Yawhey and the Trinity are 2 different beings. Did you know that?
The name of the Trinity isn’t Yawhey. It’s “I Am”.
Yawhey was just another ETi like Ra. He was represented as the golden calf and mount herob. Moses could not convince Hebrews to switch to “I am” worship so he lied and said Gods name is Yawhey.
Good afternoon Agent Smith.
The red stands for blood. What bloodline are they defending?
Anarchy is a system without rules.
They not only seek degenerates, they raise children to become degenerates in their own cult.
So if I recommend not using Rothschilds fiat system I’m suddenly a Marxist?
Is that you Rothschild?
Communism is a system where all money is taxed at 100%, the Government who taxes is keeps 90% and hands out the rest to the People.
My system doesn't use money or government.
People have never controlled Government. They can't as parasites always end up in the government and use it to steal your wealth.
Lol no thanks Rabbi.
Oh if we can rig it anyway we want I’ll just go in there and rig it so all the money flows to my account.
We need to spark the flames ourselves. I have already bartered over 5 times. Didn’t cost me a dime and I got what I wanted. It’s worth pushing it.
Yes, they do also entertain the People for MONEY.
The future humans will entertain the people just for the sake of all of us being entertained.
I never heard of the NAP but I have not seen any other form of economy other than Fiat in my life happen in real life except for bartering which I instigated a few times myself. Both parties saved money and we both got what we wanted. The money we saved when to the bills.
Hello Agent Smith.
The fiat system is dying out so he made a system that enslaved us even harder since there is no cash alternative.
It was created in the 1980s. Don’t believe the fake news.
The convenience isn’t worth being scammed, fleeced and enslaved by the Rothschilds for the rest of my life.
They just scribble up whatever graph to fool the goyim.
Whoever posted this lie is trying to manipulate you.
Can loses value. Gold has held strong for thousands of years.
Welcome. Agent Smith.
They made digital currency in the 80s. They have been testing and refining it since.
If you hold gold in your hand, you control it. Nobody else.
Welcome, Agent Smith.
Not only that, they couldn't help but advertise it on TV on many occassions which would never happen if they were opposed to it. They even have some public figures promoting it now.
Biblical Trinity God.
Technically we are all responsible but for example the commies are brainwashing with media however it’s our responsibility to not watch TV. Ultimately our salvation is in our hands.