LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

You say Christianity and 10 commandments are a psyop?

LightBringerFlex 0 points ago +1 / -1

I would have never believed it 10 years ago but today I study all the ETI and am convinced they are real.

LightBringerFlex 0 points ago +1 / -1

You honestly expected Trump to release the truth on jfk? He’s deep state too. He would never do it.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +2 / -1

Bigfoot is a species older than humans but similar to our DNA. They are also very moral, intelligent and spiritual. Believe it or not, they believe Jesus is the Christ.

The reason they hide in the woods is because the deep state set out a genocide in them long ago and tricked humans into hunting them not realizing they are our big brothers.

The California forest fires the deep state set are usually to smoke out Bigfoot. Bigfoot has a 3 mile mental radius that can detect others so rhey are hard to capture which is why they resorted to burning down the woods.

Bigfoot used to war with Reptilians in ancient times where they would rip their heads off to kill them. They have a long term issue with reptilians that goes back to ancient times.

Nowadays Bigfoot want to unite with humans to work together to save Earth before we have another cataclysm.

Bigfoot worked with local Native Americans to send a message to humanity explaining what’s really going on with the deep state and spirituality called “Sasquatch message to humanity”. They also mention a lot of spiritual truths and UFO info inside.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gold a silver have the highest frequencies in metal.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh, I say just don’t pay or spend time filing any paperwork. Don’t play their game.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Humans are considered now getting out of the toddler age as a species which can make it easy for negative ETI to fool us but it also forces us to wake up to escape the suffering.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

It shoots a signal to the moon whose computers are falling apart atm which is good. That shoots a signal to the 5G towers which are more amplified than previous 4G towers to make up for the dying computer and the frequency rising of humanity. Then the 5G towers shoot a signal to WiFi so using a WiFi cage (check online) to reduce the signal helps a lot. Tinnititus might be one of the side effects.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those are tribal feathers dumb ass. Annunaki logo feathers are usually stretched out like the Nazis had it or circular like Roman Empire feathers.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nazis, Roman Empire, Bentley and many others all have feather logos. Annunaki are evolved from birds and used to be good until their royals foolishly accepted a business offer from the dark side and they corrupted them.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

The real vampires are reptilians and that is what he was. Hybrid reptilian. RH- bloodline. Khazar.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reptilians stem from the raptor who survived extinction.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let us agree to disagree Agent Smith.

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