Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Drugs are bad

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. I really think they're a hoax. Senate blah blah blah. Press ohhhhhh. Instead of a World speech.

At what point are they being taken seriously.

Further if contact was made with a hostile disabling radar. Shots would be fired. Lives lost.

Aliens don't crash. That's idiotic. Literally just fell out the sky after travelling the cosmos. And then detected by natives. Why aren't they conveniently outside of grainy videos.

If they have them on base where are the rest of them?

It stinks of crappy fiction.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. Artwork is fiction. What age is the artwork. It's conjecture. It's a drawing of anything. It's how it's perceived by the person/s looking at it. Example, how isn't it an 18 for the age of consent. Is the barbie doll pornographic? They have tits. Today the penis and vaginas might be banned. They weren't until today's nazis. They have tits. Art could be anything like a monster. What age is the monster? What age is a piece of fiction. At what point are nude drawings an act of pedophilia, and at the same time why are children shown explicit sexual acts in their education?

Yes it stops free speech, turning it into narratives they seek to control. But they're simply hypocrisy. This allowed and this isn't, complete bullshit. All these people should be banned. Every last one of them. They haven't stopped crime. As you point out.

And, they're not banning priceless artwork. Paintings, drawings, sculptures of younger person's nude, decorating the halls of galleries, musuems, libraries. Things like cherubs, or younger persons. In so many other, not anime, paintings, drawings, sculptures. These are present throughout civilization. Including historic Korean painters.

They're attacking Anime, because it has been animated into porn. It's subjective. What age is it? What age is fiction? How is that drawing an act of pedophila, intercourse with a minor? It isn't. It's a drawing and it means next to nothing else outside of it being fiction.

The criminal act as you point out is when it happens to an actual person. Banning art, hasn't stopped that.

Everybody I mean everybody is tired of health and safety, and censorship. Do gooder acts of prejudice haven't done good or anything else except cause extreme distrust and hypocrisy. These people are useless. But every single day they invent another reason for people to hate. Wahaa they cry that's hate speech. That stirs their offense. You can't say that. You need to do this. Somehow they've been given positions of power, and all they do is abuse them. Until free speech is a lost artform. We have a generation of cannot.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

They haven't proved Aliens. Release the pictures of Aliens.

Now tell us all, the entire planet, specifically why we've been lied too. Our origin is bullshit. Our science is bullshit. Our religions.

At the same time tell us what influence Aliens have had on our government. Why it has been infiltrated by Aliens. They've kept contact hidden. They have known Aliens, Non humans, not Earthly, have been interfering with this Planet.

Aliens are bullshit. Prove aliens?

What do the Aliens, want?

Topically it's a nonsensical subject. If an advanced non human entity has interfered with our planet. It has suggestively done so for much longer. It has potentially impacted it throughout its origin. Why haven't we been informed. Why hasn't contact been public, from its first reports, and they have been stated for thousands of years.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's Japanese. Koreans hate Japanese. The Feminists do. They were raped. It all makes sense.

Their movement is nothing else, all they do is cause hate, and they can't ban Anime. You can't stop somebody else drawing art. Criminalising it just makes them Nazis. No where else is criminalising it. Japan. A bunch of other South East Asian countries. The West.. Drawn nudes of people, etc.

Perhaps jihadists do. But that's inaccurate as well.

It's a ridiculous topic in any event. One that I don't like getting into, and weighing in on. The artwork isn't the problem, is every drawn or sculpted nude on the planet of supposedly younger person's being banned? Priceless artwork decorating the galleries of every Gallery, Museum? But when it becomes porn, it's subjective. Where is that line, what is the age of fiction? Why are children shown adults fucking for their sexual education? The artwork isn't pedophiles. It's a drawing.

Why can't they simply stop children accessing it. Arresting acts of criminality.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What's a climate lock down. Literal nazis. Stay in your house in a volcano, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, wildfire, flood? I mean come on. Stupid. Antarctica is a climate lock down. Extreme heat is a potential climate lock down.

Jettison her to Antarctica, she can sell it to the penguins

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

They did but of terminal disease. Renal, brain, heart, cancers.

Most children born with terminal diseases don't live past puberty, dying before or during. Many die younger. If they are birthed and survive infancy.

