by DrLeaks
DOI56 2 points ago +2 / -0

Communist infiltration that Bella Dodd talked about, breifly mentions how they got a foothold in and flooded churches with pedophiles to try and discredit the church as their communist plan depended on destroying and discrediting Christianity.

180 DEGREES: Unlearn the Lies You've Been Taught to Believe (the page on the right, and the next few pages)

Also "Plot against the Dhurch" by Pinay

Pg 57-59

“At the present time one sees in our civilised world the admission of racial discrimination as the greatest sin into which man could fall. It is alleged to be a fault that leaves behind an eternal and ugly world of barbarity and animal nature, always presupposing that the Jewish people does not in practice commit this fault. Thanks to Jewish propaganda, which is controlled almost exclusively in the world by the Israelites (cinema, radio, press, television, publishing, etc.), anti-Semitism is the most disgraceful of all racial manifestations; for the Jews have made out of anti-Semitism a truly destructive weapon, which serves to nullify the efforts of countless persons and organisations who have clearly recognised who the real head of Communism is, in spite of the camouflage and cunning that this race uses to conceal its true activity. Particularly such persons and organizations that have tried to sound the alarm, since they were filled with horror at the fatal end which draws nearer and nearer.

This network of lies is so successful that the majority of anti-Communists who wish to make an end of the Marxist monster, direct their energetic and courageous attacks against the tentacles of the octopus and know nothing of the existence of the terrible head which renews the destroyed limbs, conducts its movements and brings the activities in all parts of its system into harmony. The sole possibility or destroying the Communist Socialism of Marx consists in attacking the head of the same, which at present is Jewry as the undeniable facts and irrefutable evidence of the Jews themselves allow to be discerned.

While the Christian lands are anti-racialist, because they build up their ideas on the concept of loving one’s neighbour, the Jews were and are at present the most fanatical representatives of racial discrimination, which they base on ideas from the Talmud, because they proceed from the principle that the non-Jew is not even a human being.

However, this Christian opposition to racial discrimination is very skilfully utilised by the Jews; and in the shadow of the same they weld their devilish intrigues against the Catholic Church and all Christian order, by their forming the Communist system, where there is neither God nor church nor supersensual norms of any kind. As soon as they are attacked, they protest with crying lamentation and show themselves as victims of inhuman racial discrimination, only for the purpose of crippling that work of defence which opposes their destructive attacks.

In spite of this, one can regard the real defence against Communism, which must be forcefully directed against the Jews (against the head), in no manner as a sinful manifestation of a feeling of revulsion towards a definite race; for the characteristic of racial discrimination is completely alien to our culture and our Christian principles; however, one cannot avoid a problem of such weight and range out of fear of being described as an “Antisemite”, which doubtless occurs with those who do not understand the present situation of the world.

Thus it is not a question of combating a race out of considerations of racial order. If one at present brings the problem under close inspection, the Jews alone must bear the responsibility of leaving us no other choice because of their racial discrimination in life and death, with their absolute disregard of all who are not of their race and with their greed for world domination.”

DOI56 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's the thing, most on the right actually care more about the environment by keeping their towns clean.

The leftist cities on the other hand...

It shows it's all virtue signaling with no action on the their part, they are lazy and want dopamine hits on social media telling them they are saving the planet without having to take responsibility over their own lives and cities.

(Not to go too deep into the left vs right false political dichotomy, but in general this seems to be the case).

DOI56 3 points ago +3 / -0

Quantum AI hacking into people's crypto wallets are what someone was concerned about in the Zerohedge comment section.

DOI56 3 points ago +3 / -0

The frustrating part is all the information has been out in public view for years but the sheep won't listen until they feel the pain of collapse.

Then they will all get mad at us, "why didn't you say anything!?"

