Sounds like a problem that just keeps making itself worse.
Article i read said that people are able to more easily steal the power cables during the backouts.
I remember a couple years ago when they said cape town might completely run out of water.
Not a lot of good times over there it seems.
Even if a society did cross there.
How did they migrate down to south America to become to most advanced society in the west?
Why were the incas and Aztecs so advanced but the north American tribes so not.
They would be the old more established if they all came from the north.
It appears sometimes.
On reddit combatfootage sub they posted a Russian guy ambushing 2 Ukraine guys in a foxhole.
Hard video. You could tell how scared they all were. He tried to disarm them but ended up shooting them both.
We won't starve in the 1st world.
But a price increase in basic food for most of the rest of the poorer world will stave many many people.
Here we can handle the cost of 50% increase in food.
A person living on $1 a day won't.
The power plant is turned off.
It won't cause a meltdown at all even if they bomb it.