However of this topic, no. Cardiac arrest, severe brain damage. She wasn't terminal. Unheard of.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 4 points ago +6 / -2

They were specifically advised against vaccination by the WHO, as they weren't a risk group, and the probability of adverse reactions increase in younger ages.

So what happened was JJ a vaccine already being banned in the rest of the World, set out to prove against health policy its vaccine was safe and effective for younger ages, that there was a zero risk group in, outside of the higher probability of side affects.

There you go. He killed his kid. It should be jailtime. It was simply to sell the product.

The guidelines weren't vaxxing under 14. Eventually a few manufactures came out suggesting they'd produced a vaxx that was safe for children.

But JJ wasn't it. It was a vaxx specifically being banned in many nations, for the very risks she died from. They all had those risks to more or less extents. But JJ was removed almost immediately. Perhaps it tuned it later on a booster?

Who knows exactly which vaxx she was given? But it kind of strikes you as the one her father sold.



The latest article is too late in the States, it had been banned in quite a few nations prior to 2023. Almost immediately it had risks like Moderna

The fact checker shows and suggests the guidelines.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +5 / -2

They're led by bigots. At what point in the UK can't it have English, white majority, not bullshit, Chefs.

The day England isn't a white majority? That is the agenda and it is absurd. I know countless restaurants that have only Asian, Black, Chinese staff in London.

Fuck off you bigots. Bigots produce this bullshit. At what point don't they go into a host of Indian, Chinese, African, etc, restaurants and use that argument. So these people are racist to an English restaurant. It has become absurd that is the intolerance to English people.

Bigots made the woke agenda. At no point is it anything else.

Food, often tastes better when it's made by the cultures cooking it. So when I go into an Indian restaurant, it isn't made by the Chinese or vice versa. The same as a kebab house. So when I go there who should make it? Which majority?

They're bigots.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Here it is a nothing burger. It's enough to throw mud with. Campaigning. But not enough for anybody else to blink. It'll gain a few more hits in the rallies.


Read it. She'll admit it was a phase of teenage trauma. As her worth is worth more today.

She's a psychologist, social worker. It'll be easy for the left to dampen this, and for her to produce all the usual fiction. Teenage childhood fantasies. She already stating otherwise.

In fact hadn't this clip surfaced, it would be easier for her to deny. The source was compromised. She still might.

Look she's denying it. Is set to construct an approved biography of her childhood. It is rallying around her family. Despite of all the contrary images, journals, and paper trails being burnt.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +4 / -3

10 years old? Why was she even given the vaxx?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're dumber than you look.

How is somebody rationalising, FBI. It makes you dumb. Like on the same level as a drug addled crackhead paranoid schizo. A blathering retarded junkie.

It is as I said. Until she produces a statement confirming the fictious log took place, it's nothing but hearsay. Damaging if it gets more hits to the larger public. The police might interview her. Secret service are. But they're often acting on presidential interests. It's often silencing it.

So flip the odds.

She's either a liar, junkie, delusional, and that was a work of teenage fiction. Or it's gonna get real messy.

As it hasn't hit major tabloids, go on, rather it's just more campaigning mud. Tells us where the odds are? It might, but it would take further investigations and her sworn statements. Then after presidency, office, it might get indicted if impeachment proceedings haven't seized on it. But until then it's hearsay. The odds aren't particularly favourable. Perhaps she would've had this conversation already?

Have a guess, a lot of this, topic, and likewise has been filed under impeachment. Hunter Biden, the laptop. The payments. Character. It's a special counsel investigating it. It doesn't affect much outside of later campaigning. Where it's still under the gun what occurs.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Your mum.

I have a lil nigger stalker down voting me because they're waaaaaa woke.

The joke was obvious and funny. It produced the topical poster.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

They have been for as long as I can remember. Worse they do, when they do, it isn't a clean death. Straight up torture, rape, etc.

Meanwhile SA is the crime capital of Africa.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +7 / -5

Food will continue to increase in premiums and these nazis will invent even more ways to tax the shit out of any populations increasing premiums more.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +3 / -5

At this point it doesn't make it factual. Not without her sworn statements.