From 2010 up on youtube:

The story of your enslavement pt1

The story of your enslavement pt2

"We avoid the pain of our enslavement because it is so painful to see it directly...we fear the attacks of our fellow livestock" (at the end of pt2)

DOI56 -2 points ago +2 / -4

Nuremberg was a Communist fraud

There are so many lies along with people who have gone to prison over this trying to get the truth out it's frustrating people still can't see why the same people doing this to us via the pharmaceutical system do not fear Nuremberg 2.0, because 1.0 wasn't real.

I wish society could see that many of us didn't come into this topic hoping all of this would be true because of blind hatred (prejudice).

It's a matter of realizing something went wrong (postjudice) and we investigated and found serious problems.

Anyone can deny 60 million Christians being massacred all they want, they can even deny the African slave trade existed (which would be rediculous because there's clear evidence, people would just laugh), but this one event has to have generations of brainwashing, Hollywood propaganda, with threats of force to keep people from investigating or even questioning it pubically, as the culprits control the media just as Solzhenitsyn said.

As they destroyed Russia with ethnic hatred towards Whites and Christians in 1917 they were also attacking Germany with the 1918 Communist Revolution, all funded by NY bankers in the US like Jacob Schiff, with NWO plan. The only thing Germany did wrong was not exterminate them all on the spot.

You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.

-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Now they have destroyed America, the very people who saved them.

by DrLeaks
DOI56 4 points ago +4 / -0

He might have been innocent, this is the book an anon author published saying he was.

"Read about the real Larry Hogan's reckless behavior straight from the experiences of his top advisor, fueled by Hogan's delusional, ego-driven aspirations for the White House and his thirst for money. How Hogan's desperate ambitions led to dangerous lies, treasonous threats against the U.S. government, endangering lives by distributing secretly faulty COVID-19 test kits, destroying public records, and not hesitating to hang his friend, Roy, out to dry when the political headwinds became too strong.

Filled with never-before-known details of the Hogan scandals, Betrayed offers a grippingly enlightening and cautionary tale of the perils of being among the few conservatives in radical, liberal Maryland and Larry Hogan's RINO-minded world."

  • Reviews

"After reading this thin book, after all the twists & turns, I am absolutely mortified at the extent of Immoral behavior, of our representatives in politics. The blowing of our tax paying monies & overall deceit involved , apparently in this situation, alone all the players are only interested in their advancement & careers, to hell with the rest, play along, or get what Roy Got, the least of which is the fall guy!"

"I was a Hogan appointee as well, although I do not know Roy McGrath and never had any communication with him. I also do not have any direct knowledge of the events described in this book. However, I find the allegations in this book entirely believable."

DOI56 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I thank God I'm still on the ever-narrowing path, it's truly scary how many are on the road to perdition.

I don't even care about warning who our enemies are anymore, people have a far greater threat than all the communist/talmudists/zionists/satan worshippers, and demons themselves put together:

The wrath of a Holy God we have all sinned against, as mankind declared we wanted to run this show ourselves and be our own gods.

The heavens declare the gospel, the birds, the animals, and most have accepted all of those gifts breathed out from God but rejected God Himself (John 3:19, the verdict against mankind).

I'm running to the Cross and pleading with those around me to read the Gospels and Romans while there's still time.

DOI56 6 points ago +6 / -0

Found in this book by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood.

Amazon - 180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You've Been Taught To Believe

Philosophers-stone has an interview about it on Bitchute, "This book is explosive"

SGT Report also interviewed him "elite pedo's run the world"

His research is very well done, I disagree with him on a few spiritual points as he seems to believe in reincarnation.

Tons of quotes, going back to false flags like the Lusitania to send us into WW1, one terrorist false flag after another. How the FBI/cia grooms people to commit acts for them, how the financial system is designed to enslave us... He lays out how mind control works (in the first chapter), how they hijack the language (using "anti" and "dis" to cause a negative emotion so people don't want to be labeled those things and avoid investigating).

Obviously, buy if you can, but here's the archive where that quote was found.

Lots of Mossad stuff the chapter prior but all the 9/11 stuff just upsets me all over again that it's been 22 years and we had all that proof and people wouldn't wake up. The archive link starts just after that stuff though.

