven if you want to share. Otherwise it's just conspiracy stuff

America did fall to a mixed economy style of Marxism in 2020 and there’s a documentary about it. The colors of the inauguration is just one of countless hints that America wasn’t saved and the elections are fake.