Kids write all kind of bullshit. Without stating otherwise. Her diary doesn't mean the content is fact. Only that she wrote it. Until she states otherwise, it's fiction. But obviously it's significant. Enough to call on courts, or investigations.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hahaha. It's a nice hypothesis. But it doesn't stop mass migration. Although it might?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Absolutely. How many more services cater for this person/persons. How many more. In the West, they did this, MiT, a single baby growing to a toddler is worth in emissions a lifetime of flights from London to Paris.

There is nothing environmental about mass migration. Remember the narrative, man made. So it is human intervention that has caused climate change.

The single biggest event in climate history would be the USA.

Today it's mass migration.

But there is absolutely nothing green or environmental in the narrative it exploits new products and services. Therefore mass migration isn't an issue. It's also profiting. Banks the major sponsors cause debt. They therefore profit. More services, causing premiums, every transaction pays the bank. Every loan. Meanwhile land owners and service providers increase rent and subscriptions. Generating revenue for the banks, loaning.

Nothing environmental about it. Human intervention. Nature their own hostile environment, hot, lack of food isn't culling them, instead they're flooding into urbanisation causing and increasing products and services. It in turn is impacting the climate. We are talking the global population quadrupling in less than 100 years. What has caused it. Mass migration.

Until far more are economic migrants, they have an IPhone it tells them too.

Wildfires in Greece mass migration, Italy, in Australia, in Spain, Canada, Sweden, California. Look at those populations. What about Pakistan. Florida. Bangladesh. Look at that population and migration.

Migrants should pay a carbon tax. It should be like student loans. They should be indentured to the climates they impact.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nope. The only realism is realising it was a paradigm for seige warfare destined to repeat itself every seige against those who considered themselves godly. Similarly applied to warfare. It isn't prophetic just nuance and surrealism. It could've even been taken out of the Bhagavad Gita, Summerian tablets, originally. Because it repeats itself seamlessly. It reworded with simple nuance.

Until it could've been talking about the seige of Constantinople. Babylon. The destruction of Jerusalem. Rome. Countless times over.

An antichrist was everybody heathen. The head of those was Satan himself. Or the antichrist.

The events causing warfare were the horsemen enacting the beseiged.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

No. It's a narrative. The simplest narrative ever used.

What's an antichrist everything unchristian or ungodly. Simple ain't it.

The way battle is conducted represents the 4 horseman. It's the same paradigm. The horses follow each other, heralding each other, God's army eventually wins, it was reminiscent of seige warfare. But it is a narrative doomed to repeat itself. It specifically recollects from Babylon.

There is nothing more to it. It can be woven into many events. Because it simply connects as prophesied when it's simple repetition. It can be orchestrated or adopted into practice.

There ain't no other magic to it.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

No. He's bridging pundits. Gaining the Bernie, socialist votes. Making the DMC more attractive to woke people and radicals.

Do they vote GOP, no, not in any significant way as he drops out, when the race becomes two people.

Literally a cheerleader. Dog whistle. You assume it's for X. No. Not explicitly. It's for the party. It rally's different demographics.

This can have a negative result, as their candidates drop out. But generally it's causing campaigning for the party by appealing to wider demographics.

He's like an alien, climate enthusiast, he wants social credit systems, and Internet coins. Sure he spews conspiracy. What's his actual agenda.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 3 points ago +5 / -2

Hahaha. They're even worse than that.

They don't recycle easily at all. Lead, acid, sometimes plastic housing. It means they're the next rubber tyres. Billions and billions of tonnes of their waste is stacking up and won't be recycled for decades.


The other problem is their very shit lifetime. About 10 years, it is better to replace solar panels because the acid giving the charge gets more and more redundant, generating less and less charge.


They're a heap of shit. A consumption con. Another perishable product significantly wasting. They're made using fossil fuels. They last about a decade. No never three. They are entirely breakable, and completely fallible.

Wind turbines are significantly worse. They don't recycle.

People went for thousands of years powering their homes differently. They never had modern bullshit exploiting them. Crappy tech products last no lifetime producing endless waste and consumption.

What happened to the AGA? It is a far superior system. Now outlawed for more crap.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I am convinced he gave civilization nothing else

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