The way he lays out quote after quote to back everything up is extremely well done, it's why I left the archive link so you can look at a few pages to see. There's got to be 500 quotes in there worth saving.

DOI56 7 points ago +7 / -0

This also helps to show normies it's not about blind racial prejudice.

Noticing patterns about Zionism and Bolshevism is simply POSTjudice, it's recognizing behavior and spreading awareness as defense as we are under attack.

Chris Langan 1

Chris Langan 2

Langan 3 - The bankers want to rule forever

Brother Augustine, an Ashkenazi turned Christian who exposes the cartel and their Freemasonic cult

Showing all of this has helped friends and family grasp much of this without causing the knee-jerk reactions. They need to see there are some Jews who agree with all this.

Another Jew who agreed with Kanye, Andrew Meyer, who warns about the Jewish Atheists and supremacists

Respectable Jews, I capitalize the J, urging any who haven't, to turn to Jesus while there's still time. The others j's (Rev 3:9) I'm going to expose until they kill me and then I'll rise again in glory with my King Jesus.

First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for judaism. – Bobby Fischer (Jewish whistleblower)

My basic thesis is that the jews are a criminal people, and the jews completely control the United States, and the jews are using the United States as a vehicle to take over the world. – Bobby Fischer

This is the proper middleground, IMO. It's not about blind hatred, it's postjudice and wanting to protect our family, friends, and neighbors

DOI56 0 points ago +3 / -3

The con man Sholam Weiss as well.

I don't think Trump was so much nefarious, I think people around him knew how to use his ego and desire to be praised against him.

That he would save the world with the vaccines, and that blacks and jews everywhere would love him if he pardoned those rappers and jewish criminals.

Also, that those in powerful places would hate him if he pardoned Assange.

It showed when he said he was upset with American jews ("must get their act together") for all he did for them and they seemed to still not respect him.

DOI56 3 points ago +3 / -0

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”

― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

DOI56 2 points ago +2 / -0

Before we had mass printing of books people like Cicero would memorize long writings and rhetorical treatises.

It's funny modern man thinks he's progressing forward just because of tech advances.

Mass printing of cheap books increased access information but we lost this skill for the most part of memorizing long sections like it was nothing in the past.

We also lost appreciation, and now often choose worthless dopamine hits instead.

by pkvi
DOI56 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's why I get annoyed with people trying to blame everything on the CCP.

The rot has been within for a long time.

DOI56 7 points ago +7 / -0

This was the last stand, and who knows how long we even really had freedom after 1776, especially with the White House being burned down in 1812, then the IRS and central bankers taking control in the 1860s, then even more control in 1913.

Mayer Rothschild was assembling his goons all the way back in 1773, with Weisaupt in 1776.

Andrew Jackson in the 1834...

Either way, I'm too poor to move, and there's nowhere else to go, and I honestly don't want to be anywhere on this planet and have started to pray a bomb falls on top of me sometimes. This is a purgatory of sorts, and I want to cross the finish line, not hold on tightly and try and keep this going.

I was a prepper for 15 years and stopped all of that last year, I don't care about surviving anymore.

I am excited about what I read in the Bible though, that's where all my hope is. And it's a lot more hope than anything I ever found chasing the stuff in this world that was all passing away and never really satisfied to begin with.

DOI56 3 points ago +4 / -1

They don't hide their role in China either, they just make it sound like they were the heroes saving China.

DOI56 5 points ago +6 / -1

Interesting pdf's, Shanghai being the Weimar of China.


This is crucial and should always be remembered by those interested in the truth: Imperial China fought the Jews and forbade the sale of their opium, whilst Republican China colluded with the Jews and expanded the sale of their opium. This simple fact should tell you all you need to know about Sun Yat-sen and the Republic of China (Taiwan).

During the war of China in the 1930s, the Japanese were ordered to leave the Jews unharmed. Jews were allowed to escape via Shanghai, which had had a significant Jewish presence and this was why it was so evil.

Shanghai was the Sin Capital of the East, on par with Berlin in Weimar Germany in the 1920s — a time and place entirely under Jewish control and thoroughly degraded by them. Like Berlin, Shanghai was a lawless city full of gangsters and prostitutes and drug dealers and their addicts and beggars and Jew homosexuals and carpetbaggers on the make.

The Japanese invasion and occupation of China precipitated the defeat of Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Government, as per the Jews' plan. Chiang's resistance to the Japanese was nonexistent and for the entire 15-year duration of the Japanese occupation, the Nationalists were credited with only 2 victories at Changsha and Guangxi."

DOI56 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree it's important to never rush in and assume it's a false flag, as they can try and set us up to look like monsters in the public eye if we deny a real tragedy.

Cognitive infiltration, suggesting the planes were holograms at 9/11 was probably one of them, set up and spread on alt media platforms to as bait to make us later look crazy.

DOI56 1 point ago +1 / -0

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, "You are mad; you are not like us."

-- Anthony the Great (251-356)

“The Church's foundation is unshakable and firm against the assaults of the raging sea. Waves lash at the Church but do not shatter it. Although the elements of this world constantly batter and crash against her, she offers the safest harbor of salvation for all in distress.”

– Ambrose of Milan (339-397)

"It is here that we see the dawn of hope: for no matter how formidably Communism bristles with tanks and rockets, no matter what successes it attains in seizing the planet, it is doomed never to vanquish Christianity."

-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"Indeed the mystery of Christ runs the risk of being disbelieved precisely because it is so incredibly wonderful."

-- Cyril of Alexandria (376-444)

“All who ask receive, those who seek find, and to those who knock it shall be opened. Therefore, let us knock at the beautiful garden of Scripture. It is fragrant, sweet, and blooming with various sounds of spiritual and divinely inspired birds. They sing all around our ears, capture our hearts, comfort the mourners, pacify the angry, and fill us with everlasting joy.”

-- John of Damascus (675-753)

...because there is nothing in the world better than birds!" ( Dostoyevsky's, "The Idiot")

"Pray to God for gladness. Be glad as children, as the birds of heaven. And let not the sin of men confound you in your doings. Fear not that it will wear away your work and hinder its being accomplished. Do not say, 'Sin is mighty, wickedness is mighty, evil environment is mighty, and we are lonely and helpless, and evil environment is wearing us away and hindering our good work from being done.' Fly from that dejection, children!"

-- Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

DOI56 10 points ago +11 / -1

Looking at that fro, nose, and talking about communism in tiktok screenname "laughingcommunist," it's probably the tranny in that video rubbing the hands.

Bolshevik tranny jews starting up their armed revolution and much of our side has been groomed into thinking we can't even openly talk about their larger goals and roots of their belief system, connections to the Talmud, hermetic-kabbalism (blending the sexes and races together), and of course 1917 Russia, 1918 and Weimar that followed.

They do this so slowly, over a 100+ year period, people end up completely demoralized and confused at what's happening when they begin to strike all at once from the government at the top down (Zionist bankers/media), and from the bottom up with the Bolshevik Antifa and tranny foot soldiers.

We are at war with the jews, this is their final global revolution.

DOI56 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe modernity and technocracy will fail and we will go back to seeing using the animal's body they no longer need as pretty normal and good. People raising their own food on small farms.

The key is respecting and loving the animals. Not putting them in cruel conditions as large corporations do.

There's nothing wrong with being vegan either though, each person is responsible for their own conscious.

DOI56 1 point ago +1 / -0

My path with psychedelics ended with demons trying to convince me I was god, similar to these accounts:

I Took Psychedelics as a Christian and the unthinkable happened

I Took Psychedelics as a Christian, What I Saw Shocked Me

Also see what happened to the Aztecs when they discovered DMT, they started mass sacrificing people to these beings:

To learn who they are (fallen divine council, aka "the gods" of paganism, and disembodied Nephilim), go through this short Spiritual Beings series.

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